Forecasting Production of Food grain Using ARIMA Model and Its Requirement in Bangladesh


Lasker Ershad Ali,Masudul Islam,Md. Rashed Kabir ,Faruque Ahmed ,



forecast,food grain ,production,ARIMA model,


We forecast the food grain requirement and its production in Bangladesh. Before forecasting, we examine different methods and find time series model i.e. ARIMA model in different order predict accurate values. Then we used autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models to forecast the future amount of food grain in different years in this study. For the accuracy checking, we take the difference between the actual amount of food grain in a specific year and the predicted or the forecasting amount of the food grain in that year.


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Lasker Ershad Ali, Masudul Islam, Md. Rashed Kabir ,Faruque Ahmed View Download