
P. Pramod Kumar,K Sagar,




4G network,heterogeneous networks,handover decision,combination algorithms,


Everyone around the globe would like to be linked flawlessly anytime, anywhere through the best network. The 4G network must have the capability to offer high information move rates, a premium of services and also smooth movement. In 4G, there is a sizable range of heterogeneous networks. The users for a variety of treatments would like to use different networks on the manner of their desires like a living, higher schedule and higher transmission capacity. When relationships need to shift in between various systems for performance as well as more top accessibility causes, the seamless vertical handoff is essential. To provide a systematic comparison, lately released VHD formulas have been categorized right into four significant classes depending upon the vital handover decision standard made use of, i.e. RSS located protocols, bandwidth located methods, cost feature-based algorithms, as well as the combination algorithms.


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