Alok Srivastava,Dr Rajeev Ratan,DOI NO:
Flag Com,Energy consumption, Markovmodel,Tabu search,Abstract
Mobile communication has become all pervasive in the present day scenario and has gained ubiquitous importance in everyday life. The radio spectrum, which form foundation of mobile communication is a physically limited resources, and is already reaching the threshold of saturation. Co-Operative communication is expected to be the next big change in mobile communication systems. The radio spectrum scarcity, which is prescribed to be reality sooner than we may realize, needs immediate addressing and cooperative communication provides hope of offering solution towards resolution. While looking at radio spectrum scarcity co-operative communication is a hope to resolve this problem. There are however, lot of issues like security, energy consumption, instability of nodes etc, which should be resolved before execution of co-operative communication. In this paper we suggest a protocol Flag-com, which may take care of all these issues. This protocol has been designed in such a way that the major portion of packet processing is done only on source and destination node. This will resolve not only security issue but will also reduce consumption of power at the relay nodes. It will also keep a tab on the movement of relay nodes so that proactive measures like searching and selection of new relay nodes can be done before the relay node moves out of the range. Path selection is another major issue in co-operative communication. Since the transmitted power from any node is very low so effect any type of attenuation will affect the communication. Attenuation in a wireless or mobile network can be divided in two parts (i) attenuation due to nature (ii) attenuation due to interference. Attenuation due to nature cannot be reduced. In this paper we have dealt with both, Markov model has been used to predict the effect of nature on transmitted data packets and tabu search is used to find the path having lowest interference.Refference:
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Alok Srivastava, Dr Rajeev Ratan View Download