Factors Influence Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Software Organization: An Empirical Analysis


J.N.G. Sreenivas,Kalpana koneru,P. Lakshmi Narayanamma,




Organizational citizenship behavior,Team commitment,self-concept,organizational effectiveness,Motivation,Job satisfaction,


Organizational citizenship is unrestricted behavior that is not part of an employee’s normal requirements from the employers but that nevertheless improves the effective functioning of the organization. The employees who are loyal to the organization and perform duties apart from their normal work duties are termed such behavior as organizational citizenship behavior. It is found from the literature that a significant support and evidences are found to elaborate a rational relational relationship between self-concept, human resource policies, and team commitment and with organizational citizenship behavior. Many institutions conduct various Green HR Practices programs for understanding its effect and influence on employee organization commitment strategically. Therefore the factors which are having more impact on the workplace readiness to employee organizational citizenship Behaviour (OCB) are Increased Saving and Change commitment. The relevant hypothesis have been developed and further tested on these relationships and conducted in order to investigate its impact on organizational citizenship behavior.


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