Evaluation of Optimal Edge Detection Operator for Localization of License Plate of Vehicles with Different Orientations


ArbabWaseem Abbas,Khalid Saeed,Safdar Nawaz Khan Marwat,Sahibzada AbdurRehmanAbid,Muhammad Akbar Ali Khan,Sadiq Shah,




Edge Detection Operators, License Plate Localization,Boundary Line Based Extraction.,


The research conducted in this paper proposes the digital image processing approach for localization of license plate from entire image of vehicle with different angles and evaluation of the best edge detection operator in extraction of license plate. The license plate localization has vast applications in system automation, recognition and security. In this research, firstly database is developed by capturing/collecting images of 50 vehicle with different angles. Secondly in proposed technique, different edge detection operators i.e. Sobel, Roberts, Prewitt and Canny have been applied in boundary line based extraction. Thirdly results are evaluated, which showed that in proposed model Sobel operator outperforms other edge detection operators in localization of license plate and revealed the experimental results of Sobel 90%, Prewitt 85%, Roberts 40% and Canny 10% for 50images.


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ArbabWaseem Abbas, Khalid Saeed, Safdar Nawaz Khan Marwat, Sahibzada AbdurRehmanAbid, Muhammad Akbar Ali Khan, Sadiq Shah View Download