
Hamayun Khan,Anila Yasmeen,Sadeeq Jan,Usman Hashmi,Sheeraz Ahmed,M.Yousaf Ali khan,Irfan-ud-din,




Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling,Dynamic Power Management,Dynamic Thermal Management,Earliest Deadline First,Least Laxity First,


The criteria to judge the capacity of computational systems is changing with the advancement in technology. Earlier, they were judged only on the basis of computational capacity but now a day, power and energy optimization is one of the key parameters fortheir selection. The purpose of energy optimization is to prolong the battery life of all the battery operated devices especially in embedded systems. An Offline Scheduling Algorithm technique is proposed that migrate task load to the core that has less thermal values in response to a threshold temperature this technique also considers other thermal problems which affect the power, reliability and performance of multi-core system. Hardware technique on their own is insufficient so it must be combined with other software techniques to decide when and where optimization policies are applied to minimum energy consumption. This paper focusesonmost popular optimization techniques Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS), Dynamic Power Management (DPM) and Dynamic Thermal Management (DTM) and their extensions. The paper also includes the thermal issues which are raised due to high temperature in multicore platforms.It also highlights that how energy efficient techniques can be used beyond simple energy saving The simulation results shows that the proposed technique reduces almost 4.3℃ temperatures at 17% utilization and the energy utilization is 364.58 J which is 4.14 % improved as compare to the global EDF Scheduling technique used previously.


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