Shahad Qassim Hadi,Mushtaq Ahmed Ali,DOI NO:
Energy-Efficient,The hybrid approach,IOT,Deep Sleep Mode,Esp32,Alzheimer’s disease,Abstract
Power efficiency is a critical consideration in the design of wearable IoT devices, particularly in applications requiring continuous monitoring, such as systems for Alzheimer's patient care. The proposed system employs a hybrid approach to reduce power consumption by combining hardware and software optimization techniques. Regarding hardware, selected low-power, compact components, including the ESP32 microcontroller, the Max30102 sensor, and GPS. These components were chosen not only for their minimal energy requirements but also for their small size, which enhances the wearability and comfort of the device for extended periods. On the software side, we implemented power management strategies through the deep sleep mode of the ESP32 microcontroller, which significantly reduces power consumption by placing the device in a near-off state, with only a single GPIO pin remaining active to control peripheral power. By selectively powering down sensors during inactive periods, we effectively decrease the device's energy usage, thereby extending battery life. The combined hardware-software approach yielded substantial improvements in power efficiency. Based on the calculations, using a 350 mAh battery, a 30-second active period, and a 5-minute deep sleep interval, achieved an average current draw of approximately 9.16 mA, resulting in a battery life of around 38.2 hours. Compared to previous work in the field, this is a huge improvement. This optimized design allowed to development of a lightweight, wearable prototype capable of monitoring vital signs, tracking patient location, and providing medication reminders. Data is transmitted to the cloud, enabling caregivers to monitor the health metrics of patients in real-time remotely. By integrating hardware and software optimizations, our IoT solution offers a sustainable, practical means of improving both patient safety and quality of life while alleviating the caregiving burden through efficient, long-lasting wearable technology.Refference:
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