Dheyaa A. Khalaf,Karima E. Amori,Firas M.Tuaimah,DOI NO:
Magnetic field, ,solar collector,solar collecto,Solar energy,Ferrfluid, Nano Particles,Nanofluid Properties,Nanofluid,Abstract
In this work, the effect of electromagnetic field on natural fluid flow within the absorbent tube in the parabolic solar collector was numerical investigated.Where a solar collector with parabolic reflector was used. Water was used in the first and the flow was free as the results showed high efficiency of the device. Then a magnetic iron oxide (Fe3O4) nanoparticle was added to make the fluid subject to influence in the electromagnetic field, where three concentrations (0.9%, 0.5%, and 0.3%) were used to study the effect of magnetic flux on each concentration and to make a comparison. The results showed a slight effect of the electromagnetic field in the case of water use, as the efficiency of the solar collector improved by (8.8%) in the case of using the concentration (0.9%) and an electromagnetic overflow (7970 Gauss).Refference:
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