Shahab Ahmad,Fahad Ullah Zafar,Muhammad Noman,DOI NO:
Electrical Performance,Degradation modes,PV Reliability,Visual Inspection,PV modules,Abstract
Degradation of on-field PV modules is inevitable but a normal process; however, it is a challenging task to explore the causes behind it. Manufacturers and researchers, to know the causes of degradation, employ both destructive and non-destructive procedures. In this study, nine different PV modules from three different manufacturers have been taken and their electrical output data, over several days, has been collected. The electrical parameters of PV modules are compared with the nameplate data to analyze the average yearly degradation in the electrical performance. Moreover, using visual inspection different degradation modes are identified. Finally, it is concluded that environment is not the only factor but the material used and the processing techniques employed by manufacturers are equally responsible for degradation in the output efficiency of PV modules.Refference:
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