
Geeta Mahadeo Ambildhuke,Nandula Anuradha,Anitha Vemulapalli,




Artificial Intelligence,industrial AI,sustainability,


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is poised to disrupt our world. Along with smart equipment making it possible for high-level cognitive processes like thinking, regarding, knowing, problem-solving as well as decision making, paired along with breakthroughs in data collection as well as aggregation, analytics as well as computer system processing energy, Artificial Intelligence shows opportunities to enhance as well as individual supplement intellect as well as enrich the method folks stay and function. To market sustainability, wise creation calls for a global point of view of smart manufacturing function technology. In this regard, due to demanding study efforts in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), a variety of AI-based approaches, such as machine learning, have been set up in the industry to obtain lasting manufacturing. This paper provides efficiency of data technologies that are driving the current surge in artificial intelligence.


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