Effects of very thin CdS window layer on CdTe solar cell


Koushik Sarkar,Seerin Jahan,Bhaskar Dutta,Sreelekha Chatterjee,Souvik Gain,Sreyashi Ghosh,






The work is based on the simulation fabrication of a CdS/CdTe thin film solar cell where the benefits and limitations of very thin window (CdS) layer have been investigated. The comparison between with and without pinhole effects for various CdS thicknesses have been analysed. We used highly resistive ZnO layer to overcome the pinhole problem that we had to face due to the consideration of very thin CdS layer to enhance the short circuit current (ISC) and open circuit voltage (VOC) as well. In this paper, the work is mainly concerned on the degradation of the performance of the solar cell due to pinhole effect and its remedy to enhance the efficiency of the cell. . It has been noticed that, the inclusion of a ZnO layer has positive effect on the performance of cell. For very thin CdS layer(50 nm), we observed a poor efficiency of the cell (8.48%) due to pinhole effect. But after insertion of the ZnO layer we recovered the efficiency (19.64%) and overall performance of the cell appreciably.


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Koushik Sarkar, Seerin Jahan, Bhaskar Dutta, Sreelekha Chatterjee Souvik Gain, Sreyashi Ghosh View Download