Bhasker Dappuri,Suman Mishra,N. Lakshmi Devi,DOI NO:
Magnetic resonance imaging,Brain tumor,Thresholding,Fuzzy C-means,K-means,Hybrid clustering,Abstract
Segmentation of MR brain image is quite useful in detection of tumors and further diagnosis. However, precise segmentation of tumors plays a significant role in diagnosing the patient more effectively. Previously, there are plenty of approaches was implemented and however they were failed to detect the exact tumor which led to the failure diagnosis. Therefore, an accurate detection of tumor is required for effective diagnosis. Here, this article presented an efficient segmentation of MR brain image tumors. Our approach includes a hybrid clustering mechanism with pre-processed by savitzky-golay filter (SGF). In addition, tumor area also estimated for better diagnosis of patient. Simulation results disclosed the superiority of proposed hybrid approach over conventional segmentation algorithms in terms of computational complexity and segmentation accuracy.Refference:
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Bhasker Dappuri et al
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