Fida Hussain Jamali,Saifullah Samo,Intizar Ali Tunio,Abdul Fatah Abbasi,Qadir Bakhsh Jamali,DOI NO:
Dynamics Analysis,Engine Crankshaft,Finite Element Analysis,Fatigue Life,Stress Distribution,Deformation Distribution,Abstract
For many years, engines have been one of the main power machinery of different kinds of applications, and the main part of power machinery is a crankshaft that converts the piston's reciprocating displacement with four-link mechanisms into rotary motion. . The major limitation of the engine crankshaft is fatigue failure due to repeated load caused by bending and torsional load. In this paper, the comparative dynamics structural analysis was carried out for three different materials such as forged steel, cast iron, and chromium-molybdenum steel with different angles of turns of cranks from 0° to 720° and to predict the stresses, deformation, and fatigue life of crankshaft without compromising its weight, strength and reliability. The 3D CAD model was simulated with FEA software. The simulated results show that by applying bending load and torsional load for three materials, the maximum stresses produced in the fillet area of the main bearing journal and in the fillet area of the crankpin journal at a crank angle of 360° respectively. The deformation results revealed that maximum deformation occurs at the mid-surface of the crankpin. From fatigue life prediction it was observed that forged steel and chromium-molybdenum steel shows better fatigue life as compared to cast iron. Moreover, in the comparative study, it was concluded that chromium-molybdenum steel shows fewer stresses and better fatigue life. Therefore it is suggested that chromium-molybdenum steel would be the better option for manufacturing crankshaft.Refference:
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