Development of Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan using SWOT Model


Ehsan Oveisi,Mohammad Barikani,



Waterresources management,strategic analysis,SWOT matrix,and brainstorming,


In strategic management it is necessary to step forward with a strategic approach. One of the important steps in using water resources strategies is to determine and formulate them; there are different methods and models for this purpose, each of which has a specific concept and insight, and the technique and instructions specially follows. Among them, the SWOT matrix that evaluates the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and system threats is more common and popular. Therefore, in the present study, for the purpose of strategic management of water resources, using the SWOT strategy development method, we will develop appropriate strategies. In this regard, the use of Hurricane method, which is one of the group decision making methods, has been used to extract SWOT matrix factors and then, by examining the importance factor and rank of these factors, using the quantitative strategy planning matrix of the well-known superior strategies group and its strategies will be extracted. In this research, in order to extract strategies for water resources management, a SWOT strategy has been used. Using a quantitative strategy planning matrix, the best group of strategies is selected by examining the internal and external factors affecting the four groups of watersheds. Slowly To this end, at first weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats have been extracted by experts and experts in the water area, as well as a review of the studies in that area, the method of storm and group decision making, and then the coefficient of importance and rank of each One of the factors was determined in the assessment matrix. According to the results, the weaknesses overcome the strengths and also water resources are more threatened than opportunities. Hence, strategies of the WT group (defensive strategies) were identified as selected strategies in this way, which allows them to achieve the goals and prospects of water resources.


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Ehsan Oveisi, Mohammad Barikani View Download