Muhammad Waqar Aziz,Maha Maqbool Sethi,Ali Sayyed,Kifayat Ullah,DOI NO:
Smart Mirror,Depression,Cognitive Behavior Therapy,Convolution Neural Network,Internet of Things ,Abstract
Health is a precious gift from God. Both physical and mental health is equally important for living a quality life. Negligence towards mental health creates a lot of serious health problems affecting both physical health and society. Mental health is associated with better performance, high efficiency, and lesser work environment mishaps. Internet of Things technologies can possibly create smart products that can react to human needs and improve the quality of life and can make traditional environments more favorable and intelligent. One such internet of things solution is the design and development of smart mirrors. The opportunity to apply smart technology to healthcare to foresee and to monitor aspects of mental health is a natural but mostly underdeveloped idea. Although several smart mirror solutions have been proposed for different purposes, it has not been developed for the treatment of depression. We believe that smart mirrors involving a combination of hardware and software could identify depression as well as offer feedback for corrective measures and remedial activities. This paper examines the potential use of a smart mirror in healthcare and examines how this technology might benefit users in resolving depression. We present the design and development of a smart mirror that can diagnose and provide digitized treatment to resolve depression. The developed mirror is tested on humans, and from the obtained results, it is concluded that the developed mirror is more accurate and inexpensive as compared to existing smart mirrors.Refference:
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