Complexity Based Approach for Architecture Evaluation


Maushumi Lahon,Uzzal Sharma,



CBSD,Architecture evaluation,UML,Complexity,Metrics,


Architecture Evaluation is a means to reduce risk and save cost. It holds the key to success of the system being developed. Various evaluation methods exist which have specific objectives and basis and all contribute to enhance product quality. In this paper a Complexity UML Based Architecture Evaluation (CUBAE) approach is proposed to evaluate the architecture of a system built using CBSD approach. . The proposed approach estimates the complexity of the architecture from the UML representation of different views of the architecture. Earlier works on complexity measures of UML representations found in literature are used along with proposed measures for complexity calculation. This complexity measure may be used to assess and compare architecture representing the same system along with other measures like modifiability and different quality attributes used for evaluating the architecture.


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Author(s): Maushumi Lahon, Uzzal Sharma View Download