
Sajjad Ali,Raza Mehdi,Syed Mohammad Noman,



CO Concentration,Karachi Metropolis,Air Quality Index,Trafficrelated air Pollution,


The concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) gas was measured at different traffic stressed areas. This study aims to find out the air quality CO concentration in the city of Karachi, Pakistan from 2002 to 2018. More than 300 sites were observed in the year 2002 and 2018. Those observations were segregated with respect of type of the day, time of the day and, at different elevations. Type of the day is then categories on weekdays and weekends. Time of the day considered as morning, afternoon and, evening. Elevations of observation were taken as 3.0 feet and 4.5 feet above the ground. A CO Index was also checked for every combination. Geographic Information System (GIS) maps were also crafted for every combination of days, times and, heights to visualize the situation. At, 3.0 feet height for both cases of working and weekdays it is observed that CO concentration is nearly half of that of 2002. At the elevation of 4.5 feet it is also going down but about 10% as compared to 2002. Even after having a decrement trend the area under study is unhealthy for living. CO concentration was then predicted for years 2020, 2022 and 2025. Even have a decrement trend, the living condition was not good for any of the projected year for time of the day and type of the day. The main reason for having a decrement pattern is changing fuel type and removal of old carriage buses.


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