
Pooja Kaushik,Deepak Gupta,Sonia Goel,



Makespan,Trapezoidal Fuzzy Number (TrFN),Flow shop scheduling (FSS),Yager’s Ranking Formula,Transportation technique,


A flow shop is a workspace where machines, which could be humans or machines perform a range of tasks. It involves figuring out how to arrange several jobs in the most effective way possible. In the manufacturing sector, production scheduling is essential for several reasons, including lower product costs, higher productivity, customer happiness, and competitiveness. To adequately satisfy consumer needs and meet product demand, proper scheduling offers and promotes the proper usage of criteria such as available commodities, labour, and machines. This study illustrates the general algorithm and methodology comparison using fuzzy numbers, which is beneficial in figuring out the order of tasks. The aim is to provide the best way to minimize the makespan required to distribute shared resources over time to finish competing tasks. Furthermore, the machine processing times are not fixed; rather, they are interpreted as trapezoidal fuzzy numbers (TrFN). First, during the initial step, three parallel equipotential machines are taken and one machine is in the subsequent phase. Three parallel equipotential machines are taken initially and a single machine in the subsequent phase. Then a comparative study between branch and bound and heuristic methods like CDS (Campbell, Dudek, and Smith) and NEH (Nawaz, Enscore, and Ham) is done.


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