Sabitabrata Dey,DOI NO:
Racetrack resonator,Mason’s gain formula,free spectral range,Vernier principle,Resonance loss,Group delay,Dispersion,Abstract
Optical double racetrack resonator (ODRR) and optical quadruple racetrack resonator (OQRR) made of Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) with their effective refractive indices changing with respect to frequency have been analyzed for obtaining optical filter with wider ranges of free spectral range (FSR). FSR expansion is based on the Vernier principle. Delay line signal processing in Z- domain and Mason’s gain formula is being used for analyzing these ODRR and OQRR. A free spectral range of 4.87THz is obtained for the drop port. Further, the change in the dimensions of the racetrack resonators produced an enhanced FSR of 5.77THz for ODRR. Combining both this model of ODRR we obtained an OQRR model that produces FSR as much as 6.86THz. Apart from obtaining wider FSR, this architecture exhibits interstitial spurious transmission of almost -50dB with negligible resonance loss. Group delay, dispersion characteristics, and finesse have also been determined for the architecture.Refference:
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