Fernando Sernaqué,Wilver Auccahuasi,DOI NO:
FlocculantOrganic,Biosorption,Cadmium ,Lead,Abstract
In the present investigation, the efficiency of organic flocculants was evaluated in the biosorption of lead and cadmium in laboratory-level samples is evaluated, for which a standard solution of 1000 mg / l or ppm of Pb and Cd is prepared, which was the basis for the daughter solutions of 50 mg / l, 100 mg / l and 200 mg / l; respectively for each metal, for this work three concentrations were defined in case of Pb at 0.2, 0.5 and 1 mg / l and for cadmium at 0.05, 0.25, 0.5 mg / l. The was used as an instrument the jar test for the first treatment of the samples, considering constant the volume of 1L, while the concentration of the organic flocculant varied, it was carried out at 5 different doses for all the fruits (0.5 g, 1 g, 1.5 g, 2 g and 2.5 g), having as development for the test, first run (v1 = 250 RPM for 15 minutes), rest time 1 (tr1 = 5 minutes), second run (50 RPM for 5 minutes) , Final rest time (Trf = 30 minutes). It was determinedthat dose with the highest efficiency is presented with 2.5 g for each natural flocculant. After the sample was treated, it was taken to the heating plate, for which to 100 ml aliquot it was taken and 5ml of nitric acid was added, for the digestion of the sample at a temperature of 95 ° C, with an approximate time of 50 minutes, where it was observed that the volume has been reduced to 20 to 30 ml, then let it cool, to then use the atomic absorption spectrophotometer equipment. It was concluded that the organic flocculants in the removal of lead and cadmium have an efficiency of 28.37% to 88.33%, being the carambola which presented a 28.37% lower efficiency in the removal of lead while the orange, grape, cucumber, cocona and apples are fruits with greater efficiency in the treatment of lead, highlighting the efficiency of the apple with 88.33%. Also for cadmium fruits such as cocona, grapefruit, tangerine, cucumber and apple are those who presented a greater efficiency statistically, where stands out once again the apple with an efficiency of 83.83%, while the grape presented only a 41.93% lower efficiency in the removal of cadmiumRefference:
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