
Muhammad Sohaib Jamal,Samad Baseer,Iqtidar Ali,Farooq Faisal,



5G mmWave,Time Cluster,Spatial Channel Modelling,NYUSIM ,


Millimeter-wave is one of the keyenabling technologies in state-of-the-art mobile communication known as 5G to cope with the ever-increasing traffic demand mobile users, low latency requirements for mission-critical situations, and massive machine-type communication. 5G channel modeling has been a complex problem due to the utilization of unlicensed mmWave bands as they are extremely sensitive towards their surrounding environment because of their small wavelengths. This work comprises the analysis of several mmWave bands (28, 38, 60, and 73 GHz) in the NLOS scenario of the UMi environment considered in Single Input Single Output (SISO) system using an open-source simulator named NYUSIM. NYUSIM uses a Time cluster (TC) - spatial lobe approach to cluster any measured or Ray traced data. The simulator supports carrier frequency up to 100GHz while an RF bandwidth of 0 to 800MHz. It supports UMi, UMa, and RMa environments for both LOS and NLOS scenarios while different antenna characteristics can also be tuned to get the desired analysis. The results are produced in 3D characteristics graphs, text, and MATLAB based (mat) extension.


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