
Prabir Chandra Bhattacharyya,



Dimension of Numbers,Dynamics of Numbers,,Quadratic Equation,Rectangular Bhattacharra’s Coordinates,significance of roots of a Quadratic Equation,


In this paper, the author has opened a new horizon in the theory of quadratic equations. The author proved that the value of x which satisfies the quadratic equation cannot be the only criteria to designate as the root or roots of an equation. The author has developed a new mathematical concept of the dimension of a number. By introducing the concept of the dimension of number the author structured the general form of a quadratic equation into two forms: 1) Pure quadratic equation and 2) Pseudo quadratic equation. First of all the author defined the pure and pseudo quadratic equations. In the case of pure quadratic equation ax^2+bx+c=0 , the root of the equation will be a two-dimensional number having one root only while in the case of pseudo quadratic equation ax^2+bx+c=0, the root of the equation will be a one-dimensional number having two roots only. The author proved that all pseudo quadratic equation is factorizable but all factorizable quadratic equation is not a pseudo quadratic equation. The author begs to differ from the conventional theorem: "A quadratic equation has two and only two roots." By introducing the concept that any quadratic surd is a two-dimensional number, the author developed a new theorem: “In a quadratic equation with rational coefficients, irrational roots cannot occur in conjugate pairs” and proved it. Any form of quadratic equation ax^2+bx+c=0, can be solved by the application of the ‘Theory of Dynamics of Numbers’ even if the discriminant b^2-4ac<0 in real number only without introducing the concept of an imaginary number. Therefore, the question of imaginary roots does not arise in the method of solution of any quadratic equation


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II. Bhattacharyya, Prabir Chandra. : “A NOVEL CONCEPT IN THEORY OF QUADRATIC EQUATION”. J. Mech. Cont. & Math. Sci., Vol.-17, No.-3, March (2022) pp 41-63

III. Bhattacharyya, Prabir Chandra. : “AN INTRODUCTION TO RECTANGULAR BHATTACHARYYA’S CO-ORDINATES: A NEW CONCEPT”. J. Mech. Cont. & Math. Sci., Vol.-16, No.-11, November (2021). pp 76-86.

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