
L. Jaba Sheela,S. Kousalya,R. Abinaya,



CNN algorithm,RGB channel shifting,pornographic content,


In recent years, there is a striking surge in the availability of porn images and other such sensitive content on the Internet.  Filtering of image porn has become one of the big challenges for searches; they are tied to finding methods to filter porn images and videos. Social media network is interested in filtering porn images from normal ones. The main objective of the proposed “Intelligent System to Prevent the Spreading of Sensitive Content Online” is to reduce the risk of harassment to a large extent by preventing anti-social elements from uploading such obscene content online. For attaining the ultimate goal, we will be using CNN algorithm to detect pornographic content. By RGB Channel Shifting, pixels of those pornographic contents will be corrupted in the device of the person trying to upload it on social media or internet. By using this “Intelligent System to Prevent the Spreading of Sensitive Content Online” we can prevent spreading of pornographic images/videos and thus avoid the harmful effects caused by these obscene practices.


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