An Efficient Statistical Feature Selection Based Classification


K. Laxmi Narayanamma,R. V. Krishnaiah,P. Sammulal,



American Cancer Society (ACS),Machine learning (ML),Feature selection (FS),Feature extraction (FE),pancreatic cancer (PC),


Initial identification about pancreatic cancer (PC) will be a very challenging task due to particular symptoms of cancer happens only at an advanced phase & a dependable screening device to detect high danger patients. To know this challenge, a new method for decreasing the features might have been developed, tested & trained with the use of the health information of 800,114 defendants caught in the “national health interview survey (NHIS)”& Pancreatic, Colorectal, Lung, & “PLCO (ovarian cancer)” datasets, together risk of cancer might have been evaluated at a distinct level by including 18 characteristics under the recommended. The recognized “hybrid feature selection method” attained a true positive rate of 87.3 & 80.7% a true negative rate 0.86 & 0.85 for the training and testing associates, individually.


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