Urooj Yousafzai,Muhammad Bakhsh,Abdus Salam,Sheeraz Ahmed,Asif Nawaz,Shahab Jan,Muhammad Aadil,DOI NO:
Mobile Accessibility Framework (MAF),WAVE (Web Accessibility Versatile Evaluator),Accessibility Checker (Achecker),Accessibility Evaluation of Mob Apps Flow (AMAF),Abstract
This research study presents the assessment of Pakistani Government Services (websites, mob apps, and mob web versions) for visually impaired users by using automated tools. The selected services are related to different categories of Pakistani Government Services having websites, mob apps, and mob web versions. This study uses four automated tools (Wave, Achecker, Web accessibility, and Accessibility Scanner) for assessment in which three tools are for websites and one tool for mob apps and their respective mob web version. Wave, Achecker, and Web accessibility tools are used for the assessment of websites while the Accessibility Scanner tool is used for the assessment of mob apps and their respective mob web versions. These tools apply the accessibility guidelines for websites, mob apps, and mob web versions of WCAG 2.0 and 2.1. After the assessment, the results showed that the majority of the services violate the guidelines of WCAG 2.0 and 2.1 which needs immediate attention of developers and services departments to avoid discrimination between normal users and people with impairments.Refference:
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