Abdullah S. Alotaibi,DOI NO:
Fingerprint,Combination,Protection,Minutiae,Privacy ,Abstract
Now a day’s fingerprint techniques are widely used in authentication systems, therefore its privacy protection becomes an important issue. Securing a stored fingerprint template is very important because once fingerprints are compromised, it cannot be easily revoked. So, we review here a new system for preserving fingerprint confidentiality. In this system, the fingerprint privacy is maintained by combining two special fingerprints keen on a original identity. In the enlistment phase, two fingerprints need aid taken from two different fingers. We acquire the minutiae positions about one fingerprint, the introduction from claiming another fingerprint, and the reference focuses starting with both fingerprints. In view of those gotten information, a joined minutiae format may be created Also saved previously, a database. In the Confirmation phase, we utilize the fingerprints of the same fingers that need aid at that point utilized within enlistment stage. For same 2 finger prints against a mutual minutiae template, a two-stage fingerprint matching process is used. By storing the combined minutiae template in the database, the complete minutiae characteristic of a single fingerprint will not be compromised when the database is stolen by the attackers. The joined minutiae format will be changed over under a real-look indistinguishable joined together finger impression by utilizing existing finger impression reproduction approach. These effects under another virtual character to those two different fingerprints.Refference:
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