A new model of the universe based on the transition along a straight line


Hassan fallah,




Big Bang,Modern cosmology theory,Inflation,Transition,


Cosmological observations show that the cosmos has almost flat space geometry and is located in a spatial expansion phase. The accelerated expansion of the cosmology has been proven by the observable data. In the framework of standard cosmology, such expansion requires the presence of an unknown dominant energy component called dark energy. Dark energy is responsible for the accelerated expansion of the cosmos and has anti-graphetic effects. The discovery of the nature of dark energy in modern cosmology and the physical theory in the past decade has been a major challenge. Despite the theoretical problems in recognizing dark energy, there are many very strong and independent observational reasons for its presence. In view of the existence of a parallel universe, infinity is bounded infinitely to the infinite direction of the sphere. In general, it can be concluded that the factor of momentum is the momentum moving in the dimension of space. Another result of the existence of parallel universes is the equivalence of the three dimensions of space, and not only from the far side, we can imagine a three dimensional object two dimensional, or even one-dimensional, or even a point, but in reality it is the same. A new model of the universe that justifies the transition of the entire cosmos along a straight line. This transition movement has begun since the start of the Big Bang and has continued along with the expansionary and infinite expansion of the universe. The straight line is the height of a cone to the inside of the x-axis and to move this transition inside this cone from the x-axis to its base.


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