Abdul Azeem,Shahid Bashir,Awais Khan,Sayed Sabir Shah,DOI NO:
Reflectarrays,gain,efficiency,unit cell,microwave,millimeter-wave,5G,Abstract
This paper presents the design of high gain and bandwidth reflectarray for 5G networks operating in Millimeter-wave (mmWave) at 28GHz and 38GHz. A polymer benzocylobutene (BCB) is used as substrate material having a dielectric constant of 2.65, and low tan δ ≤ 0.0008. The unit cell is optimized to achieve full phase reflection of 334o over the operating band. Enhanced gain, wider bandwidth and full phase reflection are achieved by making air holes in the substrate. A 15×15 elements reflectarray based on the optimized unit cell is designed to enhance the gain. The reflectarray is excited through horn feed having a gain of 15dB with a feeding distance of 165mm and 00 offsets. A gain of 23dB was observed at lower operating frequency (i.e 28GHz) and 25dB at upper operating frequency (i.e 38GHz)with a bandwidth of 2GHz at both operating frequencies.Refference:
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