U. Srilakshmi,Dr.Bandla Srinivasrao,DOI NO:
MANET,MAC Protocol,Cross layer,AODV,RDSR, LBP-AOMSV,LP-PCP,Abstract
Limitations of Wireless nodes are the battery power and storage capacity, while plotting a MANET, these are to be considered. By improvising battery life, the energy used by nodes shall be increased such that network is operational. To move data packets efficiently the network, MANET uses smallest Hop Count routing protocol. Most power is used by data transmission process. Key challenges in Ad Hoc networks are the recurring changes in network topology. Network topology changes happen due to motility and finite battery power of the mobile devices. Mostly links are not available in the network as depletion of power source may cause early unavailability of nodes. This paper discusses about the protocol that incorporates link failure prediction at network layer and Power Control Protocol at MAC layer to improve network performance. Performance enhancement in regards to total power transmission, energy regulation and consumption per node along with throughput of our proposed cross layer routing protocol is shown by simulation results when compared to AODV.Refference:
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U. Srilakshmi1, Dr. Bandla Srinivasrao View Download