A Comprehensive Analysis of Cyber Security Attacks in Virtual Organizations with their Mitigation Plans


Khalid Saeed,Rohi Tariq, Wajeeha Khalil,Sheeraz Ahmed,Malik Taimur Ali, Farrukh Hassan, M.Naeem Khan Khattak,




Virtual Organization,Vulnerabilities,Security Attacks,Security Issues,


Virtual Organization (VO) allows organizations to exchange and share resources among each other as well as they can work in collaboration. Within the VO the workers can be from different organizations and they can have different affiliation. VO offers a different model of communication among enterprises. The communication in VO is based on information and communication technology. The workers of VO communicate and perform activities using the cyber infrastructure. Since VO involves the use of cyber infrastructure which is vulnerable to different possible security attacks and these security attacks can have different consequences. This research identifies the possible vulnerabilities to VO, evaluates different security attacks as well as their consequences and mitigation plan. Moreover at the end there are some proposed guidelines to VO administrators and users to improve the security of VOs. This research paper is the extension of our previous research work.


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Khalid Saeed, Rohi Tariq, Wajeeha Khalil, Sheeraz Ahmed, Malik Taimur Ali, Farrukh Hassan, M.Naeem Khan Khattak View Download