A Comparative Study between New and Loyal Customer Complaint Behaviour in Context of Service Recovery Failures of Indian Banking Sector


Bandaru Srinivasa Rao,Nagendra Kumar Turaga,




Complaint Behaviour,Double Deviation,New and Loyal Customers,Banking Sector,


Banking is a dynamic sector and, as such, high-quality client service is invaluable for clients to grow and retain.The purpose of the study is to examine the differences in complaint behaviour in context of service recovery failure (Double Deviation) and its effect on complaint behaviour. 114 respondents of sample were selected by random sampling technique to obtain responses in form of well designed questionnaire.Results revealed that new customers are involving more in private actions and defection than the loyal customers in context of double deviation and all the three dimensions magnitude of service failure, recovery strategies, and satisfaction with service recovery have an effect on complaint behaviour. Further this paper consists of implications and future scope for researchers.


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