Nagaraju,Seetha Chaithanya,Hareesh Sita,D.V. Kiran,DOI NO:
SRM,BSRM,AMB,Radial force,Abstract
A variable speed motor is a switched reluctance motor (SRM) most widely used in many number of applications in industries. The major challenge in switched reluctance motor is production of high noise and vibrations due to its double salient design. For this bearingless switched reluctance motor (BSRM) is a feasible solution. It is an electromagnetic device combining conventional motor with active magnetic bearing. Currently, in caseofBSRMthe research have been fastened due to its simple and rugged construction, cost and fault tolerance as compared to conventional motors.This paper gives a comparative analysisonBSRMcomponents, its design considerations and different types of intelligent controllersareexplained in detail.Refference:
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