Journal Vol – 7 No -2, January 2013

Buckling of (2n+1) Layers Plywood Shell Under Two Way Compressions


Anukul De , Doyal Debnath



The object of this paper is to obtain all the stress resultants of an anisotropic (2n+1) layers plywood shell. The deferential equations of equilibrium of (2n+1) layers plywood shell under three simultaneous loads are obtained. The solution of the deferential equations for anisotropic (2n+1) layers plywood shell in case of two way compressions is obtained here. The stable region for a plywood shell in this case is obtained. Buckling diagram for five layers plywood shell and seven layers plywood shell are shown graphically as special cases.


an anisotropic layers,plywood shell, two way compressions,buckling diagram,


I. Cheng, S. and Ho, B.P.C. (1963): ‘Some problems in stability of heterogeneous aeolotropic cylindrical shells under combined loading’ AIAA Journal, vol. 1, no. 7, pp. 1603-1607.

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Some Characterizations of n-Distributive Lattices


M. Ayub Ali , R. M. HafiZur Rahaman, A. S. A. Noor , Jahanara Begum



In this paper, we have included several characterizations of n-distributive lattices. Also we have generalized the prime Separation Theorem for an n-annihilator nJI⊥= (where J is a non-empty finite subset of L) and characterized the n-distributive lattices.


distributive lattices ,annihilator, prime Separation Theorem,


I.Balasubramani P. and Venkatanarasimhan P. V., Characterizations of the 0- Distributive Lattices, Indian J. pure appl. Math. 32(3) 315-324, (2001).

II.Latif M . A. and Noor A. S. A., A generalization of Stone’s representation theorem . The Rajshahi University studies. (part B) 31(2003) 83-87.

III.Noor A. S. A. and Latif M. A., Finitely generated n-ideals of a lattice, SEA Bull .Math. 22(1998)72-79.

IV.Noor A. S. A. and Hafizur Rahman M., On largest congruence containing a convex sublattice as a class, The Rajshahi University studies. (part B) 26(1998)89-93.

V.Ayub Ali M., Noor A. S. A. and Podder S. R. n-distributive lattices, Submitted, Journal of Physical Sciences, Bidyasagar University, West Bengal, India.

VI. Powar Y.S.and Thakare N. K., 0-Distributive semilattices, Canad. Math. Bull. Vol.21(4) (1978), 469-475. 7) Varlet J. C., A generalization of the notion of pseudo-complementedness, Bull. Soc. Sci. Liege, 37(1968), 149-158.

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Forecasting Production of Food grain Using ARIMA Model and Its Requirement in Bangladesh


Lasker Ershad Ali, Masudul Islam, Md. Rashed Kabir , Faruque Ahmed



We forecast the food grain requirement and its production in Bangladesh. Before forecasting, we examine different methods and find time series model i.e. ARIMA model in different order predict accurate values. Then we used autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models to forecast the future amount of food grain in different years in this study. For the accuracy checking, we take the difference between the actual amount of food grain in a specific year and the predicted or the forecasting amount of the food grain in that year.


forecast,food grain ,production,ARIMA model,


I.Assis, K., Amran, A., Remali, Y. and Affendy, H. (2010). A comparison of univariate time series methods for forecasting cocoa bean prices. Trends Agric. Econ., 3, 207–215.

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Distributive Join – Semi Lattice


Shiuly Akhter , A.S.A. Noor



In this paper, we have studied some properties of ideals and filters of a join-semilattice. We have also introduced the notion of dual annihilator. We have discussed 1-distributive join-semilattice and given several characterizations of 1-distributive join-semilattices directed below. Finally we have included a generalization of prime separation theorem in terms of dual annihilators.


ideals,join-semilattice,1-distributive lattice ,dual annihilator,


I. Balasubramani, P. and Venkatanarasimhan, P. V., Characterizations of the 0-Distributive Lattice, Indian J. pure appl. Math. 32(3) 315-324, (2001).

II. Gratzer, G., Lattice Theory, First Concepts and Distributive Lattices, San Francisco W.H. Freeman, (1971).

III. Noor, A. S. A. and Talukder, M. R., Isomorphism theorem for standard ideals of a join semilattice directed below, Southeast Asian. Bull. Of Math. 32, 489-495 (2008).

IV. Pawar, Y.S.andThakare, N. K., 0-Distributive Semilattices, Canad. Math. Bull. Vol. 21(4), 469-475 (1978).

V. Talukder, M. R.andNoor,A. S. A., Standard ideals of a joinsemilatticedirected below. Southeast AsianBull. Of Math.22, 135-139 (1997).

VI. Talukder, M. R and Noor, A. S. A.,Modular ideals of a join semilattice directed below Southeast Asian Bull.of Math. 23, 18-37 (1998).

VII. Varlet, J. C., Distributive semilattices and Boolean Lattices, Bull. Soc. Roy. Liege, 41, 5-10 (1972).

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Box Pushing Using Hybrid ABC-NSGAII Algorithm


Sudipta Ghosh, Sudeshna Mukherjee , Gopal Pal



In this paper, we present a novel method of path optimization using box pushing method and implementing ABC algorithm in combination with NSGAII Algorithm to achieve optimization. Here, in this case a Multi-Objective Function Optimization is carried out using Bees Colony Optimization and NSGAII Algorithm.


boxpushing,ABC algorithm,NSGAII,BeesColonyOptimization,


I.Chakrabarty J., Konar A., Nagar A., Das S., “Rotation and translation selective Pareto optimal solution to the box-pushing problem by mobile robots using NSGA-II” IEEE CEC 2009

II. Karaboga Dervis, An Idea Based on Honey Bee Swarm for Numerical Optimization, Technical Report-TR06, October, 2005

III. Karaboga D., Basturk B., On the Performance of Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm, received in revised form 9 January 2007; accepted 30 May 2007

IV. Alatas Bilal, Chaotic Bee Colony Algorithm for Global Numerical Optimization

V. Deb K., Agarwal A. P. S., and Meyarivan T., “A fast and elitist multiobjective genetic Algorithm: NSGAII”

VI. Kube C. R., and Zhang H., “The use of perceptual cues in multi-robot box pushing,” in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1996, vol. 3, pp. 2085-2090

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VIII.Chakraborty J., Konar A., Nagar A., Tawfik H., “A multi-objective Pareto-optimal solution to the box-pushing problem by mobile robots,” Second UKSIM European Symposium on Computer Modeling and Simulation, pp.70-75, 2008.

IX. Mataric M. J., Nilsson M., and Simsarian K. T., “Cooperative multirobot box-pushing,”In IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 1995, vol. 3, pp.556-561.

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On Semi Prime Ideals in Lattices


R. M. Hafizur Rahman, M. Ayub Ali , A. S. A. Noor



Recently Yehuda Rav has given the concept of Semi-prime ideals in a general lattice by generalizing the notion of 0-distributive lattices. In this paper we study several properties of these ideals and include some of their characterizations. We give some results regarding maximal filters and include a number of Separation properties in a general lattice with respect to the annihilator ideals containing a semi-prime ideal.


semi-prime ideals,0-distributive lattices,annihilator ideals,


I. Balasubramani P. and Venkatanarasimhan P.V., Characterizations of the 0-Distributive Lattices, Indian J. pure appl.Math. 32(3) 315-324, (2001).

II. Powar Y.S. and Thakare N. K., 0-Distributive semilattices, Canad. Math. Bull. Vol.21(4) (1978), 469-475.

III. Rav Y., Semi prime ideals in general lattices, Journal of pure and Applied Algebra, 56(1989) 105- 118.

IV. Varlet J. C., A generalization of the notion of pseudo-complementedness, Bull. Soc. Sci. Liege, 37(1968), 149-158.

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