Journal Vol – 3 No -1, June 2008

Propagation Of Waves In A Microstretch Elastic Solid Layer


D.P.Acharya, Chaitali Maji



  • Starting from the fundamental equations of motion for liner homogeneous isotropic microstretch elastic solid media, two dimensional wave propagation in a microstretch layer has been investigated in this paper. Under suitable boundary conditions concerned frequency equations involving a eighth order determinant has been obtained. Expressing the determinant as a product of two fourth order determinants, several possibilities and the corresponding wave velocities have been found out in closed forms. Two interesting particular cases when the large of the wave is very small or large relative to the thickness of the layer have been discussed. Graphs have been drawn to highlight the effect of microstretch and micropolarty in the propagation of waves. It is found that the wave velocity increases with the increase of the microelastic parameter while the stretch character of the medium causes diminution of the wave velocity.


microstretch layer ,wave propagation ,micropolarity,wave velocity,


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Iterative Solution For Pulsatile Flow Of Blood Through An Artery


A.K. Maity



The effect of magnetic field on pulsatile flow of blood through an artery is considered treating blood be a suspension of small uniformly sizes spherical particles. Following an iterative scheme, the solution with three significant correction terms over the classical solution is obtained. The numerical computation of velocities (of the suspension and the particles) for varying radial coordinates and the wall shear strees for varying time are carrid out, graphed and discussed.


pulsalite flow of blood,spherical particle ,shear stress, artery ,


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On Bitopological Spaces


Ajoy Mukherjee, Arup Roy Choudhury, M.K. Bose



In this paper, we introduce weakly pairwise regular spaces and considering a weakly pairwise regular spaces, we prove a theorems on pairwise paracompactness as analogue of Michael's characterized of paracompactness of regular spaces.


Regular space,Pairwise regular space,Paraconpactness,


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MHD Flow And Heat Transfer Of Micropolar Visco-Elastic Fluid Between Two Parallel Porous Plates With Time Varying Suction


N.T.M. Eldabe, Mona A.A. Mohamed , Mohamed A. Hagag



Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow and transfer of an incompressible electrically conducting micropolar visco-elastic fluid between two infinite parallel horizontal non conducting plates is studied taking into consideration the action of a transverse magnetic flied that is perpendicular to the plates. The two plates are kept at different but constant temperatures. The solutions of equations which governing the flow are obtained by using perturbation technique equations and finite difference approximation. The effects of various physical parameters acting on the problem are discussed and graphical representation for the velocity, angular velocity, the induced magnetic field and temperature are also given.


MHD flow ,heat transfer ,micropolar Visco-elastic fluid ,plates,


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Nirmalya Kr. Bhattacharyya



The paper is concerned with the radial vibration of a spherial shell whose young's modulus is a function of the radial distance from the sphere and the poisson's ratio is taken to be constant. The frequency equations for the period of vibration has been determined by perturbation method considering the vibration parameters to be small.


spherical shell,radial vibration,period of vibration,


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D. P. Acharya, Indrajit Roy, H. S. Chakraborty



The aim of the present paper is to investigate the propagation of waves in a magneto­visco-elastic initially stressed electrically conducting plate of finite thickness involving time rate of strain and stress of higher order. The initial stress is assumed to be of the nature of hydrostatic tension or compression. The normal mode analysis is used to obtain the wave velocity equations for the waves propagated in the plate bounded by stress free plane boundaries. The wave velocity equations in different cases, obtained in this paper may be considered as more general in the sense that the results presented by other authors may be obtained as special cases in the absence of additional fields. Numerical computations are carried out and the effects of higher order viscoelasticity, magnetic field and initial stress on the phase velocity ratio are exhibited graphically.


visco-elastic plate,initial stress,magnetic fluid,wave propagation,


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M Ali Akbar, M, S. Uddin , Mo. Rokibullslam



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microstretch layer,wave propagation,micropolarity,wave velocity,


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P. C. Ghosh



The paper is concerned with the investigation of the steady unidirectional flow of a Micropolar fluid of finite depth due to tangential stress applied at the surface. Numerically it is found that the velocity component (u) of the Micropolar fluid increases to a significant extent over the classical fluid.. The miocropolar effect increases the velocity of the classical fluid and rotation component a increases with the increase of the depth


micropolar fluid,unidirectional floe,tangential stress ,


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