


Okolnikova Galina Erikovna, Ershov Mikhail Evgenevich, Malafeev Alexei Sergeevich



This article examines in detail the influence of various types of defects in reinforced concrete structures on the residual bearing capacity. The purpose of this study is to inspect a specific student dormitory with subsequent assessment of the technical condition category of reinforced concrete structures based on the results of identified defects and damage. The objectives of the work are visual inspection of the building with the identification of all defects, assessment of the suitability of the building for further operation, development of recommendations for strengthening reinforced concrete structures, and safe operation of the building. Based on the results of the inspection of reinforced concrete structures, the strength properties of concrete in the structures were determined, the most critical defects in the load-bearing elements were identified and recommendations for their strengthening were given. The relevance of this study for the construction industry is due to the following: 1) such studies are rarely conducted; 2) the issue of strengthening reinforced concrete structures is very relevant when inspecting buildings; 3) defects in reinforced concrete structures can significantly affect their bearing capacity and the assignment of a technical condition category to these load-bearing elements.


Collapse,Corrosion of reinforcement,Cracks in concrete,Defects in reinforced concrete elements,Inspection of buildings and structures,Protective layer of concrete,Strengthening of structures,Waterproofing,


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K. S. Yamuna, M. Sugumaran, A. Arthi , R. Premkumar



The integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) in medical applications into healthcare applications has enabled the remote monitoring of patients' information, facilitating timely diagnostics as required. The technology of the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) empowers doctors to treat patients through real-time monitoring and remote diagnostics. Nevertheless, implementing high-security features that ensure the accuracy and confidentiality of patients' data poses a substantial challenge. IoMT devices have limited processing power and memory, making it impossible to build security technology on them. Methodology: So the proposed work formulates a machine learning-based topology to construct an efficient and precise intrusion detection system using network traffic and patient data. Findings: In this topology, modified Whale optimization topology has been implemented for feature selection, and the intrusion is detected using two ML algorithms namely, Random Forest and SVM. Hence, the proposed method surpasses the current state-of-the-art, achieving an accuracy rate of 99.82%.


Intrusion Detection System (IDS),Network Attacks,SVM,Random Forest (RF),Modified Whale Optimization Algorithm (MWOA),


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XIII. Rbah Yahya et al., : ‘Machine learning and deep learning methods for intrusion detection systems in iomt: A survey’. 2nd International Conference on Innovative Research in Applied Science, Engineering and Technology (IRASET). IEEE, 2022. 10.1109/IRASET52964.2022.9738218
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XV. Unal Devrim, Shada Bennbaia, and Ferhat Ozgur Catak. : ‘Machine learning for the security of healthcare systems based on Internet of Things and edge computing’. Cybersecurity and Cognitive Science. Academic Press, 2022. Pp. 299-320. 10.1016/B978-0-323-90570-1.00007-3

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Dharti Arvadiya, Ajay S. Gor



The proposed inventory model has been developed for deteriorating items subject to all-unit discount in a fuzzy environment. Considering demand as price dependent, holding cost depends on time, and purchase cost depends on order size. The inventory parameters, such as ordering cost, holding cost, and demand rate, are all represented as triangular fuzzy numbers to capture the uncertainty in the system. The objective of the model is to determine the optimal time length, selling price, and order quantity to maximize the total profit function. Numerical examples are carried out to validate the models. Sensitivity analysis is performed to check the effect of fuzzy parameters on profit function and decision variables to get further insights. Results stated that a fuzzy model works better than a crisp model, and an all-units discount policy helps in maximizing a retailer's profit. It allows for flexibility and adaptability, leading to a potential increase in revenue.


Deterioration,All-units discount,Graded mean integration method,Price dependent demand,Time dependent holding cost,Triangular fuzzy number,


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Antonio Shopov



In this paper, equations are established to predict how the values of the lower yield point in the stress-strain curve depending on a time of corrosion influence will change. Although this point is of theoretical importance in the theory of strength of materials, its change in corroded steel is of practical importance, since this point determines according to the theory which minimum load or stress is required to maintain the plastic behavior of material. A well-founded mathematical principle was used to process experimentally obtained data in two main directions - the stochastic method and the average method. Diagrams of the variation of values in corroded steel were drawn up and equations of the 9th degree were established using polynomial approximation.


Corrosion,Equations,Establishing,Lower Yield Point,Time,


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Biswarup Mukherjee



In contemporary portable electronic devices featuring real-time DSP chips, a pivotal challenge lies in minimizing power consumption. The efficiency of these DSP chips is directly impacted by the substantial power dissipation of their multiplier sub-circuits. Consequently, numerous architectures emphasizing low-power consumption, high-speed operation, and compact layout structures for multiplier units have emerged in the literature over recent decades. This manuscript offers insights into select state-of-the-art fixed-width multiplier architectures tailored for low-power operation, presenting a detailed comparative analysis in terms of power consumption, area utilization, and processing delay. Notable among the fixed-width multiplier architectures are the serial, array, Vedic, Booth, Wallace-tree, and Modified Booth-Wallace designs. For operations involving larger operands, the Modified Booth-Wallace architecture is favored due to its reduced latency. This study concentrates on a comprehensive examination and evaluation of various low-power fixed-width multiplier architectures, highlighting diverse operand sizes. Simulation-based assessments utilizing the 45nm PTM model indicate that the Modified Booth-Wallace tree architecture achieves a 73% reduction in latency compared to a basic array multiplier. Moreover, CMOS-based designs demonstrate superior noise margin performance compared to GDI and CCGDI techniques. Notably, the dynamic voltage-controlled CCGDI-based architecture showcases a 60% enhancement in Power-Delay Product (PDP) compared to the conventional CMOS-based Modified Booth-Wallace multiplier architecture. The manuscript's novelty lies in its succinct overview of the latest multiplier architectures implemented at the 45nm technology node, specifically tailored for low-power DSP chips.


Booth Algorithm,GDI,Low power VLSI,Multiplier,Wallace Tree architecture,


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S. Savitha, P. Thirunavukarasu



This intriguing article delves deep into the concept of non-self-plottings within the intricate realm of metrically curved planetary systems, meticulously analyzing and dissecting various fixed point propositions that govern these celestial bodies. Within the confines of this chapter, we embark on a journey to explore and elucidate Assad's groundbreaking discovery, delving into its complexities and implications to present a more elaborate and all-encompassing single-valued plotting. This development not only serves as a noteworthy extension of Assad's work but also emerges as a significant and groundbreaking generalization of Chatterjea's fundamental primary proposition, shedding new light on the dynamics of planetary motion and positioning in the vast expanse of the universe.


Convex space,Fixed point proposition,Metrically convex planetary,Non-self-mappings,Single valued plotting,


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Sergei Y. Savin, Le Vo Phu Toan, Manonkhodja Sharipov



In this paper, an approach is developed to account for the effect of discrete cracks on the response of reinforced concrete building frames under a column failure scenario. The approach implies the introduction of traditional finite element models of discrete ties that take into account the relationship between moments and rotations, considering the specifics of the performance of materials, sections, and structures under conditions of redistribution of forces as a result of initial local failure in the structural system of a building. Validation of the proposed approach is performed on the experimental data. Also, it is compared with the modeling results of the existing approaches. The effect of discrete cracking on the deformed state of reinforced concrete building frames under the scenario of column failure is established. The discrete cracks practically did not affect the values of axial forces in the elements. However, for bending moments within the proposed method, a decrease was observed in comparison with the traditional approach. The analysis of the diagrams shows that for reinforced concrete frames with 3 and 5 stories, there is an excess of tensile axial forces in the beam over the values according to the traditional calculation method.


Crack,Failure,Frame,Finite Element Method,Modelling,Moment,Reinforced Concrete,Rotation,


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Manjunath K., Ajeet Singh Sikarwar, Naushad Ahmad Ansari



The flow of liquids is essential to our understanding of the world. Traditionally, this is done by studying the flow of liquids using wind tunnels in the model. However, the field of computer fluid dynamics has been born over the past century. A program that can model fluid flow is CFD software. Gambit 2.4.6 created a three-dimensional geometry of four reaction blades with a square cascade and studied the secondary losses using FLUENT 6.2. The air is chosen as a working material. Air passes through the turbine cascade at a maximum input speed of 102 m/s. The cascade opens to the atmosphere when exiting. Firstly, the two surfaces of the blade cascade have been smoothed and the secondary losses analyzed. This total flow loss was compared with a roughness applied individually to the suction and pressure surfaces of 250 microns, 750 microns, and 1000 microns in thickness and examined the effect of the thickness on flow loss.


Blade surface,Effect of roughness,End loss phenomena,Loss Coefficient,Turbine steam path,


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Shakuntla Singla, Shilpa Rani, Diksha Mangla



This research paper explores the behavior analysis of a repairable 2-out-of-4 system utilizing an evolutionary algorithm approach. The 2-out-of-4 system configuration is a critical setup widely employed in various engineering applications, necessitating thorough understanding and optimization for reliability and performance enhancement. By integrating evolutionary algorithms with system analysis, this paper aims to optimize system parameters, such as redundancy allocation and maintenance scheduling, to improve reliability and availability. The proposed methodology offers a novel approach to address the challenges associated with the complex behavior of repairable 2-out-of-4 systems, providing insights for system designers and engineers.


Behavior Analysis,Evolutionary Algorithm,Maintenance Scheduling Reliability Optimization,Repairable 2-out-of-4system,


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