Journal Vol – 18 No -7, July 2023



Jawad Kadhim Tahir



In this article, a numerical solution to the growth-diffusion problem is investigated by obtaining the results of computational experiments for the non-homogeneous growth-diffusion problem and finding its approximate solution by using the modified finite difference method. In this article, a numerical study is carried out by the modified finite difference method. The numerical scheme used a second-order central difference in space with a first-order in time.


growth-diffusion problem,modified finite difference method,central difference,non-classical variational,


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Poulomi Mullick, Goutam Sengupta, Sujoy Biswas, Nabonita Pal, Prosenjit Pramanick, Sana Ahmed, Sufia Zaman, Abhijit Mitra



The Indian Sundarbans are noted for luxuriant mangrove diversity that is known to scrub carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Precise estimation of the biomass of these species is necessary for evaluating the carbon storage pattern in the mangroves of the lower Gangetic belt. The plant biomass estimation was carried out for an average of 25 trees in 15 (10 m × 10 m) plots from the intertidal mudflats of Chemaguri (southeast portion of Sagar Island) in low tide conditions from 10th to 15th September 2022. The estimated biomass was of the order Sonneratia apetala > Avicennia alba > Avicennia marina > Excoecaria agallocha > Avicennia officinalis. The stem, branch, and leaf biomass of each species were converted into carbon by multiplying with a factor of 0.45 as per the standard procedure. The deviations observed in the results obtained from both studies call for the standardization of the process.


Carbon storage,mangroves,Above Ground Biomass (AGB),Below Ground Biomass (BGB),


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M. Al-Amin , M. Nurul Islam



In this study, the nonlinear Landau-Ginsberg-Higgs (LGH) model is proposed and examined. The stated model is applied to analyze superconductivity and drift cyclotron waves in radially inhomogeneous plasma for coherent ion-cyclotron waves. This is undeniably a robust mathematical model in real-world applications. The generalized exponential rational function method (GERFM) is utilized to extract the suitable, useful, and further general solitary wave solutions of the LGH model via the traveling wave transformation. Furthermore, we investigate the effects of wave velocity in a particular time limit through a graphical representation of the examined solutions of the model to understand the dynamic behavior of the system. The attained results confirm the effectiveness and reliability of the considered scheme


The nonlinear Landau-Ginsberg-Higgs (LGH) model,the generalized exponential rational function method (GERFM),the traveling wave transformation,the soliton solutions,


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Abdul Qadir Mugheri, Asif Ali Shaikh, Shafqat Shahzoor Chandio Baloch



This research paper presents a novel and efficient explicit numerical technique for modeling advection diffusion reactions in an opened uniform flow from a one-dimensional perspective. The proposed hybrid scheme combines the benefits of explicit finite difference schemes, resulting in an accurate and fast solution for the advection-diffusion equation in water stream problems. The effectiveness of the scheme is demonstrated through its successful implementation in the solution of the water quality problems, where the advection-diffusion equation plays a crucial role. The results obtained using this technique show improved accuracy and computational efficiency. Overall, this research offers a valuable contribution to the field of numerical modeling in water quality and provides a useful tool for researchers and practitioners working in the area of approximating the one-dimensional diffusion equation for the measurement of pollutant concentration.


Explicit,Finite Difference,One Dimensional Advection Diffusion Equation,Uniform Flow,


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