Journal Vol – 16 No -7, July 2021



Arshad Hussain Jamali, Aftab Ahmed, Shehdev Thahrani, Mujahid Ali, Fida Hussain Jamali, Gordhan Das Valasai, Abdul Qadeer Khoso



Alternate energy sources such as hybrid renewable energy off-grid systems are under the focus of researchers to improve their reliability and feasibility for rural areas. A hybrid power system uses a combination of renewable as primary and fuel-based power systems as a backup. Reliability, affordability, and cost depend upon the number of power systems used and the efficiency of these systems. However, the hybrid system is facing different challenges such as high cost, fluctuations in power, and proper infrastructure. This study aimed to determine the best configuration for village Bakhar Jamali, having a total of 162 houses and a 380 kW peak load. This study has been carried out using HOMER Pros to check the different sets of hybrid configurations. To find optimal power different sets of schemes were carried out. It was concluded in this study that the combination of Wind turbine, Solar PV, Biogas Generator, Diesel generator, Battery, and Converter give the optimum hybrid system with the following rated capacity, 150 kW of Solar PV, Specification of 3 kW of 50 Wind Turbine, Auto size Diesel Generator of 420 kW, Biogas Generator of 150 kW, Number of Batteries of 1 kWh 3832 and Converter capacity of 470 kW.


Hybrid,HOMER Pro,Grid system,Reliabilit,Optimum,Configurations,Wind,Solar,


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Sadaqat Hussain, Zahid Hussain, Shahid Hussain, Raziuddin Siddiqui



Grassmannian bi-complex contains two types of differential maps  and . This complex is related to the Tangent complex by Siddiqui for the differential map. In this article, we try to find morphisms in tangential configuration space to relate Grassmannian complex and first-order tangent complex for differential map d'.


Grassmannian complex,Configuration,Vector Space,Cross-Ratio,Tangent Complex,


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M. K. Abbasi, A. S. Jamali, Q. B. Jamali, Q. A. Kazi, S. M. Ghoto, S. Bhangwar



Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are the foundation of every major economy in the world. The majority of these industries are fighting for survival in a hostile climate. In the SMEs sector, the Lean models have been implemented with an emphasis on economic efficiency. The various Lean Models are used in SMEs as well as in large Industries. The Lean Models are considered for the improvement of company performance which includes production, productivity, inventory, raw material, quality, and customer satisfaction. therefore, in this research work which lean models are being implemented in SMEs of Sindh was investigated. The survey questionnaires were distributed amongst 70 SMEs of  Sindh based on Six Sigma, 5S, Green Manufacturing, Kaizen, Poka Yoke, TPM, TQM, SCM, Standardize of Work lean models. The results conclude that 5's and Standardize of work are mostly implemented about 87.5% & 72.9% as compared to the other models. whereas PokaYoke Model and Total Product Management Model are considered as least implemented the model in SMEs with 18.6% and 10%. Moreover, in terms of location, Hyderabad seems highly impacted region in Lean Model Implementation


Manufacturing efficiency,Lean manufacturing models,Small and medium enterprises,Six Sigma,Poka Yoke,Total Productive Maintenance,


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