Journal Vol – 16 No -7, July 2021



Sk. Azharuddin, Indranil Bhattacharyya, Ananda Sarkar, Sukhamoy Bhattacharyya, P. S. Majumdar, S. Ghosh



Usually, the order of kinetics of thermoluminescence (TL) glow curve is evaluated by using the concept of traditional symmetry factor (μ_g) in which only three points of a glow curve are used. From the statistical point of view of the reliability of any method of analysis of glow, curve improves if instead of a few points the method can use a larger portion of the glow curve. In the present work, a technique is proposed to determine the order of kinetics associated with a TL peak by using the concept of skewness. The method is applied to experimental thermoluminescence (TL) curves recorded in a hyperbolic heating scheme.


Thermoluminescence,hyperbolic heating scheme,skewness,order of kinetics,


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Manzoor Hussain, Zahid Hussain, Razia Sharif, Sahar Abbas



Fuzzy entropy is being used to measure the uncertainty with high precision and accuracy than classical crisp set theory. It plays a vital role in handling complex daily life problems involving uncertainty. In this manuscript, we first review several existing entropy measures and then propose novel entropy to measure the uncertainty of a fuzzy set. We also construct an axiomatic definition based on the proposed entropy measure. Numerical comparison analysis is carried out with existing entropies to show the reliability and practical applicability of our proposed entropy measure. Numerical results show that our suggested entropy is reasonable and appropriate in dealing with vague and uncertain information. Finally, we utilize our proposed entropy measure to construct fuzzy TOPSIS (Technique for Ordering Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) method to manage Multicriteria decision-making problems related to daily life settings. The final results demonstrate the practical effectiveness and applicability of our proposed entropy measure


Fuzzy sets,Entropy measure,Uncertainty,TOPSIS,Multicriteria decision making,


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Zeeshan Rasheed, Naeem Ahmed Ibupoto, Syeda Surriya Bano, Sheeraz Ahmed



Twitter has now become the most common social platform to express views on any topic. A micro-blogging social media offers a way for people around the world to show their sentiments about any political, social and cultural subject of the time. In this paper, the sentimental analysis approach has been used to analyze the positive and negative sentiments of Twitter users about some top trending #tags around the globe. The data has been collected between the duration of March to April 2021. The collected data were processed by using the Python program and then transformed our data set with the help of the SQL database. We have used graphs and tables to present the data, collected under three hashtags; which were top trending topics on that particular era. The tweets were elaborated by positive, negative and neutral sentiments which were depicted in graphs. It is clear from the results and comparison that social media has a strong influence in the present era and can be highly helpful to use as a predictor of any political, social situation prevailing in any country or worldwide. It has also been helpful for business communities to analyze their products in the same manner to improve their business growth.


social platform,social media,#tags,SQL,SA,API,


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Atif Sardar Khan, Nasir Ullah Khan, Wahad Ur Rahman, Muhammad Masood Ahmad, Hamid Khan, Farid Ullah Khan



Voltage multipliers are used to convert the low AC voltage output of energy harvesters into relatively high DC voltage for portable devices and wireless sensor nodes (WSNs) applications. DC voltage conversion is required to operate an electronic device or recharge battery. In order, to convert the low AC voltage output of the energy harvester into relatively high DC voltage, a voltage multiplier circuit need to be integrated with the energy harvester. In this study, a Prototype-1 (two-stages) and Prototype-2 (three-stage) Dickson voltage multipliers and Prototype-3 (seven-stage) Cockcroft-Walton voltage multiplier circuits are developed. The device is capable of converting a low voltage of 50 mV into 350 mV. The research focuses on the development and characterization of Prototype-1, Prototype-2 and Prototype-3 circuits. Results indicate that the determination of load resistance is important for better output power. The maximum power of 11.97 μW was obtained by prototype-3 elucidating better power compared to prototype-1 and prototype-2 and the power was obtained at an optimum load of 560 kΩ. Furthermore, a rectenna tested at different distances from the source, revealed that a prototype-2 produced a maximum power of 3.01 × 10 -6 μW, at an optimum load of 560 kΩ.


Voltage multipliers,energy harvesters,AC to DC,rectifier,low voltage,flow-based,RF,


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W. A. Shaikh, A. G. Shaikh, M. Memon, A. H. Sheikh, A. A. Shaikh



In recent years, some improvements have been suggested in the literature that has been a better performance or nearly equal to existing numerical iterative techniques (NIT). The efforts of this study are to constitute a Numerical Hybrid Iterative Technique (NHIT) for estimating the real root of nonlinear equations in one variable (NLEOV) that accelerates convergence. The goal of the development of the NHIT for the solution of an NLEOV assumed various efforts to combine the different methods. The proposed NHIT is developed by combining the Taylor Series method (TSM) and Newton Raphson's iterative method (NRIM). MATLAB and Excel software has been used for the computational purpose. The developed algorithm has been tested on variant NLEOV problems and found the convergence is better than bracketing iterative method (BIM), which does not observe any pitfall and is almost equivalent to NRIM.


Numerical hybrid iterative technique,Nonlinear equations in one variable,Bracketing iterative method,Newton Raphson's iterative method,Taylor series method,


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Tabassum Feroz, Uzma Nawaz



This study proposed a correlation analysis of two recent approaches. The FAST ICA technique is used for the separation of the multimodal data (i.e, mixture of audio, noise and image signal) and the minimum mean-square error (MMSE) is used for the removal of white noise from the audio signal. Initially, multimodal data will be formed by combining all the three signals (i.e. a mixture of audio, noise and image signals). For creating an ideal situation and for SNR comparisons, separation of the signals will be performed using the Fast ICA technique. ICA, Independent element analysis is a recently developed technique in which the goal is to seek a linear interpretation of non-Gaussian knowledge for the elements to be as statistically free as possible. Such representations record the key structure of the data in several applications, including signal quality and signal separation. ICA learns a linear decay of the data. ICA can find the basic elements and sources included in the data found where traditional methods fail. After the separation of the mixed data, denoising will be performed using the MMSE technique. The main purpose of the MMSE technique is to remove White Noise from the unmixed audio signal which will be further used for overall and segmental SNR comparisons for quality enhancement. Based on the designed algorithms, both of these techniques are real-time data-driven programs. These techniques are explored with standard De-noising methods using several different estimation methods like signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Experimental results prove that the proposed MMSE technique works well for both noise segmentation and overall consideration of noise distortion signals. These statistical techniques can be used in many applications, such as in different communication systems to eliminate background noise and in channels to reduce channel interference between different applications in speech communications


Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE),Filtering and Thresholding Techniques,Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN),Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR),Fast ICA,Whitening,Centering,


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Soma Gholamveisy



Significant revolution in different organizations chief’s point of view toward customer treating and the level of product presentation or services resulted in redefining the structure of these organizations based on this point of view. The municipal services are very important as well. The strategy of “CRM” which was so successful in the private sector and has been applying as “CiRM” in the public sector of developed countries could be very useful for this achievement. The main goal of citizen management is realizing the citizen's needs and demands, improving communication through connection with citizens and optimizing it to increase the level of their satisfaction. The government agencies do it based on their idea and point of view cause the citizen are valuable assets in the planning of services and reduction of costs. This study proposes a combined data mining method to discover hidden knowledge in call citizen compliant of the municipality of Tehran. A Self-organizing map neural network was used to identifying and classifying citizen needs based on RFM analysis. It also classified citizen needs into three majors. the result of classification and clustering of SOM has created a new feature to profiled call’s customer to identify temporal-spatial patterns of problems by using an association rule with the Apriori algorithm. The results of this idea demonstrate that accordance of citizens call compliant in a different area and discovering hidden knowledge can facilitate the performance of human recourse in improving services to citizens.


citizen management,data mining,RFM-SOM algorithm,Apriori algorithm,a new feature ,


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Muhammad Bilal, Asif R. Khan



In this article, we would like to introduce some new types of convex function, which we named quasi convex function and convex function. With the help of these new notions we would also state the well-known Hermite Hadamard dual inequalities which we call Hermite Hadamard dual inequality for quasi convex function and convex function, respectively. In this way various new results related to Hermite Hadamard inequalities would be obtained and some would be captured as special cases by varying different values of .


Hermite–Hadamard dual inequality,p–convex function,quasi-convex function,P–convex function,


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Sahar Abbas, Zahid Hussain, Shahid Hussain, Razia Sharif, Sadaqat Hussain



The intuitionistic fuzzy entropy (IFE) is being used to measure the degree of uncertainty of a fuzzy set (FS) with alarming accuracy and precision more accurately than the fuzzy set theory. Entropy plays a very important role in managing the complex issues efficiently which we often face in our daily life. In this paper, we first review several existing entropy measures of intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs) and then suggest two new entropies of IFSs better than the existing ones. To show the efficiency of proposed entropy measures over existing ones, we conduct a numerical comparison analysis. Our entropy methods are not only showing better performance but also handle those IFSs amicably which the existing method fails to manage.  To show the practical applicability and reliability, we utilize our methods to build intuitionistic fuzzy Portuguese of interactive and multicriteria decision making      (IF-TODIM) method. The numerical results show that the suggested entropies are convenient and reasonable in handling vague and ambiguous information close to daily life matters.


Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets,Entropy Measure,Multicriteria Decision Making,IF-TODIM,


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Atif Sardar Khan, Farid Ullah Khan, Muhammad Masood Ahmad, Sadaf Sardar



In this research, a unique textile antenna is reported for ultra-wideband applications. The material used for the ground and patch of an antenna is conductive woven zelt and the substrate of the antenna is made of cotton (Tan δ = 0.02, εr = 1.54). The suggested antenna is made of a circular patch of a miniature size i.e. 20 mm × 16.922 mm × 2 mm. The zelt is 0.03 mm thick, bearing electrical conductivity up to 0.01 Ω/m. The antenna bandwidth and gain are optimized by using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition with differential evolution (MOEA/D-DE). The gain and bandwidth are improved to 4.9 dBi and 2.8 GHz to 15 GHz, respectively. The suggested antenna can be used for Wifi, GPS, and ultra-wideband operations.


Antenna,genetic algorithms,optimization,simulations,ultra-wideband,


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Arshad Hussain Jamali, Aftab Ahmed, Shehdev Thahrani, Mujahid Ali, Fida Hussain Jamali, Gordhan Das Valasai, Abdul Qadeer Khoso



Alternate energy sources such as hybrid renewable energy off-grid systems are under the focus of researchers to improve their reliability and feasibility for rural areas. A hybrid power system uses a combination of renewable as primary and fuel-based power systems as a backup. Reliability, affordability, and cost depend upon the number of power systems used and the efficiency of these systems. However, the hybrid system is facing different challenges such as high cost, fluctuations in power, and proper infrastructure. This study aimed to determine the best configuration for village Bakhar Jamali, having a total of 162 houses and a 380 kW peak load. This study has been carried out using HOMER Pros to check the different sets of hybrid configurations. To find optimal power different sets of schemes were carried out. It was concluded in this study that the combination of Wind turbine, Solar PV, Biogas Generator, Diesel generator, Battery, and Converter give the optimum hybrid system with the following rated capacity, 150 kW of Solar PV, Specification of 3 kW of 50 Wind Turbine, Auto size Diesel Generator of 420 kW, Biogas Generator of 150 kW, Number of Batteries of 1 kWh 3832 and Converter capacity of 470 kW.


Hybrid,HOMER Pro,Grid system,Reliabilit,Optimum,Configurations,Wind,Solar,


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Sadaqat Hussain, Zahid Hussain, Shahid Hussain, Raziuddin Siddiqui



Grassmannian bi-complex contains two types of differential maps  and . This complex is related to the Tangent complex by Siddiqui for the differential map. In this article, we try to find morphisms in tangential configuration space to relate Grassmannian complex and first-order tangent complex for differential map d'.


Grassmannian complex,Configuration,Vector Space,Cross-Ratio,Tangent Complex,


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M. K. Abbasi, A. S. Jamali, Q. B. Jamali, Q. A. Kazi, S. M. Ghoto, S. Bhangwar



Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are the foundation of every major economy in the world. The majority of these industries are fighting for survival in a hostile climate. In the SMEs sector, the Lean models have been implemented with an emphasis on economic efficiency. The various Lean Models are used in SMEs as well as in large Industries. The Lean Models are considered for the improvement of company performance which includes production, productivity, inventory, raw material, quality, and customer satisfaction. therefore, in this research work which lean models are being implemented in SMEs of Sindh was investigated. The survey questionnaires were distributed amongst 70 SMEs of  Sindh based on Six Sigma, 5S, Green Manufacturing, Kaizen, Poka Yoke, TPM, TQM, SCM, Standardize of Work lean models. The results conclude that 5's and Standardize of work are mostly implemented about 87.5% & 72.9% as compared to the other models. whereas PokaYoke Model and Total Product Management Model are considered as least implemented the model in SMEs with 18.6% and 10%. Moreover, in terms of location, Hyderabad seems highly impacted region in Lean Model Implementation


Manufacturing efficiency,Lean manufacturing models,Small and medium enterprises,Six Sigma,Poka Yoke,Total Productive Maintenance,


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