Journal Vol – 15 No -9, September 2020



Husam Ali Abdulmohsin, HalaBahjat Abdul wahab, Abdul Mohssen Jaber Abdul hossen



Speech emotion recognition (SER) research field extends back to 1996, but still one main obstacle still exists, which is achieving real-time SER systems. The once-imaginary relationship between humans and robots is rapidly approaching reality. Robots already play major roles, particularly in manufacturing, but until recently, they did only what they were programmed to do. However, with the development of artificial intelligence (AI) approaches, SER researchers are seeking to move robotics to a higher level, giving them the ability to predict human actions and recognize facial expressions and allowing them to interact with humans in more natural and clever ways. Humans are complicated; understanding only what they say is insufficient for all situations. One complication is that humans express identical emotions in multiple ways. For robots to act more like humans, understand them, and follow their orders in more intelligent ways, they need to understand emotions to make appropriate decisions. Thus, to reach the ideal SER state, a more up-to-date survey that considers how SER research has evolved over the past decade is needed. In this survey, our main goal is to explain the different research approaches followed in the SER field particularly Path 6, which represents a new technique in the SER field. To clarify the techniques for readers, details of the SER systems and their different approaches will be elaborated.


feature extraction ,feature selection and classification,real-time system,robotics,SER,


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Rakesh Uppuluri, Sivajee Vavilapalli



In the current era of a highly trained business environment in banking, organizations encounter transpiring challenges in form of optimization and acquisition of human resources. Being valuable and scarce capabilities, human resourcesareconsideredasasourceoftenablevyingmastery.Thesuccessofabanking organization depends upon several factors; however, one of the most crucial factors that influence the organization's performance is its employee. The HRM practices like Training, Team Work, Performance Appraisal, and Compensation has an imperative impact on the banks. Human resources play an integral role in achieving aninnovative and high-quality service/ product. The present study through the SWOT evaluation attempts to examine and analyze the impact of all these factors and the role of training anddevelopmentofprivatesectorbankingemployeesinIndia.Alsotoassessthepresent statusoftheemployeeeffectivenessindischargingtherolesandresponsibilitiesintune with the objectives of the bank. The effectiveness of the various facets of training i.e. employee’s attitude towards the application of practice; training inputs; quality of training programs and training inputs to the actualjob.


Human Resource Management Practices ,HRM,SWOT,training programs,Training,Performance Appraisal,Team Work,Employee Participation,


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M. Pradeep, K. V. Subrahmanyam, P. Kamalakar, P. Rajesh



In recent years the biometric system lacks in security due to fraudulent access. Old systems relayed on Multi-Spectral Imaging (MSI) for security which is found to be ineffective. The advanced technology in the biometric system to improve security is Image Quality Assessments (IAQ). In the previous system, the Multi-Spectral Imaging (MSI) was implemented in which the usual digital protection mechanisms and enhanced security systems are not effective. A novel software based biometric detection system is proposed here to detect the fraudulent biometric access attempts. It is used to enhance the security of biometric recognition systems. In this system from the original image, 30 image quality features are extracted, the same acquired for authentication purposes. Among various biometric recognition, finger recognition, iris recognition and face recognition are presented by using image quality assessment technique.


Biometric,Finger Print,Multiplexer,Image Quality Assessment (IAQ),Multi Spectral Imaging (MSI) ,


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S. Shwetha, Naresh Kumar Sripada, P. Pramod Kumar, V. Hema



Various heuristic, as well as also meta-heuristic protocols, were related to acquiring the most excellent possibilities. Today period is much attracted alongside the provisioning of self-management, self-learnable, self-healable, as well as likewise self-configurable smart systems. To secure self-manageable Smart Cloud, many Expert systems and additionally Machine Learning (AI-ML) approaches as well as also algorithms are brought back. In this assessment, new style in the treatment of AI-ML approaches, they utilized regions, the main reason, their perks as well as additionally demerits are highlighted. These tactics are more grouped as instance-based machine learning strategies as well as encouragement, learning procedures based upon their ability to learn. This paper provides the details about ML platform architecture and cloud-based MLframework.


Machine Learning,AI,cloud computing,


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B. D. Karande, S. N. Kondekar



In this paper we prove the existence of solution of coupled system of quadratic hybrid functional integral equations. Our main result is based on the standard tools of fixed point theory. The Existence and locally attractivity is proved in R+


Quadratic Hybrid Functional Integral Equations,Banach Algebras,R-L Fractional Derivative,Hybrid FPT,Existence result,


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Shilpa Narlagiri, Banala Saritha, G. Jhansi rani



This Application enhances MATLAB for blind people in shopping malls with voice and image transmission. It is mainly designed to get the voice and image information of a particular object or product using MATLAB technology and android applications. Here in shopping malls we use this application to get the information quickly. In this section we have a web camera that is used to scan the different objects available in the malls. If an object is near the reader, the image will be scanned. Such information is delivered by the microcontroller to the Bluetooth module and is transmitted to Bluetooth incorporated into the mobile phone. The specific-object based knowledge or an application is opened on the android device. The smart phone shows the picture and details related to that item, and the same text will also be displayed on the mobile phone. Hence by using this project blind people can easily get the data or information that we want.


AT89S52 microcontroller,USB Camera,Blind Assistive device,MATLAB,


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Iqtidar Ali, Fawad Ahmad, Muhammad Zeeshan Ahad



Since it works well, concrete is a critical building element. Researchers seek to develop their properties more to make them more economical. Different waste materials and fibers in concrete are checked for this reason. The research aims at analyzing and evaluating the mechanical performance of the compressive, splitting tensile and bending strength of concrete with the addition of lathe as steel fiber refurbishment into the matrix of cement. Different mixes of 0 percent, 0.5 percent, 1 percent, 1.5 percent, 2.5 and 3 percent waste fiber are produced. Results demonstrated that the slump value of mixes decreases, as fiber reinforcement, the higher the waste, the lower the workability. Adding the lathe waste to concrete increases the structural properties of concrete, such as compressive, tensile and bend strength. The application of 1.5% of lathe waste raises compressive intensity up to 26.52%, of 13.70% and 16.12%, respectively, for 7, 14 and 28 cure days. With the introduction of 1.5% of the waste lathe, tensile intensity rises to 20.84% for 28 days. Also bending strength was improved by increasing lathe waste steel fibers.


:lathe waste steel fiber,Fiber reinforcement, workability test,Mechanical strength,Scanning Electron microscopy,


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Muhammad Sohaib Jamal, Samad Baseer, Iqtidar Ali, Farooq Faisal



Millimeter-wave is one of the keyenabling technologies in state-of-the-art mobile communication known as 5G to cope with the ever-increasing traffic demand mobile users, low latency requirements for mission-critical situations, and massive machine-type communication. 5G channel modeling has been a complex problem due to the utilization of unlicensed mmWave bands as they are extremely sensitive towards their surrounding environment because of their small wavelengths. This work comprises the analysis of several mmWave bands (28, 38, 60, and 73 GHz) in the NLOS scenario of the UMi environment considered in Single Input Single Output (SISO) system using an open-source simulator named NYUSIM. NYUSIM uses a Time cluster (TC) - spatial lobe approach to cluster any measured or Ray traced data. The simulator supports carrier frequency up to 100GHz while an RF bandwidth of 0 to 800MHz. It supports UMi, UMa, and RMa environments for both LOS and NLOS scenarios while different antenna characteristics can also be tuned to get the desired analysis. The results are produced in 3D characteristics graphs, text, and MATLAB based (mat) extension.


5G mmWave,Time Cluster,Spatial Channel Modelling,NYUSIM ,


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Adeed Khan, Muhammad Tehseen Khan, Muhammad Zeeshan Ahad, Mohammad Adil, Mazhar Ali Shah, Syed Khaliq Shah



Concrete is a composite material made up of cement, aggregates, water, and sometimes suitable admixture. Concrete production requires a huge amount of natural materials. These natural materials excessive usage causing depletion of natural resources and also posing risk to the environment due to climatic change. Now a day’s climate change and environmental pressures are global issues worldwide. At the same time, different industries are generating a huge amount of waste products which goes to dumping sites causing land pollution. This is a key time to substitute natural materials with these waste materials of different industries. In the present study, cement is partially replaced by fumed silica and fine aggregates are partially replaced by the synergy of waste marble dust and glass powder. Mechanical properties and microscopic analysis of samples were done to get a better understanding of replacement effects. From mechanical strength test results, it was concluded that controlled concrete samples show the highest strength. 


Green concrete,Fume Silica,Waste Marble Dust,Waste Glass Powder,Strength,


I ASTM C150 “Standard Specifications for Portland Cement.
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III Asel b. Zubaid, “Study the effect of recycled glass on the mechanical properties of Green Concrete”. Intl. Conference on Tech. & Materials for Renewable Energy, Env. & Sustainability, Beirut Lebanon, April 2017.
IV Azmatullah,Adil, Afridi,Atif Afridi, Inayatullah Khan, USE OF SUGARCANE BAGASSE ASH AS A PARTIAL REPLACEMENT OF CEMENT IN CONCRETE, J.Mech.Cont.& Math. Sci., Vol.-14, No.2, March-April (2019) pp 72-86.
V Jowhar Hayat, Saqib Shah, Faisal Hayat Khan, Mehr E Munir, Study on Utilization of Different Lightweight Materials Used in the Manufacturingof Lightweight Concrete Bricks/Blocks, J.Mech.Cont.& Math. Sci., Vol.-14, No.2, March-April (2019), pp 58-71
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VII Tanveer Hussain, “Strength Properties of Concrete by Using Micro Silica and Nano Silica” International Journal ofResearch Engineering in Technology Vol. 3(10), Pp. 103-108.
VIII Verma, “Effect of micro silica on the strength of concrete withordinary Portland cement” Research Journal of Engineering Science, Sept 2012.

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Tariq Hussain, IqtidarAli, Muhammad Arif, Samad Baseer, Fatima Pervez, Zia Ur Rehman



Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) is a decentralized, self-configure autonomous network having no fixed infrastructure. It consists of a mobile node that can move freely. In MANETs, there is no centralized control and authority system. Routing protocols enable the discovery of routes among different nodes and facilitate communication within the networks and minimized overhead and network consumption. For this purpose, different routing protocols can be used. These protocols can be hybrid, proactive, and reactive. The Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) is a proactive routing protocol that is widely used in MANETs.  This research paper presents the performance of the OLSR protocol for two different mobility models which are the Random Waypoint Mobility Model (RWMM) and the Random Based Mobility Model (RBMM). In this paper, we have evaluated the performance of OLSR protocols for Constant Bit Ratio (CBR), Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR), Packet Drop Ratio (PDR), End-to-End Delay (EED), Data Packet Delivered (DPD), Routing Overhead Normalization (RON) and Average Throughput Ratio (ATR) based on RWMM and RBMM mobility models.




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Samad Baseer, Muhammad Sohaib Jamal, Iqtidar Ali, Gulzar Ahmad



In this paper, an open-source simulator named MYUSIM is utilized to find the impact of the Human Blockage loss and Outdoor to Indoor (O2I) loss on the best candidate of 5G mmWave (38 GHz) in the NLOS UMi environment which has been proven the authors in their previous study. For accurate channel modeling, the human blockage and O2I losses play a vital role as in real life situations these losses occur. The previous study includes an ideal condition in which these losses were not considered. NYUSIM uses a four-state Markov process to determine human blockage and two modes for O2I losses which include “High loss mode” for highly lossy materials like concrete walls and infrared reflecting glasses and “Low loss mode” for low loss materials like standard glasses and woods etc. These works are proof to the statement that there is a significant impact of the human and O2I losses on 5G mmWave bands which includes a smaller number of spatial lobes formed, lesser power is received, the pathloss is increased, etc. Therefore, these losses must be considered for modeling the next-generation mobile communication system i.e 5G.


5G,mmWaves,Human Blockage Loss,Outdoor to Indoor Loss,NYUSIM,Mobile Communication,


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Adeed Khan, Mazhar Ali Shah, Mohammad Adil, Muhammad Zeeshan Ahad, Muhammad Tehseen Khan, Numan Ali Shah



Microstructure studies in concrete are unique techniques for understanding the morphological features of concrete. In this research work, four mixture of concrete has been prepared by replacement of normal cement with geopolymer in 0 %, 50%, 80% and 100% of different ratio with recycled aggregates. Both class of fly ash F and C has been used with an alkaline activator (NaOH and Na2SiO3).In each mixture, the alkaline liquid, sodium hydroxide (Noah), and sodium silicate were dependent on the amount of fly ash, while the ratio of NaOH to Na2SiO3 is maintained 2.5 for all concrete. After costing twelve cylinders 150mm x 300 mm and twelve 152.4 mm x 152.4 mm x 609.6 mm concrete beams were cured for 28 days ata normal temperature of 27°C water. The physical and chemical properties have beeninvestigated in this research. The SEM and XRF analysis of all samples has been compared with the controlled sample. Which all samples have been compared with a controlled sample, to identify the changing of compressive and flexural strength in each sample.


Microstructure,Geopolymer,Normal cement,SEM,XRF,


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Irshad Khalil, Sami Ur Rahman, Samad Baseer, Adnan Khalil, Fakhre Alam



In this paper, we study the computational strategy for the implementation of orthogonal moments to two-dimensional images. Automatic and accurate classification of Magnetic Resonance Images is of importance for the interpretation and analysis of these images and for this purpose different techniques have been proposed.  In this paper, we present Legendre Polynomial and two different classification-based methods for the classification of normal and abnormal MRI Images. In the first step, we apply Legendre polynomial to extract features from MRI images. In the second stage, two classifiers have been used which are employed to classify these images as normal and abnormal images. The proposed method was tested on tests with 75 images in which 15 images belong to the normal category images and the remaining 60 are abnormal images. The result derived from the confusion matrix test yielded a classification accuracy of 100.0% for these images.


Legendre Polynomials,Shifted Legendre Polynomials,Classification,MRI Images,Image Processing,


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J. Mech.Cont.& Math. Sci.,Vol.-14,No.2, March-April (2019), pp 258-270.

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CNN Deep-Learning Technique to Detect Covid-19 Using Chest X-ray


Hemalatha Gunasekaran, Rex Macedo Arokiaraj, K. Ramalakshmi



Most of the countries around the world are under locked down due the pandemic. Every country has imposed a strict travel restrictions and has stopped all types of visas and tourist activities. This created a major impact on aviation sector and the tourist sector. Even the people not effected from Covid-19 and in real emergence are not able travel from one place to another. Some countries have laid down quarantine rules, which will be a major hindrance to emergency travelers and for tourists. All passengers traveling are tested for COVID-19 using RT-PCR, which can take between 48 to 72 hours to produce the result.  But in some cases people who are tested negative even after 3 or 4 RT-PCR tests shows a typical pneumonia in the CT Scan or in a chest X-ray. If the aviation sector relies only on the RT-PCR test, many patients may be missed. In order to reduce the risk to some extent and prevent a high-risk patient from traveling, the passenger can be asked to upload his / her chest X-ray prior to travel. Using an X-ray of the chest, we can predict the possibility of Covid-19 cases before the patients are physically examined. This technique cannot replace the RT-PCR test, but can be a stand-by tool to help detect Covid-19 prior to the RT-PCR test. It would also help to identify patients who are highly prone for the infection. In this paper, we developed a CNN from scratch to identify a patient infected with COVID from a chest X-ray image. The model was trained with the chest X-ray of normal and COVID patients. Later the model was tested on two datasets, one publicly available in GitHub, and the other dataset was compiled from the Italian Society of Medical and Interventional Radiology website using web scrapping. The model produced an accuracy of 96.48 percent with the training dataset. To further improve accuracy, we used the same dataset on a pre-trained network (VGG16) and achieved an accuracy of around 99 per cent.


Covid-19,Chest X-ray image,CNN,VGG16,Transfer learning,


I. Ali Narin, Ceren Kaya, and Ziynet Pamuk, “Automatic detection of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) using x-ray images and deep convolutional neural networks”,arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.10849, 2020.
II. Asif Iqbal Khan, JunaidLatief Shah, and Mudasir Bhat “Coronet: A deep neural network for detection and diagnosis of COVID-19 from chest x-ray images”,arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.04931, 2020.
III. Lin Li, Lixin Qin, Zeguo Xu, Youbing Yin, Xin Wang, Bin Kong, Junjie Bai, Yi Lu, Zhenghan Fang, Qi Song, et al,“Artificial intelligence distinguishes COVID-19 from community acquired pneumonia on chest ct. Radiology”,RSNA ,page 200-205, 2020.
IV. LindaWang and AlexanderWong “COVID-Net: A tailored deep convolutional neural network design for detection of COVID-19 cases from chest radiography images” arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.09871, 2020.
V. Min Zhou, Yong Chen, Dexiang Wang, Yanping Xu, Weiwu Yao, Jingwen Huang, XiaoyanJin, Zilai Pan, Jingwen Tan, LanWang, et al,“Improved deep learning model for differentiating novel coronavirus pneumonia and influenza pneumonia”, medRxiv, 30 March 2020. DOI: 10.1101/2020.03.24.20043117
VI. Ophir Gozes, MaayanFrid-Adar, Hayit Greenspan, Patrick D. Browning, Huangqi Zhang, Wenbin Ji, Adam Bernheim, and Eliot Siegel, “Rapid AI development cycle for the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic: Initial results for automated detection & patient monitoring using deep learning CT image analysis”,arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.05037, 2020.
VII. Rezaul Karim, Till DAűhmen, Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann, Stefan Decker, Michael Cochez, Oya
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IX. Tulin Ozturk, Muhammed Talo, Eylul Azra Yildirim, Ulas Baran Baloglu, Ozal Yildirim, and U Rajendra Acharya, “Automated detection of covid-19 cases using deep neural networks with x-ray images”, Computers in Biology and Medicine 121, pp. 103792, 2020.
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XI. Wei-jie Guan, Zheng-yi Ni, Yu Hu,Wen-hua Liang, Chun-quanOu, Jian-xing He, Lei Liu, Hong Shan, Chun-liang Lei, David SC Hui, et al , “Clinical characteristics of coronavirus disease 2019 in china”, The New England Journal of Medicine, med 2020;382, pp.1708-20, 2020

Vasanthselvakumar R, Balasubramanian M, Palanivel S, Detection and Classification of Kidney Disorders using Deep Learning Method”, J.Mech.Cont.& Math.Sci.Vol.-14, No.2, March-April (2019), pp 258-270.

SozanSulaimanMaghdid,Tarik Ahmed Rashid, Sheeraz Ahmed, Khalid Zaman, M.Khalid Rabbani, “Analysis and Prediction of Heart Attacks Based on Design of Intelligent Systems”, J.Mech.Cont.& Math.Sci.Vol.-14, No.-4, July-August (2019), pp 628-645

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Shwetha Sirikonda, Naresh Kumar Sripada, R. Nethravathi



According to facts from ministry of girls and children development, as many as 20 kids on an average go missing in the national capital each day. And handiest 30 percent of the kids are reunited with their families, the respite remain entrenched. Of the 20 children, the handiest one or two kids goes missing on their personal, ultimate kids are abducted.  Kidnapped kids are pushed into toddler labor, flesh trade, domestic provider or begging racket. Despite CCTV cameras, preserving an eye fixed at the roads and a hi-tech police force guarding the residents, predominant cities in India has grown to be a hub of kidnappers each as a transit and destination point. The alarming records embody abortive to induce police officers into urgency. To get rid of kid abduction, we proposed to built a virtual agent - Tracking and monitoring elementary school kids (TMESK system) meant to design a at ease gadget that continuously tracks and monitor kids and alert the parentsschool management if anything went wrong. In proposing model Linear Support Vector Machine used to train TMESK system using GPS trajectory data and smart IOT wearable gadgets alert when kids exits from a safe zone or enters to unexpected location change, TMESK sends an alert message to their mother and father, caretakers and nearest police station to make sure the safety of the child.


Internet of Things (IOT),Global Positioning system (GPS),Deep Neural Network (DNN),


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