Journal Vol – 15 No -8, August 2020



Bassam Ali Ahmed, Fathi Abdulsahib Alshamma



This paper presents the influence of cycling impact loading and temperature on dynamic crack propagation in thin plates for two types of aluminum plates (7075, 6061) with aspect ratio (1.5,2) and plate boundary conditions (CSCS& SFSF). Using analytical solution and numerical analysis, crack lengths have (3, 5) mm and crack angle (45o). Analytical solution using program (MATLAB-16), the purpose of analytical solution to get the mechanical and thermal stress with time at crack tip in thin aluminum plate, then calculate the dynamic crack propagation under the effect of these stresses. Numerical analysis using program (ANSYS-18 APDL) based on finite element method, the purpose of numerical analysis to obtain mechanical and thermal stress respect with time at the tip of the crack in thin aluminum plate, then calculate the dynamic crack propagation under the mechanical and thermal stresses effect. The results showed that the dynamic crack propagation increased as the crack length increased, and also found that the dynamic crack propagation decreased as the aspect ratio of the plate increased.


Stress,dynamic crack propagation,crack tip,analysis,plate,


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Shahad S. Hadi, Nassir H. Salman, Loay E. George



There has been challenging the pattern recognition that more attention needs to be paid to this area Offline Signature Verification (OSV), particularly when it is relied upon to popularize fully on the skillful frauds that are not accessible during the preparation. Its difficulties additionally incorporate little training tests and great intra-class divergence. At times the crude signature can incorporate additional pixel known as noises or may not be in the legitimate structure where preprocessing is obligatory. Insomuch as a signature is preprocessed accurately, it leads to a superior outcome for both signature matching and fraud disclosure.For example; an  appropriate estimation of gamma value improves the contrast of the signature image, on another hand, Pre-preparing likewise comprises binarization, noise elimination, so forth...The proposed method is for extraction features (such as ;Energy, Contrast, Entropy,and Correlation) from Offline Signature Verification System. In this paper, the data processing deals with twain parallel styles viz signature training and signature testing analysis. Insomuch as that the extracted features from a signature picture doesn't powerful, this will cause higher verification error rates particularly for skillful fabrications in hacking the system.The results show that’s the (UTSig) and the combination of (NISDCC, CEDAR, SigComp2012).Comparing with the other researches, the results in this Paper is the best and the system is more efficientwith (UTSig) signature which were 97%.


Offline Signature Verification,Insomuch,estimation of gamma value,twain parallel styles,UTSig,NISDCC,CEDAR,SigComp2012,


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Iraqi license plate recognition system using (YOLO) with SIFT and SURF Algorithm


Nada Hassan Jasem, Faisal Ghazi. Mohammed



Automatic License Recognition (ALPR) has been considered significant in many applications in intelligent transport and monitoring systems. As in other tasks of the computer vision, deep learning methods (DL) were implemented recently in the ALPR context, with a focus on country-specific Iraqi councils, like German or Old and Northern.  In this work, we proposed the DL-ALPR system from the beginning in the license plate detection phase of Iraqi plates according to the latest (YOLO) convolutional layers to detect single class. Utilizing a data set of Iraqi paintings collected by the researcher, and in the second stage, the detection plates are Recognition by extracting a set of license plate features using the SIFT and SURF algorithm, then using KNN to match the plates stored in the database to match them, the data is divided into two parts, part photos: 1300 pictures, And the second part, videos of the Iraqi vehicles in different environmental conditions, and the number is 35 videos. 1300 photos were divided 70% in the training phase and 30% in the testing phase and the results obtained in the testing phase were 99.2% for LP detection and 97.14% for recognition and the total accuracy of the system was 98.17%.


Automatic License Recognition,deep learning methods,Iraqi plates,SIFT and SURF algorithm,training phase,testing phase,


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Shaymaa Adnan Abdulrahman, Mohamed Roushdy, Abdel-Badeeh M. Salem



Intelligent access control is one of the challenging tasksin the human identification, image analysis, and diagnoses disease and computer vision. The focus towards the intelligent access control has been increased in the last years due to its various, applications in different   domains. For this reason, it was used intelligent access control to facilitate the task of identifying the human.The objective of this paper is to analyse and evaluate the seven techniques for the intelligent access control and advantage and disadvantage of each type. In addition, represents biometrics characteristics in general. The Biometric feature is used to determine human identity including the brain signals. Through this study, brain signals are the best among the techniques. In this study, we first presented a survey of the Computational intelligence techniques in biometrics. All previous studies used brain EEG signals. Where different algorithms were used to extract, the features. These feature applied for human identification. The Accuracy achieved was up to 97% according to the studies found in this research


Computational intelligence,human identification,Biometrics,Finger print,EEG signals,


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Nasru Minallah, M. Nouman Khan, Waleed khan, Khurram Shahzad, SozanSulaiman Maghdid, Sheeraz Ahmed



Life on the Earth exists because of atmosphere that surrounds it. As with the passage of time population increases and with this increases anthropogenic activities increases which is adversely affecting our atmosphere. That is why temperature of cities is soaring up. As our atmosphere is occupied by different gases, whose increase or decrease can substantially affects our environment. The major air pollutants, due to human activities, are carbon monoxide ), carbon dioxide ( ), nitrogen dioxide ( ), ozone ( ), sulfur dioxide ( ) and particulate matter ( ).Among these pollutants,  plays a big role as it can be produced due to road traffic and combustion of fossil fuels. In this paper, we investigated  in Pakistan troposphere through Sentinel-5 Precursor (S5-P) satellite. Data from the S5-P, with TROPO phosphoric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) as payload, became available in July 2018, having spatial resolution nine times higher than that of OMI. S5-P launched by European Space Agency(ESA) with one-day revisit cycle, has the capability to sense all atmospheric gases. Our area of study is Pakistan. We processed S5-P datasets in Google Earth Engine(GEE) and produced results of four seasons, during 2018-2019, of . Different regions of Pakistan, which have excess in its troposphere, are also shown. This increase is supported by the fact that with time the increase in urban population causes dramatic negative effects on the atmosphere. Compared to traditional methods, this study will substantially increase the capability of the government and policy makers to take timely action on anthropogenic activities in mentioned cities, in order to mitigate emission of . Our findings illustrate the decrease of in summer, and surges in autumn and vice versa. In autumn Karachi, Sheikhupura, Raiwind, Lahore, Jamber, Faisalabad and Rawalpindi have highest concentration of  . In winter excess  spots over Karachi, Sheikhupura, Lahore, Raiwind, Jamber and Rawalpindi are detected. After winter, spring season shows further decrease in  concentration in which Karachi, Dera Ghazi Khan Sheikhupura, Rawalpindi and Lahore have highest  concentration and in summer in Pakistan troposphere is further reduced to Sheikhupura, Raiwind and Jamber cities.


Earth,Atmosphere,Urban Pollution,NO4,Google Earth Engine,Sentinel 5P,Omi,


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Muhammad Yousaf Ali Khan, Abid Saleem, Asif Nawaz, Nasru Minallah, Rehan Ali Khan, Muneeb Sadat, Zeeshan Najam, Sheeraz Ahmed



The modern digital systems especially those dealing with enormous data consumption application are facing a very complicated problem of high latency in these memory access application. Latency seems to be a major hurdle in the performance of modern memory dependent systems as it experiences delay in the processing. This high latency depends upon too many factors especially applications involving memory access operation. Out of these major factors one is of the binding and allocation application. Number of different approaches in the recent past has adopted to optimize the high latency in memory access application. Yet the modern embedded system faces high latency still due to enormous data transfer. In our approach we focus to optimize the latency of modern digital system by dividing the memory into groups. Following by activating, the fourth coming commands in advance in idle slots of different memory modules. The approach is called slag time management. In our algorithm effective distribution of memory into modules activating the later command in advance is followed by the advance dynamic buffers for saving the most frequently access arrays in it.The proposed technique of dividing the memory into modules utilizing the memory management idle slot management in use of advance of dynamic buffers has significantly approved the overall of latency of


Array binding and allocation,Dynmic random-access memory (DRAM),effective sheduling,empty slots management,memory latency,multi-core processors on chip (MPSoC).,


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Iyad Katib



The Median Filter (MF) is one of the problems that need massive computational resources to perform its operation in a moderate time.  The MF can be implemented on traditional CPUs and GPUs.  Investigating the performance in terms of processing time of the MF on different architectures can provide the researchers with wider vision to optimally select the computational resources that best fit the required time needed to remove salt and pepper noise.  This paper shows the impact of different parameters affecting the MF processing time.  Resolution of the frame, frame rate per second, and the MF r value are investigated in order to decide both the preferred architecture and algorithm.  OpenMP has been deployed on CPUs and CUDA has been deployed on Nvidia GPGPU K20.  Experimental results show that histogram approach and K20 using CUDA are the best choice for processing 4K resolution with r > 2 and HD resolution with r > 4. For VGA resolution and r > 6, histogram approach and CPU using OpenMP are the best choice.  The paper provides a way to select the architecture-algorithm pair suitable for implementing the MF


CUDA,GPU,Histogram Approach,Median Filter,OpenMP ,


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Hamayun Khan, Sheeraz Ahmed, S. Farhan Haider Shah, Rehan Ali Khan, Zeeshan Najam, Hasnain Abbas, Asif Nawaz, Zubair Aslam Khan



In the research article an energy optimization method for electrical hardware's utilizing IoTs and wireless sensor is introduced as the Vitality utilization has become one the serious issue in the advanced electrical gear's because of this framework execution is influenced and happens shifts misfortunes. The proposed design improves energy optimization, and decreases the energy utilization. The significant target is to gauge the temperature and lessen vitality utilization utilizing remotely organized IoT and Simulink ideal. The proposed algorithm find the primary destinations of the machine taskand to improve its execution time, and also figure out the temperature of gadget and balance out the temperature, by observing progressively, decreasing vitality utilization and make a vitality productive framework. The equipment is designed with MCU (controlling), single-channel transfer (for exchanging), DHT 11(humidity and temperature sensor),Ac to Dc conversion(adaptor). For the reproduction of the task, Arduino IDE programming is utilized forevery electricalequipment. We can control and schedule the energy utilization capacity through the cayenne web interface using wireless module (undefended source web space for interfacing of the microcontroller), we can switch the states if electrical gear concluded this mesh and fire acquire its outcome and work as indicated by the booking of the hardware. For air temperature sensor Matlab Simulink is used for displaying for gear's energy enhancement the technique decreases the energy consumption of individual equipment’s by 4% as compared to the previously used techniques.


Dynamic Power Management,Real-time systems,Multicore Architecture,IOTs,Wireless sensor network,


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Yasser Mohamed Tarshany, Mohd Hafiz Yusoff, Rizalafande Che Ismail, Samer Bamansoor, SyarillaIryani A. Saany, Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary



Artificial intelligence applications, including electronic games, have spread widely in our time among children and young people, and parents have suffered from the disruption of their children from them and the surrounding community due to sitting a lot with these applications and electronic games, especially in light of the pandemic of the Covid-19 virus, and children look at their interests, which leads to their addiction With the aim of developing their mental abilities while parents consider their interests to spend times and at the same time have many implications for achieving the goal of keeping the mind, and therefore the importance of research lies in clarifying how to preserve the mind through applications of artificial intelligence, interests and spoilers from electronic games and how to achieve them for the objective of keeping the mind, and research aims To define the objective of keeping the mind, artificial intelligence and electronic games, and to clarify its interests and spoils and how to bring interests and ward off evil through legitimate controls in order to achieve the objective of keeping the mind, the researcher used the analytical and critical inductive approach by collecting what related to the interests and spoils arising from the applications of artificial intelligence in electronic games on Achieve the intention of keeping the mind and its criticism and how to reduce spoilers by evil controls Consciousness, and the research consisted of preface and two researches, introducing the definition and legitimacy of the goal of mind keeping and artificial intelligence and electronic games, the first topic: the interests and spoils of artificial intelligence applications in electronic games to achieve the goal of keeping the mind, the second topic: legal controls for applications of artificial intelligence in electronic games to achieve a destination Preserving the mind, and a conclusion in it the most important results and recommendations, and the most important results are the importance of knowing the interests and spoils of the applications of artificial intelligence in electronic games and benefiting from these games in a way that achieves the objective of keeping the mind while working to increase its interests and ward off its corruption through the application of legal controls.


Objective for Keeping the Mind,Artificial Intelligence,Electronic Games,Objectives of Shariah,Covid-19,Electronic Education,


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XXIV. Video games and their repercussions on the level of academic achievement and some sports activities among adolescent pupils (15 and 18 years old) A survey study conducted at Koueidri High School, Mohamed BakhamisMeliana, Akon Hakim, Bakkah Abdel-Qader, requiring an academic master’s degree, Kassadi University, profitable and few, Algeria 2014

XXV. Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary, Elsayed M. S. S. Elawadi, .M. Hafiz Yusoff, .SyarillaIryani A. Saany, Yasser M. Tarshany, N. Jannah BintiAbdullah. (2020). Mobile Application Utilizing 2D Animation to Learn Animals Stories in Quran in Multi Languages. IJFGCN, 13(3), 1082–1091.

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Rizalafande Che Ismail, Nahg Abdul majid Alawi, Mohd Hafiz Yusoff, Syarilla Iryani A. Saany, Samer Bamansoor, Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary



Promises developments in information technology, the most affected accounting and communications, and this led to tremendous developments and leaps in accounting that are no longer limited to recording, tabulating, summarizing and presenting data in final accounts on the result of information aimed at providing diverse activity information but rather evolved to be a system for its users from internal parties And external, in order to rationalize decisions, and then it has become a social technology that touches all economic, administrative, social and technical variables in the world of business and finding the accounting treatments necessary for these variables and showing their implications accounting clearly. Insurance is a method or a way for people to make sure the compensation of the loss in life such as illness, damage loss in accident or another specified loss. When people register or use this method, it can cover all damage with a specified condition based on what plan that people register or take. The way of cover by insurance are by return of money or payment support for the damage. For example, a man suffer diabetes in his life, so when he register for an insurance plan, the insurance company will support this man by give the money support for that man to buy medicine or make a checkup at hospital. People that register to insurance agency, they have to pay to that agency by month. The payment cost is based on the plan that they pick. If the plan cover 100% damage the payment for monthly will be more expensive that plan that cover below than 100% damage. However, there are certain problem in insurance agency or company which are pre-existing condition and payment way by monthly or yearly. People are talking about the condition that are changing from the plan that they choose and face problem to make a problem online to certain insurance agency. Therefore, in this study, the paper focus to identify the key criteria of solution to solve this problem. The criteria of solution discussed hoping this solution will become a major guidelines to fix this problemin any insurance agency or company.


E-Payment,E-Commerce,Insurance System,Accounting Issues,


I. 15 J.L. & Com. 375 (2009-2010) Insurance and the Pre-Existing Condition Problem(“Going Bare”).

II. Asokan, Nadarajah, et al. “The state of the art in electronic payment systems.” Computer 30.9 (1997): 28-35.

III. Bamansoor, S., Saany, S. I. A., y El-Ebiary, Y. A. B. (2020). The S-Commerce usage and acceptance modelling in Malaysia. 3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC, 9(1), 99-115.

IV. El-Ebiary, Y. A. B., & Al-Sammarraie, N. A. (2019). “Mobile Commerce Potentials and challenges – India Case Study”. (IJRTE), 8(IC2), pp. 1154-1157.

V. Harrell, Jeffrey. “Offline to online payment.” U.S. Patent Application No. 14/2018,(2)75.

VI. He, Lin, and Zongxia Liang. “Optimal financing and dividend control of the insurance company with fixed and proportional transaction costs.” Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 44.1 (2019): 88-94.

VII. PulseSolution (Ecommerce Methodology), (2018) 13(2).

VIII. Seita Almandeel, Waheeb Abu-Ulbeh, Ahmed Hassan Hassan, Yosef A.Baker El-Ebiary, Samer Bamansoor, Syarilla Iryani A. Saany. (2020). The Proficiency and Adequacy of Leadership in Operational Administration Level in Association. IJFGCN, 13(3), 1165–1170.

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Abdelrahman Moawad Ali Tahawi, AbdelsattarAbdelwahab Ayoub Othman, Ragab Ibrahim Ahmed Awad, Elsayed Mohamed Salem Salem Elawadi, Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary



The means of developing Islamic discourse, from engagement to websites and social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), indicate that the direct means of Islamic discourse are many, including: Friday sermon, sermon, lecture, seminar, dialogue and debate. Among the most important innovative features of direct Islamic discourse: integration, balance, order of ideas, participation, compassion, civility, discussion, and attractiveness in presentation. The most important indirect means of Islamic discourse are the electronic means of communication through the Internet.Without doubt, the allocation of properties of the composition for the Quranic discourse helps to understand semantic, and that dosen’t mean the indication here as the first result from the composition, because this result was ascertaining in any level of expression, the composition of it came in a familiar style. What I meant was the second result, as launched by Abdul al-Qahir al-Jurjani (al-ma’ani al-Thawani) that does not happen to the range of mind’s perception except when they recite the composition with expressive capabilities, and composition movements. It was acknowledged that the context represents the foundation of indicators and its non-existence will lead to the scattered vocabularies that is not governed by; any relationship, because it does not connect to any context that can connect it to elements, consequently any analytical process for compositions will not be meaningful; because it is essential to depict the context with the analysis, and with the depiction of the context, the compositions obtains distinguish form in its expression’s vivacity, in which it widen different trends which some if it last long, and some displayed and some which occupy deeper subject, which contribute to its name of subject vivacity. The effect of this vivacity undoubtedly determines the understanding of indications of the Quranic discourse. the research presents characteristics of Quranic discourse commencing the meaning of discourse and its types, then presenting the distinguished style of discourse in the Holy Quran, its features and characteristics. then subject vivacity and this allocates the initial connections between subject vivacity and Quranic discourse and the consolation of this connection. finally conclude the important results followed by some recommendations.


The Internet,Websites,Online Speech,Social Media,Quranic Discourse,Rhetorical,


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XXVIII. Elsayed Mohamed Salem SalemElawadi, Zulazhan Ab. Halim, Najeeb Abbas Al-Sammarraie, Yousef Abubaker El-Ebiary, Bishwajeet Pandey, (2019). “The Impact of E-Learning in Teaching Arabic Language for Non-Native Speakers”, (IJRTE), Volume-8 Issue-2S3, pp. 1159-1162.

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AbdelsattarAbdelwahab Ayoub Othman, Abdelrahman Moawad Ali Tahawi, Elsayed Mohamed Salem Salem Elawadi, Ragab Ibrahim Ahmed Awad, Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary



It is extremely important for the participants to acquire the modern skills in the field of the main offices business, in addition to applying the latest behavioral and administrative skills, which must be available in the history of the VIPs and their writings. And in order to practice the process of knowledge and knowledge. The electronic archiving system is a system for storing important documents within an electronic system that saves time and effort in reviewing or requesting a document by searching for it via the document number or its history or anything that indicates it, whether the date it was preserved or the values that were preserved with it or anything that indicates to it such as The author, therefore the electronic archiving system is considered an advanced and very useful system not only for history but also for companies, institutions or government departments dispensaries or any entity that has documents and wants to convert them into electronic documents and deal with them within a program that archives paper documents and documents and disposal of papers and preservation traditional. by Abu Shamah a study and criticism.” This study aims to explore the method followed by Abu Shamah in his book “Al-Mudzil” ‘ala al-Raudhatain”, and to discuss the following features: History arranged based on yearly basis, scheduling historical events, and timely arrangements on a monthly basis in a year, connecting the past with the future of the historical events, proclamation of the mistakes of other people and corrections of these mistakes, considerations of figures, presentation on peculiar and miraculous events that he recorded, and explain the most important flaws on the recording method used by Abu Shamah. The most important result of this research is the explanation on the features of the method used by Abu Shamah in al-Mudzila’la al-Raudhatain together with evidences, and with that, readers are presented with an important historical article which demonstrate current social, economy, defence in accurate period of time in our Islamic history from 590-665 hijrah / 1194-1267 ce. The researcher recommends the study of Abu Syamah’s writings in history, Fiqh, Tafseer and language which its study and engagement shall give us many benefits and advantages that will contribute to knowledge and scholars and will uncover treasures and heritage of the original Arabs.


Electronic Archiving,Information systems,File Management,Recording Methods,Al-Mudzil,


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XX. Elsayed Mohamed Salem SalemElawadi, Zulazhan Ab. Halim, Najeeb Abbas Al-Sammarraie, Yousef Abubaker El-Ebiary, Bishwajeet Pandey, (2019). “The Impact of E-Learning in Teaching Arabic Language for Non-Native Speakers”, (IJRTE), Volume-8 Issue-2S3, pp. 1159-1162.

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XXXIII. Ragab Aboumelih M. S., A. Ramadan M. A., A. Fathi Ramadan, Saad GommaZaghloul, M. Mustakim Bin Abd Halim, Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary. “The Role of Social Media in The Spread of Information – A Study On the Endeavor Expansion Between the Appearance of Texts and The Sharia Intentions”. Volume 83, Issue: May – June 2020, P: 9913 – 9921. (TEM).

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Umm-e-Laila, Najeed Ahmed Khan, Asad Arfeen, Shahzad Hassan



OSS (Open Source Software) is a leading-edge technology which has a profound impact on Information Technology.  It has been observed via extent research that there are substantial barriers associated with OSS that thwart the wide adoption of OSS especially in the domain of mission critical software. Critical IT infrastructure is the backbone of any country. Any nation's economy, security, and health are totally dependent on the critical infrastructure. Critical IT infrastructure demands mission critical software to run their day to day work properly and efficiently. It has been observed that critical organizations are operating with proprietary software and are willing to adopt Open source software (OSS). Proprietary software comes with many issues like vendor dependencies, license cost and maintenance cost. This paper investigates the current trends of Critical IT infrastructure and identifies the barriers in OSS adoption in Critical IT Infrastructure Industry.


Open Source Software,Closed Source Software,Factors affecting adoption,Information Technology,


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Some Properties of Square Absorption Semirings


G Rajeswari, T Vasanthi, M Amala, T Lakshmi Narayana



In this research article, we work with varieties of enriched semirings. The proposed study gives the structure of Square Absorption semirings satisfying  for all in S. We study the condition under which  is idempotent and/or   is idempotent. We also study the structure of this class of semirings under which additive reduct and multiplicative reductare positively totally ordered semirings.


Square Absorption Semiring,Idempotent semiring,Periodic,Zeroid,Right (left) regular,


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Firas TareqAbdulateef, Nada Hussein M. Ali



As the internet is rapidly evolving, communication technologies have become insecure, so several techniques is produced to solve this issue. The digital watermark technique is one of these techniques which provides the protection of property rights. This paper present a technique for image watermarking images that aim to improve the degree of robustness of the watermarking system against noise attacks, also to enhance the quality of the watermark image. In addition, logistic map chaotic is used in this technique to make sure the watermark image where the watermark is available only to a authorize user. This scheme is considered as a blind scheme for both cover image and watermark. Firstly, the watermark logo is encrypted with the logistic map chaotic and then encoded into a string of binary values, the secret image is embedded within another image, i.e. cover image by decomposition of the host image using Haar wavelet transform. The experimental results of the presented work indicate that elevated values of imperceptibility have been indicated via MSE and PSNR parameters. The robustness of image watermark have been evaluated via NC, also it has been indicated for having high robustness against attacks


Haar wavelet transform,Image watermarking,Logistic map chaotic,


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