


Rama Bulusu



The area of fractal modeling is a present-day applicative growth. Fractals contain unlimited amount of information in contradiction to conventional geometric shapes. A well-established method of creating fractals is by means of Iterated Function Systems, with extra - ordinary work done on 2D IFS, where the rendering of the same acquired in an easy and effective manner. Though the 3D IFS transpires/takes shape as a natural world derived add-on, more research has to be carried on it in real-world fractal science and engineering. Here 3D IFS is used to get enchanting fractals by applying algorithms.  The methods used here have a wide- spread use in fractal science very, an example being, recursive fractals elucidated through algebraic transformations. Also presented is a suitable algorithm for processing of arrays. Finally, the outputs obtained are passed through shading and exposure to get a viewing picture. The processes used above result in producing modified versions of objects in a variety of shape andtexture.


Fractals,IFS,Self-similarity,Time Complexity,Time Image,


I D.M. Monro and F. Budbridge, “Rendering Algorithms for deterministic fractals,” IEEE Computer Graphics and its Applications, Pages 32-41, 1995.
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C.P. Pandey, Sunil Kumar Singh, Jyoti Saikia



In this paper, we accomplished the concept of convolution of Laguerre transform for the study of continuous Laguerre wavelet transform and discuss some of its basic properties. Finally our main goal is to find out the Plancherel and inversion formula for the Continuous Laguerre WaveletTransform.


Laguerre transforms,Laguerre convolution,Wavelet transform,2010 Mathematics Subject Classification,42C40,65R10,44A35,


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N. Narasimhulu, D.V. Ashok Kumar, M. Vijaya Kumar



In the paper, identification and classification of high impedance faults (HIF) are analyzed with the Extended Kalman filter and Deep Belief Neural Network (DBN). Here, the proposed method is utilized for classifying the HIF in power system. To extract the features of the signals, EKF is introduced and the DBN is used for classify the signals. Initially, the distribution system, the No Fault (NF) signals are analyzed. After that, in the distribution system linear load and non-linear loads are applied to the system. In this proposed method, radial distribution system and meshed distribution systems are analyzed under the HIF conditions. Here, harmonic coefficients of 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 13th are analyzed with the help of proposed method. The feature signals of current and voltage under the harmonic components are taken as the input of DBN. The feature signals are classified with the help of DBN classifier. The proposed method is implemented in MATLAB/Simulink working platform and the detection performance evaluated. The evaluated results are compared with Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Neuro Fuzzy Controller (NFC) methods. In addition, the proposed method is tested with the statistical measures like, Accuracy, Sensitivity, and Specificity etc


DBN,EKF,linear load,non-linear load,ANN,NFS,harmonic coefficients,HIF,


I Bokka Krishna Chaitanya, Anamika Yadav and Mohammad Pazoki, “An Intelligent Detection of High-Impedance Faults for Distribution Lines Integrated with Distributed Generators”, IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 870 – 879, March 2020

II Chengye Lu, Sheng Wu, Chunxiao Jiang and Jinfen, “Weak Harmonic Signal Detection Methodin Chaotic Interference based on Extended Kalman Filter”, Digital Communications and Networks, Vol.5, No.1, pp.51-55, February 2019

III Érica Mangueira Lima, Núbia Silva Dantas Brito and Benemar Alencar de Souza, “High impedance fault detection based on Stockwell transform and third harmonic current phase angle”, Electric Power Systems Research, Vol.175, pp.1-14, October 2019,

IV Junbo Zhao, Marcos Netto and Lamine Mili, “A Robust Iterated Extended Kalman Filter for Power System Dynamic State Estimation”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 3205 – 3216, July 2017

V J.U.N. Nunes, A.S. Bretas, N.G. Bretas, A.R. Herrera-Orozco and L.U. Iurinice, “Distribution systems high impedance fault location: A spectral domain model considering parametric error processing”, Elsevier, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol. 109, pp. 227-241, July 2019

VI Kumari Sarwagya, Sourav De and Paresh Kumar Nayak, “High-impedance fault detection in electrical power distribution systems using moving sum approach”, IET Science, Measurement & Technology, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 1-8, 2018

VII Meera R.Karamta and J.G.Jamnani, “Implementation of Extended Kalman Filter Based Dynamic State Estimation on SMIB System Incorporating UPFC Dynamics”, Energy Procedia, Vol.100, pp. 315-324, November 2016

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IX Sinha, Pampa, and Manoj Kumar Maharana, “Artificial Intelligence in Classifying High Impedance Faults in Electrical Power Distribution System”, In proceedings of International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICRTCCNT’19), Kings Engineering College, pp.1-5, 2019

X VicenteTorres-Garcia, DanielGuillen, JimenaOlveres, BorisEscalante-Ramirez and Juan R.Rodriguez-Rodriguez, “Modelling of high impedance faults in distribution systems and validation based on multiresolution techniques”, Computers & Electrical Engineering, Vol. 83, pp.1-15, May 2020

XI Yuming Hua, Junhai Guo and Hua Zhao, “Deep Belief Networks and deep learning”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Internet of Things, pp.1-4, 2015

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ShrabaniMallick, Dharmender Singh Kushwaha



Softwarecost and schedule estimation is usually based on the estimated size of the software. Advanced estimation techniques also make use of the diverse factors viz, nature of the project, staff skills available, time constraints, performance constraints, technology required and so on. Usually, estimation is based on an estimation model prepared with the help of experienced project managers. Estimation of software cost is predominantly a crucial activity as it incurs huge economic and strategic investment. However accurate estimation still remains a challenge as the algorithmic models used for Software Project planning and Estimation doesn’t address the true dynamic nature of Software Development. This paper presents an efficient approach using the contemporary Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO) augmented with the desirable feature of fuzzy logic to address the uncertainty and flexibility associated with the cost drivers (Effort Multiplier Factor). The approach has been validated and interpreted by project experts and shows convincing results as compared to simple algorithmic models. The proposed model cost is close to the actual cost to a tune of 98%.


COCOMO,fuzzy logic,software development,cost estimation,


I Ali Bou Nassif, Mohammad Azzeh, Ali Idri and Alain Abran, Software Development Effort Estimation Using Regression Fuzzy Models, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, Hindawi publications, Feb 2019, Volume 2019 |Article ID 8367214 | 17 pages |

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III Ashish Sharma Manu Vardhan, A Versatile Approach for the Estimation of Software Development Effort Based on SRS Document , International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE), 2014pp 1-42

IV Attarzadeh, I., Siew Hock Ow, “Improving estimation accuracy of the COCOMO II using an adaptive fuzzy logic model”, IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ), 2011, Pages: 2458 – 2464, DOI: 10.1109/FUZZY.2011.6007471

V Attarzadeh, I.; Siew Hock Ow, Proposing a New High Performance Model for Software Cost Estimation””, ICCEE ’09. Second International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering, 2009, Volume: 2 Pages: 112 – 116, DOI: 10.1109/ICCEE.2009.97

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VII D. Manikavelan, R. Ponnusamy, Software quality analysis based on cost and error using fuzzy combined COCOMO model, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (2020), Springerlink, March 2020

VIII Huang, X.; Ho, D.; Ren, J.; Capretz, L.F., “A neuro-fuzzy tool for software estimation”, 20th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, 2004. Proceedings. Page: 520, DOI: 10.1109/ICSM.2004.1357862

IX Iman Attarzadeh ; Siew Hock Ow, Proposing a new software cost estimation model based on artificial neural networks, 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, IEEE April 2020, DOI: 10.1109/ICCET.2010.5485840

X Kushwaha, N., Suryakant, “Software cost estimation using the improved fuzzy logic framework”, Conference on IT in Business, Industry and Government (CSIBIG), 2014, Pages: 1 – 5, DOI: 10.1109/CSIBIG.2014.7056959

XI Mirseidova, S.; Atymtayeva, L., “Definition of software metrics for software project development by using fuzzy sets and logic “,13th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS), Joint 6th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems (SCIS) and 2012, Pages: 272 – 276, DOI: 10.1109/SCIS-ISIS.2012.6505336

XII [PUT92] Putnam, L. and W. Myers, Measures for Excellence, Yourdon Press, 1992.

XIII Rama, S.P., “Analytical structure of a fuzzy logic controller for software development effort estimation”, International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization (EESCO), Year: 2015, Pages: 1 – 4, DOI: 10.1109/EESCO.2015.725

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Mohammed Afandi Zainal, Mohd Effendi @ Ewan Mohd Matore



The purpose of the study is to analyze the psychometric properties of a survey questionnaire, Malaysian Teachers’ Innovative Behavior Instrument (MTIB) using Rasch Measurement Model aided by Winstep software Version 3.73. The questionnaire was administered on 109 school teachers from Melaka. The data were analyses to examine the items functional accordingly from the aspect of items fit in measuring constructs, items polarity, unidimensionality, local independence and the reliability and separation of item and respondent. The Rasch analysis showed satisfying psychometric properties of MTIB after removal of some misfitting items. Fit statistic evaluation discovered that a sum of 10 items were out of range and leaving only 20 items remaining that are appropriate to measure the four constructs of the innovative behavior in the MTIB. Further analysis with the remaining 20 items revealed that each PTMEA Corr is in positive values and met the assumptions of unidimensionality and local independence. Reliability and separation index were also within acceptable range. As for future research, it is recommended that different studies should be organized by using a various sample to generate much better, detailed and comprehensive information which can be represented more extensively.


Innovative Behavior,Psychometric,Rash Model,Teacher,Instrument,


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Vasam Srinivas, Ch. Sidhartha, D. Kothandaraman



One of the major social networking services provided by the social network these days is image recommendation. As day to day trend is increasing, knowing the user preferences and recommending the images have become urgent need in social network. Earlier recommendation models or frameworks were done by considering upload history of the user and interests. Most of the previous models were not considering other factors like reaction to the image, admiration to the image, sharing, reporting the image and so on. This paper, proposes a new socio recommend framework by considering the above factors using aspect importance attention (AIAM) model which improve the recommendation of the images, which keeps users engaged with social networking app.


Attention aspect,Hit ratio,Cumulative Gain,


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Sanaullah Dehraj, Rajab A. Malookani, Sajad H. Sandilo



This paper examines an (in) stability of an axially moving string system under the effect of external (viscous) damping. The string is taken to be fixed at both ends and general initial conditions are taken into consideration. The belt (string) speed is assumed to be non-constant harmonically varying about a relatively large means speed. The external damping is also considered to be small. Mathematically, the transverse vibrations of damped axially moving string system are modeled as second order linear homogeneous partial differential equation with variable coefficients. The approximate-analytic solution of the given initial-boundary value problem has been obtained by the application of two timescales perturbation method in conjunction of with Laplace transform method. It is found out that there are infinitely many values of resonant frequency parameter that gives rise to internal resonance in the system. However, in this study only non-resonant and the fundamental resonant cases has been studied. It turned out that the mode-response and the energy of system exhibits stability under certain values of damping parameter and mode-truncation for those parametric values is not problematic.


axially moving string,viscous damping,mode response,internal resonance,Laplace transform method,


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Shiela David, R. Aroul Canessane



Food Safety is largely important for any society because food is the major source of living. Also, there is an inherent lack of trust in the food sector. One simply cannot determine if the vegetables or meat that he/she is picking off the shelves of the supermarket aren’t genetically modified or not. Sure, one could manually trace back all records of the item in question and arrive at the decision, but that would take days upon days of unworthy effort. Thus, the consumption of such products is vulnerable to several diseases. Diseases transmitted through contaminated food are a persistent concern, not only for each one of us but also for governments. This article explains the influence of Blockchain in Food Safety. Implementing this technology in edible products makes food traceability possible, tracking products to their source for enhanced food authenticity and safety. Although the term Blockchain is widely known and Blockchain’s frameworks are finding applications in a variety of fields such as the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Banking, and healthcare; its framework can also be implemented to trace each processing stage of a food product. A ledger framework that consists of blocks where each block containing the information of each process state, will help the consumer to track the authenticity of the food product. If any product defects in any particular process, it can be easily identified by using this framework. This framework is implemented by a combination of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and Blockchain Technology.


Blockchain,Ledger,Framework,Traceability,Authenticity,Food Safety,RFI,


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III DING Hua, 2004. ‘On the Application of Supply Chain Theory in Enterprises Distributing Farm Produce’, China Business and Market, p.17-21.

IV FENG Tian, 2016, An Agrifood Supply Chain Traceability System for China Based on RFID & Blockchain Technology

V Gerrit Willem Ziggers, Jacques Trienekens, 1999. Quality assurance in food and agribusiness supply chains: Developing successful partnerships

VI Michael Crosby, Nachiappan, Pradan Pattanayak, Sanjeev Verma, Vignesh Kalyanaraman, Blockchain Technology: Beyond Bitcoin, 2016

VII SU Pin, 2012, ‘‘Research on Quality Safety Traceability System of Agricultural Products Based on Multi-Agent’, Science & Technology Information, p.24.

VIII XU Demin, 2010. The Application of RFID Technology in Supply Chain Management’, The Light & Textile Industries of Fujian, p. 43-46

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D.Srinivas, K.Rajkumar, N. Hanumantha Rao



The service sector in India is remarkably diverse.  It comprises a wide array of industries that promote to individual customers and organizational customers, as well as to government agencies and non-profit organizations.  The service sector in India is the most vibrating sector which is contributing above 54.0% of India’s GVA (Gross Value Added) in 2017-18 and employed more than 28.6 % of the India’s total population. India’s Net Services exports in 2017-18 grew to 14.98% year by year to US$ 77,562.89 million. Both domestic factors and global factors significantly affect the services sector. The facilities management market of India is expected to grow at 17% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between 2015 and 2020 and surpass the US$19 billion mark supported by growing sectors like retail, ,tourism hospitality, healthcare and  real estate  sectors.


Service Quality,Customer satisfaction,SERVQUAL,


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VIII. Khan, F., Tabassum, A. And Jahan, K., Assessment of Service Gap In Superstores of Bangladesh by using SERVQUAL Model, World Review of Business Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp.109 – 128, 2014.

IX. Najjar, L. And Ram, R.B. (2006), Service Quality: A Case Study of a Bank. The Quality Management Journal, 5(3), pp. 35-44.

X. Parasuraman, A., Berry, L. & Zeithaml, V. “A Conceptual Model of SQ And itsimplications for Future Research”, Journal of Marketing. 49. Pp. 41–50,1985.

XI. Rohini, R, “Service quality in Bangalore hospitals – An empirical study”. Journal of Services Research, 6(1), 2006.

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XIII. Taylor, S.A., & Baker, T.L. (1994), An assessment of the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction in the formation of consumer purchase intentions. Journal of Retailing, 70, summer, 163-78.

XIV. Zeithaml, V. A., Berry, L. L. & Parasuraman, A. (1998), Communication and control processes in the delivery of service quality. Journal of Marketing, 52, 35–48.

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Sallauddin Mohmmad, Ramesh Dadi, A.Harshavardhan, Syed Nawaz Pasha, Shabana



Generally communication with people in our daily life is by speaking with voice but some communications can possible with body language,facial expressions and hand signs. Expect the voice also we can communicate with others. Apart from that hand gestures are playing very important role in communication. Here we developed a gesture identification system which interpretsthe American Sign Language .This system helps the people who are deficiency with deaf and dumb. This system lead them to understand communicate as like normal people.Lot of proposals is introduced on gestures specified with their languages like ASL, ISL, etc.Here we are introducing new static gestures using MATLAB on bases of existing systems. Our input captured from camera then system applies the preprocessing on captured image. The set of features are retrieved using PCA. Comparison of the features is done using Euclidean Distance with the help of training sets. Finally optimal gestures identify and produce the output inwards of text or voice.


Static gesture recognition,PCA,Euclidean Distance,MATLABsoftware,


I. Anushree Pillai, Spandan Sinha, Piyanka Das,OinamRobitaChanu,”Contrivance OfRecognised Hand Gestures Into Voice And TextOutput,” Proceedings of 35th IRF International Conference, pp.41-45,2017.

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VII. Mohammed Ali Shaik, P. Praveen and R. Vijaya Prakash, “Novel Classification Scheme for Multi Agents”, Asian Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol.8 No. S3, June 2019, ISSN: 2249-0701, pp. 54-58.

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