Journal Vol – 15 No -8, August 2020



Sajid Hussain, Ren Han, Nisar Hussain Khoja



A set  of vertices of a graph  is said to be a decycling set if  is acyclic. The size of a minimum decycling set of  is called the decycling number of  and it is denoted by In this paper, our chief objectives areto obtain the upper bound of the decycling number of a graph by using graph chromatics number and its order. The relation of the genus of the surface  and the decycling number of a graph embedded in surface  is studied. The decycling number of a planar graph with  vertices is conjectured to be , which is shown in this paper if the girth of the graph is at least four. The decycling number of a graph with  vertices and maximum degree three is proved to be at most Also, we completely investigatethe decycling number of the hypercube .


Decycling number,Chromatic number,Maximum degree,Embedding,Girth,hypercube,


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Sharvani Yedulapuram, Rajeshwarrao Arabelli, K. Ravi kiran, Kanegonda Ravi Chythanya



According to the organizations like NCRB-social government and the reports of WHO, 35% women are subjected to physical harassment, abuse and violence that occur even in public places such as cabs, hospitals, public transport, public parks, in and around schools, railway-bus stands, foot paths, and worse in the very own neighbors. Changing dynamics of working environment also forces many to work in night shifts which make them to move out in vulnerable timings. In India, according to amendment to the Factories Act 1948, it was allowed under the law for women to work night shifts which enabled many women to work through shifts but also put them in risk. Most of the women are working in nightshiftsimply there is an increase in their productivity, quality and international competitiveness because of which many women tend to work nowadays and support their families. Companies always provide necessary security measures in place to ensure women safety, yet in several situations incidents happened to prove the vulnerability of them due to several attributes. Research works were being undertaken to device strategies, protocols, policies to protect women workforce from being vulnerable.   In this paper an attempt is made to make a device for the women security where the device provides the safety measure in public places, public transports such as cabs, schools, buses and company vehicle etc. We propose an advanced model, which aims to provide a safe environment for women in the society through live video streaming by embedding sensors with a processor chip. The core of the entire system is raspberry pi, Pi Camera which is used for video data which will be collected by the embedded system and sent to the cloud by wireless network. Through this device a live video camera is implemented in the device which feds the live video through a GPS module that can be used to trace the whereabouts and the issues a woman may face which can be used to rescue under distress situation.


Raspberry Pi,Embedded System,Pi camera, Image Capture,Video Streaming,


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Nagendrababu Mahapatruni, Velangini Sarat P., Suresh Mallapu, Durga Syamprasad K.



Analysis of single machine infinite bus system is made by considering single Kaplan turbine-generator with exciter and governor for the small-signal stability. In this research paper a scientific approach was adopted to minimize the settling time along with the stability of the given power system. Kaplan turbine generators were predominantly implemented in hydroelectric power plants with lower heads. However, dual regulation of such turbines in the plants are renowned in the current research trends. The dual regulation of hydro-turbine is incorporated through the operation of both wicket gate and runner blade position. In a worldwide scenario Kaplan turbine-generators play a vital role in power and energy generation. Whereas the life of these generator gates or runner blades depends on speed deviations. In this context, a PID controller has been designed for the extended single machine infinite bus system to improve the speed deviation. The results of the extended single machine infinite bus system are compared with and without PID controller for the enhancement of speed deviation.


Power System,Extended SMIB,Governor,Speed deviation,PID controller,


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Saad Kazem Hamza, Shareen Ali Hussein



This paper exploring the stability to be achieved in the stochastic processes and operations which are called the autoregressive moving average and symbolized by ARMA Model(the roots of the equation should be out of this model circle.  Although these models are not stable and become stable after so many conversions and differences. These new models called the autoregressive methods for integrated moving average which is symbolized ARFIMA (p, d, q) and these differences would be integers or fractional numbers. It is worth to be mentioned that the time series which depending on the long term (long memory) so this stability achieved by snapping the fractional differences which are located within the enclosed period (-0.5, 0.5) and are referred shortly ((ARFIMA (p,d,q))). Models which are located within the enclosed period (-0.5, 0.5). This search aims to estimate the parameter of fractional differences (d), three ways by using real data from the Ministry of Environment that include the rates of air pollution in Baghdad City with Nitrogen oxides(NO²), Ozone(Oᶟ) materials…these ways are: firstly, the way logarithm periodogram chart regression method which is called (Geweke and Porter- Hudak), symbolized (GPH) Secondly, smoothed periodogram regression. Thirdly, the way that called (KASHYAP AND EOM) and it has been used the standard error squares and standard error (SD) as two scale standards among these three ways to estimate the parameter. Akaike standard has been used for choosing the best model of linear models assumed.In this study, we will be dealt with the fractional differences


ARFIMA (p,d,q) models,long term memory,smoothed periodogram method,air pollution,spectrum function,


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Shameem Fatima, M. Seshashayee



The research study aim to improve the performance of fruit quality by two approaches, first by applying kernel technique combined with specific classification method support vector machine (SVM) with error-correcting output codes for fruit categorization and then by cross validation . It is measured by analyzing the different mention kernel selection on color and shape features. Two coding design method such as one-vs.-one and one- vs.- all are examined with three commonly used kernel function linear, polynomial (cubic) and Radial Basis Function (Gaussian). The Experiment was conducted on fruit dataset created from fruit 360 dataset with six categories such as Apples, Avacados, Bananas, Cherrys, Grapes and lemons. The accuracy obtained for the fruit category with 98% accuracy was enhanced by the proposed method by the use of kernel technique selection resulted to 99%. However kernel choice highly depends on the parameter used for fruit categorization is introduced and discussed. The Experiments was carried out to find the best SVM kernel among linear, cubic and Gaussian for fruit categorization. The Experiment also focuses on evaluation process using cross validation methods kfold and hold out which resulted in a better accuracy for the classification model.  The results show that the proposed method provides very stable and successful fruit classification performance over six categories of fruits. The coding design one- vs. - one performed better when compared to one- vs. - all with respect to accuracy and training speed.


Multiclass SVM,ECOC,kernel technique,KFold validation,


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S. Farooq, V.B.Sreedhar, R. Padmasuvarna, Y.Munikrishna Reddy



A series of glasses by melt quenching method fabricated for spectroscopic investigations of Dy3+ ions doped Antimony (Sb)-Magnesium (Mg)-Strontium (Sr) Oxyfluoroborate (BSbMgFS) glasses. The structural and optical characterizations such as XRD, Raman, UV-visible-NIR absorption spectroscopy, photoluminescence (PL) (excitation and emission), were skilled to study the various properties of the glasses. Amorphous nature of present glass confirm from the broad peaks of XRD.  The transitions from lowest energy state to excited state in RE3+ ions were identified using optical UV-visible-NIR absorption spectra. By using Judd-Ofelt theory the J-O intensity parameters Ωλ (λ = 2, 4, 6) have been evaluated from experimental (fexp) and calculated (fcal) oscillator strengths. The value of Ω2 is higher than Ω4 and Ω6 and follows the trend Ω2˃ Ω6˃ Ω4. This confirms the high covalency of Dy3+ ion with ligands and more asymmetric environment around the rare earth ion in host. The emission of light from glass system was concluded through PL spectra (Excitation and emission) for Dy3+ion. In the present work branching ratio of 4F9/26H13/2transition is obtained higher than 50% (0.55). The highest readings of AR, βR and σse are obtained for the transition n 4F9/26H13/2 (yellow).Hence, this can be consider as an appropriate mechanism for lasing action. Gain band width (Δλeff x σse)and optical-gain (σse x τR) were found to be high for BSbMgFSDy01 and this suggest that BSbMgFSD01 glasses were appropriate for optical amplifier. In the present study of Dy3+ -doped glasses, BSbMgFSD05 has shown highest emission with a Y/B ratio of 2.73 which is useful for white-LED applications. BSbMgFSDy05 glass is suitable for white light emitting devices and lasers applications in the visible region at 575 nm upon excitation of 425 nm.


Photoluminescence,Dy3+ -doped glasses,Judd-Ofelt theory,PL spectra,


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Punitha Tharani. A., Sujitha. H.



We introduce a new class of soft generalized star -closed sets(brieflysoft-closed set), soft - open set in soft topological spaces(from now on STS). We have studied the relationship between this type of closed sets and other existing closed sets in STS and some of their basic properties.


Soft closed,Soft generalized closed,Soft g^* β-closed set,Soft g^* β-open set,Soft topological spaces,


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Rajeshwarrao Arabelli, T.Bernatin



Now a day, fire accidents in houses, apartments and communities, threatening to the victims and property. As it is a very dangerous job to involve any person like fire fighters during fire accidents, that potentially cause loss of property and human lives due to lack of technology innovation.Hence the firefighting robots are used to rescue the operation instead of humans. In our project, Firefighting robot is used to alert whenever fire accidents are detected and moves in the direction of flame or smoke to extinguish it. Hence the firefighting robot operation is to rescue victims and stop fire in a house within a little span of time.Thus, it reduces the risk of injury to the victims and also property damage.This device includes various sensors like Proximity Infrared Sensor (PIR), flame sensor, ultrasonic sensor, MQ2 (LPG) sensor, and actuators like Motorsand buzzer.


Firefighting robot, Proximity Infrared Sensor,flame sensor,ultrasonic sensor,MQ2 (LPG) sensor,Internet of Things,


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III. Deepak, N., Rajendra Prasad, C. & Sanjay Kumar, S. 2018, “Patient health monitoring using IOT”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 454-457.


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VI. P, Shanmuga Sundaram, Raj Pradeesh T, et al. “A Case Study on Investigation of Fire Accident Analysis in Cotton Mills.” 14th International Conference on Humanizing Work and Work Environment HWWE-2016 on December 8-11, 2016, NIT, Jalandhar.

VII. Revathi, R. & Renuka, G. 2019, “Child safety seat cooling system”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, vol. 8, no. 6 Special Issue 4, pp. 810-814.

VIII. RutujaJadkar, et al. “A Survey on Fire Fighting Robot Controlled Using Android Application.” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 4, no. 11, Nov. 2015, pp. 10701–04.

IX. Sonal, Makhare, et al. “Fire Fighting Robot.” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, vol. 4, no. 6, June 2017, pp. 136–38.

X. William Dubel, Hector Gongora, Kevin Bechtold and Daisy Diaz, “An Autonomous Firefighting Robot”.

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RamaswamyMalothu, Sandeep Kumar V.



The people leaves in rural areas will need security in many aspects. All security applications will be operated with the most advanced technology services in embedded and GSM.  This system will be useful to home and rural security for an area of village. In this paper we had smart security surveillance that can send information to authorized person about metal detected if any at entrance of the village. This smart security was done with ARM7 LPC2148 processor, PIR Sensor, metal detector for allowing them into the area by authorized and unauthorized with buzzer.In this paper the PIR sensor will detect the Person and it will check for any metal with the person who would like to enter into the secured zone. The system will send the information about the status of metal and allow them if there is no metal by unauthorized. If metal detected with the person then the system indicates with the buzzer primarily and then it will send the information to authorized person that the person will have some unsecured objects please check once and will not allow into the secured zone.


ARM7LPC2148,Security in rural areas,surveillance,metal detector,


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Riam M. Zaal, Eyad I. Abbas, Mahmood F. Mosleh



Localization algorithm plays the major rule for different applications such as tracking, positioning, and monitoring. The general framework presented by localization approaches may not work well in practical environments, due to many reasons related with dealing with 2 Dimensional space only or having high computational costs. As a result, Hybrid Localization Algorithm (HLA) was proposed and presented in this paper based on the use of both Received Signal Strength (RSS) and Angle-of-Arrival (AoA). The algorithm has been tested in a 3 Dimensional indoor scenario, with considering the effects of different building materials. Obtained result indicate an effectiveness in localizing the received points by using 2 transmitters for more accuracy in positioning coordination with average ranging error of less than 0.23m for both Line of Sight (LoS) and Non Line of Sight (NLoS) cases.


RSS,Localization algorithm, indoor,,hybrid,


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