Journal Vol – 15 No -7, July 2020



D. Brahmeswara Rao, M.Balaji, P.B.G.S.N.Murthy, K.Venkata Rao



The present work is aimed to investigate the influence of process parameters namely cutting speed, feed and uncut chip thickness ontool life in micro milling of Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Twenty Seven experiments have been planned as per full factorial design with three levels of each parameter using carbide end mill cutters. Surface roughnessand vibration amplitude are considered as responses to evaluate the tool life and to identify significance of input process parameters. In this study, a non-contact sensor, Laser Doppler Vibrometer (LDV) was used to measure the vibration of tool in terms of AcoustoOptic Emission (AOE) signals. A high-speed Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analyser was used to transform the acousto optic emission signals in to useful signals like vibration amplitude. In the analysis of surface roughness and amplitude of vibration, optimum cutting parameters were found as 5000 r.p.m. of spindle speed, 40 mm/min of feed rate and 25.6 µm of uncut chip thickness.


Surface Roughness,Micro Milling,Tool wear,Taguchi,LDV,Multi Response Optimization,


I. Bhuvnesh Bhardwaj, Rajesh Kumar, Pradeep K Singh, “Surface roughness predction model for turning of AISI 1019 steel using response surface methodology and Box–Cox transformation”, Proc I Mech E Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture,Volume: 228, Issue:2, pp: 223–232, 2014.
II. EmelKuram and Babur Ozcelik, “Effects of tool paths and machining parameters on the performance in micro-milling of Ti-6Al-4V titanium with high-speed spindle attachment”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume: 84. Pp.691–703, 2016.
III. Fabio de Oliveira Campos, Adriane Lopes Mougo and Anna Carla Araujo, “Study of thecutting forces on micromilling of an aluminum alloy”, Journal of Brazilian Society of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Volume: 39, pp:1289–1296, 2017.
IV. Hongqiu Liu, Yongjun He , Xinyong Mao , Bin Li and Xing Liu, “Effects of cutting conditions on excitation and dynamic stiffness in milling”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume: 91, pp.813–822, 2017.
V. James M. Griffin, Fernanda Diaz, Edgar Geerling, Matias Clasing, Vicente Ponce, Chris Taylor, Sam Turner, Ernest A. Michael, F. Patricio Mena and Leonardo Bronfman, “Control of deviations and prediction of surface roughness from micro machining of THz waveguides using acoustic emission signals”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Volume: 85, pp:1020–1034, 2017.
VI. Rajesh kumar Bhushan, “Multiresponse Optimization of Al Alloy-SiC Composite Machining Parameters for Minimum Tool Wear and Maximum Metal Removal Rate”, ASME, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Volume:135, pp:210-219, 2013.
VII. Rosemar B. da Silva Álisson R. Machado, Emmanuel O. Ezugwu, John Bonney, Wisley F. Sales, “Tool life and wear mechanisms in high speed machining of Ti–6Al–4V alloy with PCD tools under various coolant pressures”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume: 213, pp: 1459– 1464, 2013.
VIII. Samad NadimiBavilOliaei and YiğitKarpat, “Influence of tool wear on machining forces and tool deflections during micro milling”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,, Volume: 84, pp:1963–1980, 2016.
IX. Subramanian M., Sakthivel M., Sooryaprakash K., Sudhakaran R.,” Optimization of end mill tool geometry parameters for Al7075-T6 machining operations based on vibration amplitude by response surface methodology”, Measurement, Volume:46, pp: 4005–4022, 2013.
X. Wanqun Chen, Xiangyu Teng, DehongHuo and Quanlong Wang, “An improved cutting force model for micro milling considering machining dynamics”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,Volume:93, pp.3005–3016, 2017.
XI. W Rmili, A Ouahabi, R Serra, R Leroy, “An automatic system based on vibratory analysis for cutting tool wear monitoring”, Measurement, Volume: 77, pp: 117-123, 2016.

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V. Vasu, K. Jagadeesh, B. Venkata Sai Pavan, G. Anish, Y. Aravind



One of the major losses occurring in the engine of an automobile is due to friction between its moving partsThis misfortune is huge and around 15 % of the absolute loss of vitality and directly affects the productivity and toughness of the motor. This work results shows there is significant reduce in friction due to addition of nano particles to the base oil . nickel and copper nanoparticles are added at 0.2 %wt, 0.3 %wt. 0.4 %wt to base oil (Castrol SAE 10W30 4T engine oil) by stirring and later sonication was done by sonicator machine for 3hours. Anti-wear properties were obtained using pin on disc machine under different loads and sliding speed of 1m/s for 2 min. This study led to following conclusion that at 0.4%wt of NiO and 0.4%wt of CuO Nano lubricant exhibited reduction in coefficient of friction when compared to other composition of lubricating oil. Mechanical efficiency and Brake thermal efficiency of four stroke single cylinder diesel engine results was evaluated and compared.


Nickel oxide, copper oxide,coefficient of friction, Efficiency of engine,


I. F. Ilie, C. Covaliu, Tribological Properties of the Lubricant Containing Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles as an Additive, Lubricants, vol. 4, pp. 1-13, 2016, doi: 10.3390/lubricants4020012
II. Laad, M., &Jatti, V. K. S. (2018). Titanium oxide nanoparticles as additives in engine oil. Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences, 30(2), 116–122. doi:10.1016/j.jksues.2016.01.008
III. Q. Wan, Y. Jin, P. Sun, Y. Ding, The Tribological behaviour of a lubricant oil containing boron nitride nanoparticles, Procedia Engineering, vol. 102, pp. 1038-1045, 2015, doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2015.01.226
IV. Wu, Y., & Kao, M. (2011). Using TiO2 nanofluid additive for engine lubrication oil. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 63(6), 440–445.doi:10.1108/00368791111169025
V. Xu, Y., Peng, Y., You, T., Yao, L., Geng, J., Dearn, K. D., & Hu, X. (2017). Nano-MoS2 and Graphene Additives in Oil for Tribological Applications. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, 151–191. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-60630-9_6
VI. Y.Y. Wu, W. C. Tsui, T. C. Liu: Experimental analysis of tribological properties of lubricating oils with nanoparticle additives, Article in Wear 262(7-8):819-825 • March 2007, DOI: 10.1016/j.wear.2006.08.021
VII. Zhang, M., Wang, X., Liu, W., Fu, X., 2009. Performance and anti- 330 wear mechanism of Cu Nano-particles as lubricating additives. Ind. 331 Lubr.Tribol. 61 (6), 311–318. (vii)
VIII. Zhang, M., Wang, X., Liu, W., Fu, X., 2009. Performance and anti- 330 wear mechanism of Cu Nano-particles as lubricating additives. Ind. 331 Lubr.Tribol. 61 (6), 311–318. (vii)

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B. Nageswara Rao, K. Pavan Kumar Reddy, M. Srinivasa Reddy, T. Sreedhar



In the present work investigations have been carried out by simulation to study and examine the roof of a building in corporating PCM for thermal comfort in residential building. Two models were used and the theoretical performance of both is compared by considering one as the reference case. A PCM integrated roof has the potential to maintain a fairly constant temperature within the room due to its huge heat absorbing and storing capacity in a passive manner. Whereas, the ceiling temperatures always fluctuate in a Non-PCM room (RCC room) throughout the day and every day. The results of ceiling temperatures, heat flux and heat transfer rate in the Non-PCM and PCM room were observed and better results are found for PCM Room.


Phase Change Material – PCM,Latent Heat of Fusion – LHF, Sensible Heat - SH ,


I Agyenim F, Eames P, Smyth M. Heat transfer enhancement in medium temperature thermal energy storage system using a multitube heat transfer array. Renewable Energy 2010;35:198–207.
II Arkar C, Vidrih B, Medved S. Efficiency of free cooling using latent heat storage integrated into the ventilation system of a low energy building. International Journal of Refrigeration 2007;30:134–43.
III Haoshan Ge, Haiyan Li,ShengfuMei,JingLiu,Low melting point liquid metal as a new clau of PCM; An emerging frontier in energy area-Renewable & Sustainable energy Reviews.21(2013)331-346.
IV Kandasamy R, Wang XQ, Mujumdar AS. Transient cooling of electronics using phase change material (PCM)-based heat sinks. Applied Thermal Engineering 2008;28:1047–57.
V Mondal S. Phase change materials for smart textiles – An overview. Appl ThermEng2008;28:1536–50.
VI Pasupathy A, Velraj R, Seeniraj RV. Effect of double layered phase change materials in building roof for year round thermal management. Energy and Building 2008;40(3):193–203.
VII Santamouris M, Pavlo K, Synnefa K, Niachou K, Kolokotsa D. Recent progress on passive cooling techniques, advanced technological developments to improve survivability levels in low income households. Energy and Buildings 2007;39(7):859–66
VIII Sari A, Kaygusuz K. Thermal performance of a eutectic mixture of lauric and stearic acids as PCM encapsulated in the annulus of two concentric pipes. Solar Energy 2002;72:493–504.
IX Tgagi.VV ,Buddi.D. Thermal cycling testing of calcium chloride hexa hydrate as a possible PCM for latent heat storage. Solar energy mater solar cell 2008:92:891-9.

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B.Nagaeswara Rao, Juluru Pavanu Sai



The extremely important of Heat Exchanger (HE) is that without mixing of fluid that carries the heat. Substances that leave or absorb large amount of so-called ‘latent’ heat this type of substances are called phase change materials (PCMs) once they undergo a change in their physical state i.e. from solid to liquid and contrariwise. This paper addresses a CFD analysis of phase change materials in thermal energy storage units dominated by heat condition. The result states that by utilization of PCM, the temperature is increment identified in counterflow whereas compared to parallel flow. The heat transfer rate is nearly 20% increased in counterflow.


Triplex concentric tube,Creo 2.0,Heat exchanger,shell and tube heat exchanger,CFD,


I. AbduljalilA.Al-Abidi, Sohif Mat, K.Sopian, M.Y.Sulaiman, Abdulrahman. Th.Mohammad, “Experimental study of melting and tube solidification of PCM in a triplex heat exchanger with fins,” Energy and Buildings, Vol.68,pp. 33–41,September 2013.
II. Kun Yang, Neng Zhu, Chen Chang, Haoran Yu, Shan Yang, “Numerical analysis of phase-change material melting in the triplex tube heat exchanger, “Renewable Energy, Vol. 145, pp.867-877, June2019.
III. Long Jian-you, “Numerical and experimental investigation for heat transfer in triplex concentric tube with phase change material for thermal energy storage,” Solar Energy, Vol. 82, pp.977-985, May.2008.
IV. M. Esapour, M.J. Hosseini, A.A. Ranjbar, Y. Pahamli, R. Bahrampoury, “Phase change in multi-tube heat exchangers,” Renewable Energy, Vol. 85, pp.1017-1025, July2015.
V. M. Rahimi, A.A.Ranjbar, D.D.Ganji, K.Sedighi, M.J.Hosseini, R. Bahrampoury, “Analysis of geometrical and operational parameters of PCM in a finandtube heat exchanger,” International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 53,pp.109–115,March2014.
VI. M.J. Hosseini, A.A. Ranjbar, K. Sedighi, M. Rahimi, “A combined experimental and computational study on the melting behaviour of a medium temperature phase change storage material inside shell and tube heat exchanger,” International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 39, pp.1416-1424, August.2012.
VII. Maher Al-Maghalseh, KhamidMahkamov, “Methods of heat transfer intensification in PCM thermal storage systems: Review paper,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,Vol.92,pp.62–94,2018.
VIII. Rathod Manish K and Jyotirmay Banerjee, “Thermal Performance Enhancement of Shell and Tube Latent Heat Storage Unit using Longitudinal Fins,” Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.14, pp.1359-4311, October 2014.
IX. S. Gurulingam and N. Alagumurthi, “Phase change materials for solar latent heat storage applications: a review,” Thermal Engineering, Vol.33, pp.2179-2207, March2011.
X. SaeidSeddegh, Xiaolin Wang, Alan D. Henderson, “Numerical investigation of the heat transfer mechanism in a vertical shell and tube latent heat energy storage system,” Applied Thermal Engineering,Vol.15,pp.1359-4311,May2015.
XI. Yuichi Hamada, Wataru Ohtsu, Jun Fukai, “Thermal response in thermal energy storage material around heat transfer tubes: effect of additives on heat transfer rates,” Solar Energy, Vol. 75, pp.317-328, July.2003.

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D.Satyanarayana, Sriramireddy.K , P.S.R.Gopalasetti, RavikumarMandava



This paper is all about the reduction in the emissions of harmful gases from the IC engine.As we all know that the major problem in the world is air pollution.Thesignificant portion of the air pollution is due to automobiles only .soif we can able to control the emissions from engines that will lead to the gradual decrease in the overall pollution .the simplest method to decrease in the emission of harmful gases from the engine is by sending the pure oxygen into the cylinder. This is possible when we can purify the air by removing all the harmful gases from the air. This paper will explain that purifying method. This method will results in almost 60% reduction in pollution from current stage pollution if we put this method in practices. This method will also improve engine performance parameters. If we apply this method for every vehicle, then we can expect a pollution-free environment.


Elecrolysis,purifying method,


I. Bharath.P, Kamalakkannan .K, “Analysis of Brake Thermal efficiency and Oxygen in exhaust using oxygen-enriched air in Compression Ignition engine”- IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSRJMCE),e- ISSN: 2278-1684, p-ISSN: 2320–334X, PP.30-33

II. K.Rajkumar, P. Govindarajan, “ExperimentalInvestigation of Oxygen Enriched air intake onCombustion Parameters of a Single Cylinder DieselEngine” – International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 2(8), 2010, PP 3621-3627

III. GarimaShakya,” Problems in Computational Mechanism Design” Doctoral Consortium AAMAS 2019, May 13-17, 2019, Montréal, Canada.


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D.Vinay Kumar , G.Samhita Priyadarsini, V.Jagadeesh Babu, Y.Sai Varun Teja



Alcohol based fuels can be produced from renewable energy sources and has the potential to reduce pollutant emissions due to their oxygenated nature. Lighter alcohols like ethanol and methanol are easily miscible with gasoline and by blending alcohols with gasoline; a part of conventional fuel can be replaced while contributing to fuel economy. Several researchers tested various ethanol blends on different engine test rigs and identified ethanol as one of the most promising ecofriendly fuels for spark ignition engine. Its properties  high octane number, high latent heat of vaporization give better performance characteristics and reduces exhaust emissions compared to gasoline. This paper focuses on studying the effects of blending 50 of ethanol by volume with gasoline as it hardly needs engine modifications. Gasoline (E0) and E50 fuels were investigated experimentally on single-cylinder, four-stroke port fuel injection spark ignition engine by varying engine speed from 1500 rpm to 3500 rpm. Performance Characteristics like torque, brake power, specific fuel consumption, and volumetric efficiency and exhaust emissions such as HC, CO, CO2, NOx were studied..


Ethanol,Emissions,Gasoline,Port fuel Injection,


I Badrawada, I. G. G., and A. A. P. Susastriawan. “Influence of ethanol–gasoline blend on performance and emission of four-stroke spark ignition motorcycle.” Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy (2019): 1-6.
II Doğan, Battal, et al. “The effect of ethanol-gasoline blends on performance and exhaust emissions of a spark ignition engine through exergy analysis.” Applied Thermal Engineering 120 (2017): 433-443.
III Efemwenkiekie, U. Ka, et al. “Comparative Analysis of a Four Stroke Spark Ignition Engine Performance Using Local Ethanol and Gasoline Blends.” Procedia Manufacturing 35 (2019): 1079-1086.
IV Galloni, E., F. Scala, and G. Fontana. “Influence of fuel bio-alcohol content on the performance of a turbo-charged, PFI, spark-ignition engine.” Energy 170 (2019): 85-92.
V Hasan, Ahmad O., et al. “Impact of changing combustion chamber geometry on emissions, and combustion characteristics of a single cylinder SI (spark ignition) engine fueled with ethanol/gasoline blends.” Fuel 231 (2018): 197-203.
VI Mourad, M., and K. Mahmoud. “Investigation into SI engine performance characteristics and emissions fuelled with ethanol/butanol-gasoline blends.” Renewable Energy 143 (2019): 762-771.
VII Singh, Ripudaman, et al. “Influence of fuel injection strategies on efficiency and particulate emissions of gasoline and ethanol blends in a turbocharged multi-cylinder direct injection engine.” International Journal of Engine Research (2019): 1468087419838393.
VIII Thakur, Amit Kumar, et al. “Progress in performance analysis of ethanol-gasoline blends on SI engine.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 69 (2017): 324-340.

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Gamini Suresh, Nagarjuna Maguluri, Kunchala Balakrishna



Neurodegenerative conditions and compressed nerves often cause an abnormal foot drop that affects an individual gait and make it difficult to walk normally. Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO) is the medical device which is recommended for the patients to improve the walking ability and decrease the risk of falls. Custom AFOs provide better fit, comfort and performance than pre-manufactured ones. The technique of 3D-printing is suitable for making custom AFOs. Fused deposition modelling (FDM) is a 3D-printing method for custom AFO applications with the desired resistance and material deposition rate. Generally, FDM is a thermal process; therefore materials thermal behaviour plays an important role in optimizing the performance of the printed parts. The objective of this study is to evaluate the thermal behaviour of PLA, ABS, nylon and WF-PLA filaments before manufacturing the AFO components using the FDM method. In the study, the sequence of testing materials provides a basic measuring method to investigate AFO device parts thermal stability. Thermal analysis (TG/DTG and DSC) was carried out before 3D printing is to characterize the thermal stability of each material.


Additive Manufacturing,Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO),FusedDeposition Modelling,ThermalAnalysis,


I. J. Pritchett, “Foot drop: Background, Anatomy, Pathophysiology,” Medscape Drugs, Dis. Proced., vol. 350, no. apr27_6, p. h1736, 2014.
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III. Y. Feng and Y. Song, “The Categories of AFO and Its Effect on Patients With Foot Impair: A Systemic Review,” Phys. Act. Heal., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 8–16, 2017.
IV. J. H. P. Pallari, K. W. Dalgarno, J. Munguia, L. Muraru, L. Peeraer, S. Telfer, and J. Woodburn” Design and additive fabrication of foot and ankle-foot orthoses”21st Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium – An Additive Manufacturing Conference, SFF 2010 (2010) 834-845
V. Y. Jin, Y. He, and A. Shih, “Process Planning for the Fuse Deposition Modeling of Ankle-Foot-Othoses,” Procedia CIRP, vol. 42, no. Isem Xviii, pp. 760–765, 2016.
VI. R. K. Chen, Y. an Jin, J. Wensman, and A. Shih, “Additive manufacturing of custom orthoses and prostheses-A review,” Addit. Manuf., vol. 12, pp. 77–89, 2016.
VII. A. D. Maso and F. Cosmi, “ScienceDirect 3D-printed ankle-foot orthosis : a design method,” Mater. Today Proc., vol. 12, pp. 252–261, 2019.
VIII. B. Yuan et al., “Designing of a passive knee-assisting exoskeleton for weight-bearing,” in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2017, vol. 10463 LNAI, pp. 273–285.
IX. R. Spina, B. Cavalcante, and F. Lavecchia, “Diment LE, Thompson MS, Bergmann JHM. Clinical efficacy and effectiveness of 3D printing: a systematic review.,” AIP Conf. Proc., vol. 1960, 2018.
X. M. Srivastava, S. Maheshwari, T. K. Kundra, and S. Rathee, “ScienceDirect Multi-Response Optimization of Fused Deposition Modelling Process Parameters of ABS Using Response Surface Methodology ( RSM ) -Based Desirability Analysis,” Mater. Today Proc., vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 1972–1977, 2017.
XI. E. Malekipour, S. Attoye, and H. El-Mounayri, “Investigation of Layer Based Thermal Behavior in Fused Deposition Modeling Process by Infrared Thermography,” Procedia Manuf., vol. 26, pp. 1014–1022, 2018.

XII. A. Patar, N. Jamlus, K. Makhtar, J. Mahmud, and T. Komeda, “Development of dynamic ankle foot orthosis for therapeutic application,” Procedia Eng., vol. 41, no. Iris, pp. 1432–1440, 2012.
XIII. Y. A. Jin, H. Li, Y. He, and J. Z. Fu, “Quantitative analysis of surface profile in fused deposition modelling,” Addit. Manuf., vol. 8, pp. 142–148, 2015.
XIV. M. Walbran, K. Turner, and A. J. McDaid, “Customized 3D printed ankle-foot orthosis with adaptable carbon fibre composite spring joint,” Cogent Eng., vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1–11, 2016.
XV. N. Wierzbicka, F. Górski, R. Wichniarek, and W. Kuczko, “The effect of process parameters in fused deposition modelling on bonding degree and mechanical properties,” Adv. Sci. Technol. Res. J., vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 283–288, 2017.
XVI. S. Farah, D. G. Anderson, and R. Langer, “Physical and mechanical properties of PLA, and their functions in widespread applications — A comprehensive review,” Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev., vol. 107, pp. 367–392, 2016.
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XVIII. G. Cicala et al., “Polylactide / lignin blends,” J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 2017.
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B.J.M.Rao, K.V.N.S.Rao



Agriculture deposits, which remains unused and often causes ecological problems, could play an important role as an energy source to meet energy needs in developing countries ' rural areas. Moreover, energy levels in these deposits are low and need to be elevated by introducing efficient operative conversion technologies to utilize these residues as fuels. In this context, the utilization of a fluidized bed innovation enables a wide range of non-uniform-sized low-grade fuels to be effectively converted into other forms of energy.This study was undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of fluidized conversion method for transformation of agricultural by-products such as rice husk, sawdust, and groundnut shells into useful energy. The present investigation was conducted to know the mixing characteristics of sand and fuel have been found by conducting experiments with mixing ratio of rice husk (1:13), saw dust(1:5) and groundnut shells (1:12), the variation of particle movement in the bed and mixing characteristics are analyzed. The impact of sand molecule size on the fluidization speed of two biofuel and sand components is studied and recommended for groundnut shells using a sand molecule of 0.6 mm size and for rice husk, sawdust 0.4 mm sand particle size.   Also, establish that the particle size of sand has a significant effect on mingling features in case of sawdust. In the next part of the investigation, the CFD simulations of the fluidized bed are done to investigate the mixing behavior of sand and biomass particles. A set of simulations are conducted by ANSYS FLUENT16; the state of the bed is the same as that of the test. The findings were presented with the volume fraction of sand and biomass particles in the form of contour plots.


Biomass,sand,mixing behavior,Volume Fraction,CFD model,


I Anil Tekale, Swapna God, Balaji Bedre, Pankaj Vaghela, Ganesh Madake, Suvarna Labade (2017), Energy Production from Biomass: Review, International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, Volume 2, Issue 10, ISSN No: – 2456 – 2165.

II Anil Kumar, Nitin Kumar , Prashant Baredar , Ashish Shukla (2015), A review on biomass energy resources, potential, conversion and policy in India, Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Reviews 45-530-539.
III Zhenglan Li, ZhenhuaXue (2015), Review of Biomass Energy utilization technology, 3rd International Conference on Material, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering.

IV Abdeen Mustafa Omer (2011), Biomass energy resources utilisation and waste management, Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology and Sustainable Development Vol. 3(8), pp. 149 -170

V Rijul Dhingra, Abhinav Jain, Abhishek Pandey, and Srishti Mahajan (2014), Assessment of Renewable Energy in India, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, Vol. 5, No. 5.

VI Paulina Drożyner, Wojciech Rejmer, Piotr Starowicz,AndrzejKlasa, Krystyna A. Skibniewska (2013), Biomass as a Renewable Source of Energy, Technical Sciences 16(3), 211–220.

VII Souvik Das, Swati Sikdar (2016), A Review on the Non-conventional Energy Sources in Indian Perspective, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 03 Issue: 02.
VIII Maninder, Rupinderjit Singh Kathuria, Sonia Grover, Using Agricultural Residues as a Biomass Briquetting: An Alternative Source of Energy, IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSRJEEE), ISSN: 2278-1676 Volume 1, Issue 5 (July-Aug. 2012), PP 11-15.
IX H.B.Goyal, DiptenduldDeal, R.C.Saxena (2006) Bio-fuels from thermochemical conversion of renewable resources: A review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 12, Issue 2Pages 504-517.
X Digambar H. Patil, J. K. Shinde(2017) A Review Paper on Study of Bubbling Fluidized Bed Gasifier, International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology, Volume 4, Issue 4
XI Neil T.M. Duffy, John A. Eaton (2013) Investigation of factors affecting channelling in fixed-bed solid fuel combustion using CFD, Combustion and Flame 160, 2204–2220.

XII Xing Wu, Kai Li, Feiyue and Xifeng Zhu (2017), Fluidization Behavior of Biomass Particles and its Improvement in a Cold Visualized Fluidized, Bio Resources 12(2), 3546-3559.

XIII N.G. Deen, M. Van Sint Annaland, M.A. Van der Hoef, J.A.M. Kuipers (2007), Reviewof discrete particle modeling of fluidized beds, Chemical Engineering Science 62, 28 – 44.

XIV BaskaraSethupathySubbaiah, Deepak Kumar Murugan, Dinesh Babu Deenadayalan, Dhamodharan.M.I (2014), Gasification of Biomass Using Fluidized Bed, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 3, Issue 2.
XV Priyanka Kaushal, Tobias Pröll and Hermann Hofbauer, Modelling and simulation of the biomass fired dual fluidized bed gasifier at Guessing/Austria.
XVI Dawit DiribaGuta (2012), Assessment of Biomass Fuel Resource Potential and Utilization in Ethiopia: Sourcing Strategies for Renewable Energies, International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, Vol.2, and No.1.

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Lam Ratna Raju , Ch. Pavan Satyanarayana, Neelamsetty Vijaya Kavya



A spout is a device which is used to offer the guidance to the gases leaving the burning chamber. Spout is a chamber which has a capability to change over the thermo-compound essentials created within the ignition chamber into lively vitality. The spout adjustments over the low speed, excessive weight, excessive temperature fuel in the consuming chamber into rapid gasoline of decrease weight and low temperature. An exciting spout is used if the spout weight volume is superior vehicles in supersonic airplane machines commonly combine a few sort of a distinctive spout. Our exam is surpassed on the use of programming like Ansys Workbench for arranging of the spout and Fluent 15.0 for separating the streams inside the spout. The events of staggers for the pipe formed spouts have been seen close by trade parameters for numerous considered one of a kind edges. The parameters underneath recognition are differentiated and that of shape spout for singular terrific edges by using keeping up the gulf, outlet and throat width and lengths of joined together and diverse quantities as same. The simultaneous component and throat expansiveness are kept regular over the cases.The surprise of stun became envisioned and the effects exhibited near closeness in direction of motion of Mach circle and its appearance plans as exposed in numerous preliminary considers on advancement in pipe molded particular spouts with assorted edges four°,7°, 10°, Occurrence of stun is seen with higher special factors


Nozzle,Supersonic Rocket Engine,Divergent edges,


I. Varun, R.; Sundararajan,T.; Usha,R.; Srinivasan,ok.; Interaction among particle-laden under increased twin supersonic jets, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering 2010 224: 1005.
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III. Natta, Pardhasaradhi.; Kumar, V.Ranjith.; Rao, Dr. Y.V. Hanumantha.; Flow Analysis of Rocket Nozzle Using Computational Fluid Dynamics (Cfd), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), ISSN: 2248-9622,Vol. 2, Issue five, September- October 2012, pp.1226-1235.
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Govindarajulu Eedara, P. N. Manthru Naik



The driveshaft is a mechanical instrument that is used in automobiles. The other name of the drive shaft is driveshaft is prop shaft. It has one long cylindrical structure consist of two universal joints. By using the driveshaft it transfers the rotary motion to the differential by using the helical gearbox. By using this rotary motion the rare wheels will run. The 3dimensional Model of automobile drive Shaft is designed using CATIA parametric which enables product development processes and thereby brings about an optimum design.       Now a day’s steel is using the best material for the driveshaft.In this paper replacing the composite materials (Kevlar, e-glass epoxy) instead of steel material and itreduces a considerable amount of weight when compared to the conventional steel shaft. The composite driveshaft have high modulus is designed by using CATIA software and tested in ANSYS for optimization of design or material check and providing the best datebook


The driveshaft ,CATIA,automobile,steel,composite materials,ANSYS,Kevla,e-glass epoxy,


I A.R. Abu Talib, Aidy Ali, Mohamed A. Badie, Nur Azienda Che Lah, A.F. Golestaneh Developing a hybrid, carbon/glass-fiber-reinforced, epoxy composite automotive driveshaft, Material and Design, volume31, 2010, pp 514 – 521
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Farooq Sk, D.Vinay Kumar



Ethanol can be used as an alternate fuel in internal combustion engines. But extensive usage of ethanol is restricted because of its biomass limit. On the other hand methanol can be obtained from different bio-resources and has the potential to be used in engines. To limit the usage of ethanol, a model ofternary blends of Gasoline, Ethanol and Methanol (GEM) has been formulated equivalent to binary blend of Gasoline and Ethanol. The prepared ternary blends have identical Air Fuel ratio, Lower heating value and Octane number as binary blend. In the present work the influence of GEM blends in single cylinder, four stroke, and port fuel injection SI engine in terms of performance and emission parameters have been studied experimentally. The tests were conducted at constant engine torque of 7.5 Nm and vary the engine speeds from 1700 to 3300 rpm. The measured performance and emission values of binary blend E10 (G 90 E 10) and ternary blends E10_B1 (G 91.65 E 5 M 3.35), E10_B2 (G 92.5 E 2.5 M 5) were compared with pure gasoline, G. The results show that GEM blends have similar performance characteristics as binary blends and better compared to pure gasoline. Also exhaust emissions such as Carbon monoxide (CO), unburned hydrocarbons (HC) shows decreased values for binary and ternary blends compared to pure gasoline due to oxygenated nature of alcohol blended fuels.


Binary Blends,Ternary Blends,Iso stoichiometric air-fuel ratio,Performance,Emissions,


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A Literature Review on the Extensive Study of Multi-functional Self-healing Polymer Composites(SHPC)


E. Siva Krishna, Gamini. Suresh, M.Nagarjuna



Catastrophic Failure of engineeringmaterials is due to many reasons that may be because of wear, creep, and the surrounding conditions. New methods are to be explored to make the systems safer and reliable to avoid these problems. To this end, self-healing materials inspired by natural biological organisms that can restore damage are increasingly involved in recent years both in the areas of science and in Industrial usage, due to their success rate in the recent years. Self-healing Polymer CompositesSHPC found possible applications in shape memory, self-healing, self-heating, self-cleaning and energy harvesting. In this paper the present state of the art in the field of self-healing technology and the basic chemical processes effectively implemented in the production of organic materials for self-healing is explored with their morphological structures.


SHPC,bioinspired self-healing,Microencapsulation,polymer composites,


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A Review on the Development of Customized Ankle Foot Orthosis for Foot Drop using Additive Manufacturing Processes


Nagarjuna Maguluri, Gamini Suresh, Kunchala Balakrishna, Emani Sivakrishna



Ankle foot orthosis (AFO) device improves the walking ability by hold and directs the position and advancement of the lower limb, specifically ankle movement. The primary function of AFO is to correct the deformities of the damaged nerves and compensate for the weak & paralyzed muscles. Traditional AFOs are handcrafted using plaster moulds for generating patient’s geometry, by a thermoforming process. Hence, the fabrication of a customized AFO consumes more time and expense as well. In the current review paper, it is discussed thoroughly about the upcoming technology known as additive manufacturing and its potential application for the production of customized AFOs. This review aimed to present the different AFOs produced by the additive manufacturing processes along with gait performances and material properties compared to the traditionally manufactured AFOs.


Additive Manufacturing,Ankle Foot Orthosis,Gait Performance,Material Properties,Thermoforming Process,


I. A. D. Maso and F. Cosmi, “ScienceDirect 3D-printed ankle-foot orthosis : a design method,” Mater. Today Proc., vol. 12, pp. 252–261, 2019, doi: 10.1016/j.matpr.2019.03.122.
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VIII. E. S. Schrank and S. J. Stanhope, “Dimensional accuracy of ankle-foot orthoses constructed by rapid customization and manufacturing framework,” J. Rehabil. Res. Dev., vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 31–42, 2011, doi: 10.1682/JRRD.2009.12.0195.
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Critical Speed Analysis ofRotor ShaftsUsing Campbell Diagrams


Mihir Barman, Gamini Suresh, Kondeti Sravanth, Nandure Narayan Rao



The main aim of this paper is to avoid the critical speed at low rotational velocities for three different cases,  i.e. shaft without rotor, single rotor system and two rotor system. The critical speeds of these rotor systemsareanalyzed with two boundary conditions, viz. one end supported, both ends supported. Moreover, the rotors are mounted at two different positions: single rotor is placed at middle of the shaft and the same rotor is split into two halves and kept at equal distance from the either end of shaft. This critical speed analysis is carried out on both solid and hollow shafts. The range of rotational speed for the analyses considered in between 0 to 5000 rpm.The critical speeds of various rotor systems are studied using Campbell diagram and it is observed that, the critical speeds are altered by changing the boundary conditions and replacing the solid shaft with hollow shaft of same torsional stiffness as well. 


Campbell diagram,Natural frequency,Critical speed, Modes,Torsional stiffness,


I. Aditya Sukma Nugraha, Imam Djunaedi, and Hilman Syaeful Alam, “Evaluation of Critical Speed of the Rotor Generator System Based on ANSYS”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 799-800, pp 625-628, 2015.
II. Bing Bai, Lixiang Zhang, Tao Guo, Chaoqun Liu, “Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics of the Main Shaft System in a Hydro-turbine Based on ANSYS”, Procedia Engineering, volume 31, pp 654 – 658, 2012.
III. Harisha S., Y.J. Suresh, “Rotor Dynamics Analysis of a Multistage Centrifugal Pump”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 3, Issue 9, 2014.
IV. Hilman Syaeful Alam, Bahrudin, Anto Tri Sugiarto, “Dynamic Analysis of Shaft System of Micro Bubble Generating Pump”, International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing, Vol. 5, pp 205-208, 2017.
V. Korody Jagannath, “Evaluation of Critical Speed of Generator Rotor with external load”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 1, Issue 11, pp 11-16, 2012.
VI. L. M. Greenhill, G. A. Cornejo,“Critical Speeds Resulting from Unbalance Excitation of Backward Whirl”, Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Volume 3, pp. 991-1000, ASME 1995.
VII. Muhammad T. H., Umar S. U, Aisha Sa’ad, “FEA and Modal Analysis of a Damped Flywheel with Unbalanced Masses”, Applications of Modelling and Simulation, Vol 4, pp 21-30, 2020.
VIII. Nagaraju Tenali, Srinivas Kadivendi, “Rotor Dynamic Analysis of Steam Turbine Rotor Using ANSYS”, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering & Robotics Research, Vol. 3, 2014.
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X. R. Tamrakar, N. D. Mittal, “Campbell diagram analysis of open cracked rotor”, Engineering Solid Mechanics, Volume 4, issue 3, pp 159-166, 2016.
XI. Shuji Tanaka, Masayoshi Esashi, Kousuke Isomura, Kousuke Hikichi, Yuki Endo, Shinichi Togo “Hydroinertia Gas Bearing System to Achieve 470 m/s Tip Speed of 10 mm Diameter Impellers”, Journal of Tribology, Volume 129, pp 655-659, 2007.
XII. Silani, M., Ziaei-Rad, S., Talebi, H., “Vibration analysis of rotating systems with open and breathing cracks”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 37(24), 9907-9921, 2013.

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Effect of back pressure and temperature on the densification behaviour of Al-Mg alloy


N. B. Prakash Tiruveedula, T.CH. Anil Kumar, Pagidi Madhukar, Balasubramanian Ravisankar, S.Kumaran



The current research has been aimed to study densification of Al-Mg alloy which was made with optimum sized Nanopowders through Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP) technique. Al-Mg alloy nanopowder was synthesized through high energy ball milling process in the optimised condition. XRD was used to analyze the crystallite sizes of powders prepared at 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 hrs in ball mill and the minimum crystallite size of 20.388nm achieved at 30hrs was found to be the best milling time. Consolidated specimens were prepared at three working conditions; without back pressure, with back pressure and with back pressure at high temperature (250°C). At each working condition, two passes were made to get better densification in the specimen. The specimens were analyzed for hardness, density, and microstructure. It was found that 92.11% of dense material was formed with a hardness of 64HRB.




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