Journal Vol – 15 No -7, July 2020



Mohammed Elsayed Mohammed Mohammed Abdou, Mohammed Ebrahim El Sherbiny Sakr, Ahmad Effat Bin Mokhtar, AllaaEddin Ismaail, Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary



Allah sent His messengers to reform people with a pure belief monotheism, some of people believed in them and some of them disbelieved. Moreover, some of them stray from the true way of divine religion, diverged from, and made changes in it. All praises to Allah who has honored this Islamic nation with a blessing that was not for other nations, and it is a blessing to complete the religion and protect it from distortion and alteration until the Day of Resurrection, as almighty said. Since the spread of the Islamic missionary call, many people have tried to challenge and question it even they accused the Messenger of Allah Muhammad - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - of lying, witchcraft and other false and shameful accusations. Among the groups and sections that drifted away from the correct approach, challenged and questioned the followers of Islam are “Shiites” who had used various means - including the Internet - to spread its deviations related to belief and law among the Sunnis, so we have to highlight some of these deviations and their criticality. There is no doubt that the means of modern technology today are essential institutions that have beaten all other institutions. Through it, you can broadcast the beliefs and ideas whatever you intend to. Shiites have exploited this medium and have published many private and public pages on the Internet. Shiites were keen to distort the image of the Sunnis among the societies. Therefore, thought the topic of the research should be Shiite activity through their online channels.  


Online information,The Internet, Online Channels,Shiite Activities,


I. Alasraarul- Fatimiyyah: Muhammad Fadel Al-Masoudi, investigation: Mr. Adel Al-Alawi, second edition 1420 AH, publisher of the Visitor Foundation (Qom).
II. Alawasimminal-qawasim of, Abu Bakr Al-Arabi, investigation: Moheb Al-Din Al-Khatib, 2nd edition, 1407 AH, Dar Al-Jeel (Beirut).
III. AllaaEddinIsmaail, Mohammed Elsayed Mohammed MohammedAbdou, Amr Mohammed SayedEmamSallam, Mohd Faizal, A.K., Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary, MohammedEbrahim El SherbinySakr. “Christian Attitudes towards the Bible through Wikipedia Content” Volume 83, Issue: May – June 2020, P: 9260 – 9269. (TEM).
IV. Al-Nabaa Information Network, Al-Anwar satellite channel, and the mission of transmitting Islam’s moderate spread, aspirations for a targeted satellite broadcast
V. History of the Umayyad dynasty: Dr. Muhammad Suhail Takoush, 7th Edition, 2010 AD, Dar Al-Nafees (Beirut).
VI. Mohammed Ebrahim El SherbinySakr, Amr Mohammed Sayed EmamSallam, Mohammed Elsayed Mohammed Mohammed Abdou, AllaaEddinIsmaail, Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary. “A Sample of Orientalist Suspicious Contained in The Internet and The Response” Volume 83, Issue: May – June 2020, P: 7026 – 7032. (TEM).
VII. Shia missionary satellite TV stations: Al-Haytham Zaafan, 1st edition, 2010 AD, Al-TanweerCenter for Humanities.
VIII. The Caliphate System in Islamic Thought, Mustafa Helmy, 1977 AD, Dar Al-Absar (Riyadh).
IX. The issue of the Imamate originated and developed between the Islamic groups, Muhammad Hassan Bakhit, 1st floor, 2011 AD, Dar Majdalawi (Amman).
X. The Umayyad state, factors of prosperity and the fallout from fall: Ali Al-Salabi, 2nd edition, 1429 AH, Dar Al-Maarefa Printing Press (Beirut).
XI. Ummu Hani Abas, A.Ghani Bin Md Din, M. Syauqi Arshad, Faridah Isa Binawae, Harliza B. H., Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary., “The Usage of Google Translator Apps in Translation of the Arabic-Language Book into Indonesia and Malaysia: Comparative Review”,(JCR). 2020; 7(15): 669-674, doi: 10.31838/jcr.07.15.37
XII. Usul Al-Kafi, Al-Kulayni, without the Dar Al-Fajr edition (Beirut – Lebanon) 1428 AH.

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Reda Owis Hassan Serour, MukhamadHadiMusolin Subagio, Mohd Faizal, A.K. , AllaaEddin Ismaail, Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary



Orientalist trends on Internet sites differ from the old classic form of Orientalism, and these sites have varied among sites for Middle Eastern studies and sciences or politically or socially specialized research centers and so on. There is no doubt that the Orientalist movements have provided some services for Quranic studies in the indexing, translation, and investigation of manuscripts ... etc. but they have been right in matters and wrong in others, as some Orientalists attacked the Qur’an and its sciences, which had a significant negative impact among the generation of Muslims. The orientalist’s view of the Holy Qur’an varied in terms of holiness, belief and idea in each of them, so their perception of the Qur'an differed accordingly. There are literatures that require consideration, attention, and even republishing for the goodness that it contains, and there are works that needed to review supported by arguments and statement and making the people aware of it and even should use our all sources to stop it from republishing it again. Likewise, among the Muslims who adopted the technique of the orientalists and their literature as a model for himself and started repeating and spreading some of their suspicions (uncertainty regarding to Islamic studies) either intentionally or being ignorant of what he means, so he should be corrected if he is unaware of it or she should be answered by arguments if he was intended to do so.


TheInternet, Orientalism,Orientalists,Quranic studies,


I. Abdu Ghani Bin Md Din, Ebrahim M. A. Eldesoky, M. I. H. Othman, Omar Bin MdDin, Ibrahim BaBikir El Hag Abd el Gadir, Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary. “The Adjustment of Arabic Words and the Problems of Its Digital Content on the Internet” Volume 82, Issue: January – February 2020, P: 11615 – 11623. (TEM).
II. AllaaEddinIsmaail, M. Elsayed M. M. Abdou, Amr Mohammed Sayed EmamSallam, Mohd Faizal, A.K., Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary, MohammedEbrahim El SherbinySakr. “Christian Attitudes towards the Bible through Wikipedia Content” Volume 83, Issue: May – June 2020, P: 9260 – 9269. (TEM).
III. AmerOmran Al-Khafaji, (2009), References for Understanding the Quranic Text of the German Orientalist (Noldke) in his book (History of the Qur’an), Babylon University Journal, Humanities, Part 1, No. 1.
IV. Dr.Fadl Abbas (1989), Qur’anic Issues in the British Encyclopedia, Criticism of defamation, answer to suspicion, Publishing house, Oman.
V. Dr. Mahmoud Zakzouk, (1983 AD – 1404 AH). Orientalism and the intellectual background of the civilization conflict.
VI. Dr. Muhammad Abu Laila (2002) The Noble Qur’an from an Orientalist perspective: an analytical critical study, publishing center for universities.
VII. Dr. Muhammad Hussein Ali Al-Sagheer (1999) Orientalists and Quranic Studies, Arab Historian’s House, Beirut, Lebanon.
VIII. Dr.Ne’ma Raheem Al-Azzawi (2001) Linguistic Research Approaches between Heritage and Contemporarily, Baghdad, Academic Complex.
IX. Mohammed Ebrahim El SherbinySakr, Amr Mohammed Sayed EmamSallam, M. Elsayed M. M. Abdou, AllaaEddinIsmaail, Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary. “A Sample of Orientalist Suspicious Contained in The Internet and The Response” Volume 83, Issue: May – June 2020, P: 7026 – 7032. (TEM).
X. MishaJuha, Arab-Islamic Studies in Europe, Arab Names Institute.
XI. YahyaAlyan and Othman Ghunaim (2000) Methods and styles of Scientific Research, Theory and Practice, Dar Al-Safa for Publishing and Distribution, Amman.

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Omar bin Md Din, Abdul Ghani Bin Md Din, Rusdee Taher , Abduloh Usof, PrasertPanprae, Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary



The web content control system is an integrated software package that constitutes a system for managing the content to be published and displayed for visitors and members of the site, and it provides tools to control the publishing process, and these systems usually work on the Internet, although they can also be run on the local network. So, This research aims to apply a linguistic study of the phenomenon of multiplicity of semantics and linguistic meanings to some of the words mentioned in the Prophet’s Hadith, and the extent of the influence of this semantic multiplication in determining the meaning of the prophetic text, and whether or not it is based on a separation in a legal rule of worship or not, with an attempt to weight between multiple and different meanings and meanings, Clarification of weightings, to the conclusion that linking semantic linguistic studies with Islamic studies through analyzing their texts and explaining their linguistic phenomena; One of the important and useful studies in human research, and the research will follow the descriptive analytical method, as the research chose some words from the hadith of the Prophet, as its meanings and linguistic origins multiplied, so he analyzed them and returned them to their semantic linguistic origins used by the Arabs, then applied those indications to the word in the context of the Prophet’s text, And the explanations of the meanings and meanings indicated by those contexts, then weighting between the different meanings and indications in accordance with the linguistic and legal principles, and among the results of the research that the linguistic studies have a close link to the legal studies, and that the multiple semantic assets may have a significant impact in determining the meaning of the hadith, And it is based on determining the different legal rule of worship in it.


Web Context, The Internet,Linguistic significance,semantic transition,semantic allocation,semantic generalization,


I. Abdul Ghani Bin Md Din, Omar bin Md Din, Ummu Hani binti Abas, MohdSyauqi bin Arshad, MohdZaki bin Masoh, Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary. “The Use of Modern Technology in the Semantic Allocation in Terms of Worship” Volume 83, Issue: March – April 2020, P: 13205 – 13213.
II. Al-Albani, Muhammad Nasir al-Din, Sahih al-Jami` al-Saghir and its Increase, al-Fath al-Kabir, the Islamic Office, Third Edition, 1988.
III. Al-Anbari, Abu Muhammad bin Al-Qasim, Al-Zahir in the meanings of people’s words, investigation: Dr. Hatem Saleh Al-Damen, Al-Resala Foundation, first edition 1992.
IV. Al-Asfahani, Abu Al-Faraj Ali bin Al-Hussein Abi Al-Faraj, Songs, Egyptian House of Books edition 1394 AH.
V. Al-Asqalani, Ahmad bin Ali bin Hajar Al-Shafii, Fath Al-Bari Sharh Sahih Al-Bukhari, Dar Al-Maarefah, Beirut, 1959 AD.
VI. Al-Azhari, Abu Mansour Muhammad bin Ahmed, Al-Zahir in “Gharib Al-Imam Al-Shafi’i”, an investigation by: Dr. Abdel-Moneim Al-Taw’iBashnati, Dar Al-Bashaer Al-Islamiyyah, first edition 1419 AH.
VII. Al-Azhari, Abu Mansour Muhammad bin Ahmed, Refining the Language, an investigation: Abd al-Salam Muhammad Harun, Dar al-Sadiq, 1990.
VIII. Al-Bukhari, Muhammad bin Ismail Abu Abdullah, The Right Compact Mosque, investigation: Dr. Mustafa Deeb Al-Bagha, Dar Ibn Katheer, Al-Yamamah, Third Edition, 1987.
IX. Al-Farahidi, Hebron bin Ahmed, Al-Ain, investigation: Dr. Mahdi Al-Makhzoumi, and Dr. Ibrahim Al-Samarrai, Al-Hilal House and Library.
X. Al-Fayoumi, Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Ali al-Muqri, The luminous lamp in Gharib al-Sharh al-Kabir, Lebanon Library, 1990.
XI. Al-Gohary, Ismail bin Hammad, Al-Sahah, investigation by Ahmed Abdul Ghafour Attar, Dar Al-Alam for millions, fourth edition, 1990
XII. Al-Khattabi, by Imam Abi Suleiman Hamad bin Muhammad bin Ibrahim Al-Busti, Gharib Al-Hadith, investigation: Abdel-Karim Ibrahim Al-Azbawi, Dar Al-Fikr, Damascus, second edition 2002.
XIII. Al-Matarazi, Abu Al-Fath Nasir Al-Din Bin Abd Al-Sayyid Bin Ali, Morocco in Order of the Arabized, by: Mahmoud Fakhoury and Abdel Hamid Mukhtar, Osama Bin Zaid Library, Aleppo, first edition, 1979 AD.
XIV. Al-Nasafi, Omar bin Muhammad bin Ahmed, students of students in jurisprudence terminology, the investigator: Muhammad Hassan Ismail, House of Scientific Books, 1997 AD.
XV. Al-Nawawi, Abu Zakaria Yahya bin Sharaf bin Mari, The curriculum explained Sahih Muslim bin Al-Hajjaj, the Arab Heritage Revival House, Beirut, second edition, 1392 AH.
XVI. Al-Waqshi, Hisham bin Ahmed Al-Andalusi, Commentary on Al-Muwatta for Al-Waqshi, investigation: Dr. Abdul Rahman bin Sulaiman Al-Othaimeen, Al-Obeikan Library, first edition 1421 AH.
XVII. Al-Suyuti, Abdul-Rahman Jalaluddin, Al-Mizhar in Language Sciences and its Types, Investigation and Explanation: Muhammad Ahmad Jad Al-Mawla and others, Dar Al-Turath Library, Cairo, Egypt, Third Edition, Dr.
XVIII. Al-Zamakhshari, Mahmoud bin Omar, Al-Faeq in Gharib Al-Hadith, investigation: Ali Muhammad Al-Bajawi, and Muhammad Abu Al-Fadl Ibrahim, Dar Al-Maarefa – Lebanon, second edition
XIX. Ebrahim M. A. Eldesoky, Abdu Ghani Bin Md Din, M. I. H. Othman, Omar Bin MdDin, M. Azizul R. bin Zabidin, Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary. “Context and Building the Semantics of the Text Linguistically and Technically Using Semantic Web” Volume 82, Issue: January – February 2020, P: 11609 – 11614.
XX. Elsayed Mohamed Salem SalemElawadi, Zulazhan Ab. Halim, Najeeb Abbas Al-Sammarraie, Yousef Abubaker El-Ebiary, Bishwajeet Pandey, (2019). “Digitization of the Arabic Language Between Reality and Expectations”, (IJRTE), Volume-8 Issue-2S3, pp. 1151-1158.
XXI. Elsayed Mohamed Salem SalemElawadi, Zulazhan Ab. Halim, Najeeb Abbas Al-Sammarraie, Yousef Abubaker El-Ebiary, Bishwajeet Pandey, (2019). “The Impact of E-Learning in Teaching Arabic Language for Non-Native Speakers”, (IJRTE), Volume-8 Issue-2S3, pp. 1159-1162.
XXII. ElsayedSalemm, Ragab Awad, Abdelsattar Ayoub, Abdelrahman Tahawi, Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary, Bishwajeet Pandey. “The Importance of Rhetorical and the Technological Learning Solutions for Non-Arabic Speakers”, (TEM), Volume 82, Issue: January-February 2020, P: 16484 – 16492.
XXIII. Ibn Al-Atheer, Abu Al-Saadat, The End in Gharib Al-Hadith and Al-Athar, by Tahir Al-Zawi and Mahmoud Al-Dahi, Al-Babi Al-Halabi Press, First Edition, 1965 AD.
XXIV. Ibn Al-Attar, Imam Ala Al-Din Ali Bin Dawood Bin Al-Attar Al-Shafi’i, The Kit in Explaining the Mayor, Investigation: Nizam Muhammad Salih Yaqoubi, Dar Al-Bashaer Al-Islamiyyah, First Edition 2007 AD.
XXV. Ibn Al-Jawzi, Abu al-Faraj Abdul Rahman, revealed the problem from the hadith of Sahihin, an investigation: Ali Hussein al-Bawab, Dar Al-Watan, Riyadh, 1418 AH.
XXVI. Ibn Al-Malqan, Abu Hafs Omar bin Ali bin Ahmed Al-Ansari Al-Shafi’i, Information on the Benefits of the Mayor of Al-Ahkam, Investigation: Abdulaziz Al-Mushaigeh, Dar Al-Asimah, First Edition, 1997.
XXVII. Ibn Dureid, Muhammad ibn al-Hasan Abu Bakr, the language community, an investigation: Ramzi Munir Baalbaki, House of Knowledge for millions, 1987
XXVIII. Ibn Faris, Abu al-Hussein Ahmad bin Zakaria, Standards of Language, taken care of by: Muhammad AwadMarab, and Fatima Muhammad Aslan, House of Revival of Arab Heritage, Beirut, first edition, 2002 AD.
XXIX. Ibn Salam, al-Qasim al-Hirawi Abu Ubaid, Gharib al-Hadith, investigation: Dr. Muhammad Abd al-Mu`id Khan, Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut, first edition, 1396 AH.
XXX. Ibn Qutaybah, Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Muslim al-Dinuri, Gharib al-Hadith by Ibn Qutaybah, investigation: NaimZarzur, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Alami, First Edition 1408 AH.
XXXI. Muslim, Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj Abu al-Husayn al-Qushairi al-Nisaburi, Sahih Muslim, investigation by Muhammad Fuad Abd al-Baqi, Arab Heritage Revival House, Beirut, 1991 AD.
XXXII. Rabie I. M. Hassan, Abdul Ghani Bin Md Din, Shehata Hafez M. El Sheikh, Mohamed Hamed M. Said, Sha’aban Abdel Hamid Refae M., Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary. “Computer Etiquette and Its Role in Organizing Peaceful Coexistence” Volume 83, Issue: March – April 2020, P: 13214 – 13224.
XXXIII. Ragab Awad, Elsayed Salem, Abdelsattar Ayoub, Abdelrahman Tahawi, Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary, Bishwajeet Pandey. “The Online Platform Mechanism and Characteristics in Arabic Language Tests for Non-Native Speakers” Volume 82, Issue: January-February 2020, P: 16473 – 16483.

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N.MK.Sarath Kumar, A.Vamsi Krishna , G.Shyam Mahesh, K.Bharath Kumar, M.Venkataiah



With the increase in advancements in the aerospace industry, the introduction of the concept of the chevron to reduce noise and turbulence has been effective to a certain extent. In the present context, a baseline axisymmetric separate-flow nozzle with standard dimensions is taken into consideration. Then the chevron nozzle represents the conventional chevron nozzle in use today. Noise emission and its intensity have been a major concern for the past few decades. This paper mainly deals with the velocity magnitude and acoustic power level of the four types of nozzles which includes the combination of two nozzles accounting the baseline model and its modification with a set of chevrons. Based on the two results the unprejudiced one is ideal for the airplane.


Chevrons,Nozzles, Noise,Turbulence,


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VI SunayanMullick, Impact Of New Chevron Configurations On Mixing Enhancement In Subsonic Jets, 26 Apr 2016. Web.

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Gamini Suresh, K.Balakrishna Reddy, M.Nagarjuna



Exoskeletons and external assistive devices for human locomotion plays an predominant role in now a days. To assist elderly people and injured content, a shank foot manipulator is modelled and analysed. This shank foot manipulator is a 2 degree of freedom link which is represented by dynamic equation of non linear differential equation. Numerical solution is employed to obtain the closed form solutions. The trajectory generated by the manipulator is discussed with the control strategies like computed torque control with the use of MATLAB. Due to the uncertainties and non linearity nature, it becomes complex to attain the motion control in a accurate position. With the ease of computed torque control, the manipulator is made to be in a desired position.


Shank-foot manipulator, Control,Desired Trajectory generation,


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Srikar Gemaraju, Kiran Kumar Yadav Aerra, Suresh Gamini, Phaneendra Kumar Kopparthi, Bhaskara Rao Pathakokila



In the earlier days, the displacement and strain were being measured by conventional techniques. The most useful and efficient tool put in practice with the implementation of advances in technology to measure displacements and strains on the region of interest of the object is full field optical measurement technique. This technique is a non-contact optical method known as digital image correlation (DIC), which compares the images captured before and after deformation and stores in a computer for the measurement of displacements and strains.These can be determined considering the displacement of speckles deposited on the surface of object. In this paper, the two-dimensional digital image correlation (2D-DIC) and three-dimensional digital image correlation (3D-DIC) are presented and its fundamental concepts are discussed.


Digital image correlation,Displacement,Strain, Error,


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Phaneendra Kumar Kopparthi, Kiran Kumar Yadav Aerra, Srikar Gemaraju, Bhaskara Rao Pathakokila, Suresh Gamini



The woven E-glass/epoxy composite with circular artificial defect located at center position between first and second plies was manufactured using hand lay-up method. The composite consisted of twelve layers of glass cloth. Experiments were conducted in tension and flexure with four-point loading to determine the behavior of laminate. The results were compared with those of laminates without artificial defect. A knee was observed on the load displacement curve for the laminate without defect loaded in tension. Results show that the defect does not affect considerably the tensile strength of the composite and the existence of defect influences highly the flexural properties.


Tension, Flexure,Artificial defect, Knee,Four-point loading,Delamination ,


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Gamini Suresh, Emani. Siva Krishna



This paper mainly focuses on the Nano clay effect in mechanical properties of sisal/banana hybrid FRP composites. The composites with and without the addition of Nano clay have been made by fusing sisal/banana fiber up to maximum volume of 30% as support in polymer matrix and mechanical properties are Investigated. The composite material prepared was tested for tensile, flexural, impact strength with aid of respective apparatus. Fiber length and % of weight were calculated initially for preparation of specimens. Banana fiber was hybridized with sisal fiber to examine the changes in mechanical properties of the samples. Mechanical properties (Tensile strength, Flexural strength along with their modulus) of the composites with nano clay   are found to be 0.8, 1, 1.5 and 2.3 times greater than that of composites without nano clay. 50% better results in the impact test were achieved. SEM analysis was carried out on the samples after conducting the test to find out the fracture pattern and the fiber pull out.  The experimental outcomes illustrate that under testing the mechanical properties shows an increase with adding up of Nano clay at higher volume fraction. Tensile & flexural properties show an affirmative hybrid effect.


Polymer- Matrix composites,Mechanical properties,scanning Electron Microscope analysis,Hybridization of sisal/banana,


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K. Arunkarthikeyan, A. Chinnamahammad Bhasha, M. Venkata pavan, P.Sneha, Shaik. Abrar



Abrasive water jet had proven to be a suitable unconventional machine technique for cut-through operation. Using abrasive water jet turning only limited studies are available. Apart from usual machining practice in Abrasive Water Jet Machine (AWJM), the installation of the chuck with motor assembly as a unit similar set up like conventional lathe machine will enhance the machinability of AWJM. From the earlier studies, it is understood that the author has performed the machinability studies using this experimental set up in AWJM. But no standard procedure is described as the installation procedure of chuck and motor assembly in AWJM. Considering this, a review is conducted on the design and implementation of turning setup in an abrasive water jet machine. Based on the acquired knowledge through a literature survey and also, considering vibration, assembly, and safety factors, a new design is proposed. The author ensures that implementing this setup in an abrasive water jet machine will enhance the research work to a higher level of significance.


AWJM,Turning,Chuck and motor assembly,Worktable design,


I. R. Rakshit, A.K. Das, “A review on cutting of industrial ceramic materials” Precision Engineering, Vol:59, Pages : 90-09, 2019
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IV. I Zohourkari, M. Zohoo, M. Annoni,“Investigation of the effects of machining parameters on material removal rate in abrasive waterjet turning”, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Vol:6, 624203,2014
V. A.I. Ansari, M. Hashish,“Effect of abrasive waterjet parameters on volume removal trends in turning”, Journal of engineering for industry, Vol: 117, Pages : 475-484, 1995
VI. F. Kartal , H. Gökkaya, Z.yerlikaya ,”Development of a new method in order to do silent abrasive water jet turning process apparatus”, WJTA-IMCA Conference and Expo, 2015
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X. Z. Hutyrová, J. Ščučka, S. Hloch,P. Hlaváček,M. Zeleňák,“Turning of wood plastic composites by water jet and abrasive water jet”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol: 84,Pages : 1615-1623, (2016)
XI. G. Ramu, B. Bapiraju, M.L. Kumari,“Theoretical and graphical analysis of abrasive water jet turning”, International Journal of Modern Engineering Research, Vol: 3, Pages: 3207-3215, 2013.
XII. F. Kartal, H. Gökkaya, M. Nalbant,“Turning of (Cu-Cr-Zr) alloy with abrasive water jet”, In 21st International Conference on Water Jetting, Ottawa, Canada, (2012, September)
XIII. F. Kartal, M.H. Çetin, H. Gökkaya Z. Yerlikaya,“Optimization of abrasive water jet turning parameters for machining of low density polyethylene material based on experimental design method”, International Polymer Processing, Vol: 29, 535-544, (2014)
XIV. Q.W. Xu, C.H. Qiang, C.W. Guo,“Experimental Study on the Surface Roughness of 1060 Aluminum Alloy Cut by Abrasive Water Jet”, Materials Science Forum, Trans Tech Publications, Vol: 950, Pages: 32-37, 2019
XV. K. Balamurugan,M. Uthayakumar,S. Sankar, U.S Hareesh, K.G.K. Warrier, “Modeling and surface texturing on surface roughness in machining LaPO4–Y2O3 composite”, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol: 33, Pages : 405-413, 2018
XVI. K. Balamurugan, M. Uthayakumar, S.Gowthaman,R. Pandurangan, “A study on the compressive residual stress due to waterjet cavitation peening”, Engineering Failure Analysis, Vol; 92, Pages : 268-277, 2018
XVII. A.C. Bhasha, K.Balamurugan,“Fabrication and property evaluation of Al 6061+ x%(RHA+ TiC) hybrid metal matrix composite”, SN Applied Sciences, Vol: 1(9), Pages : 977, 2019
XVIII. K. Arunkarthikeyan, K. Balamurugan,“Experimental Studies on Deep Cryo Treated plus Tempered Tungsten Carbide Inserts in Turning Operation”, ICAIASM conference proceedings, Santhiram Engineering college, Kurnool, India, 2019

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P.Sneha, A.Chinnamahammad Bhasha, Deepthi.T , ArunKarthikeyan



The pressurized high-speed water flows together with the Al2O3 particles forms slurry used in abrasive water jet machining (AWJM) to slice specimens. This approach is particularly appropriate for fragile, soft and strident materials. D3 tool steel used as a sample size of 200 x 200 x 23 mm has excellent strength and is also suitable for high-temperature machining operations. In the present work, the 8 mm diameter hole was created using AWJM. The L27 orthogonal array experiments were conducted with crossover speeds (Ts) 80, 100 and 120 mm / min, abrasive mass flow rate (Af) 250, 325 and 400 (g / min) and a standoff distance (Sod) of 1,1.5 and 2 mm as processing parameters. Optimum parameters have been set from ANOVA to achieve high metal extraction. Optimum Sod, Ts, and Af are 400 g / min, 1.5 mm and 120 mm / min. Experiment number 26 and the 27 processing parameters are the best for the D3 tool steel unit to achieve higher metal extraction.


AWJM, D3 Tool Steel, ANOVA, cutting speed ,standoff distance,Traverse speed,


I Geethapriyan T., Manoj Samson R., Arun Raj A.C., Senkathi S., Gunasekar C. (2019) Parametric Optimization of Abrasive Water jet Machining Process on Inconel 600 Using Two Different Abrasive Grain Sizes. In: Vijay Sekar K., Gupta M., Arockiarajan A. (eds) Advances in Manufacturing Processes. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore.
II K.Balamurugan, M.Uthayakumar, S.Gowthamam, R.Pandurangan, “A study on the compressive residual stress due to water jet cavitation peening”, Engineering Failure Analysis, (2018).
III Rishi Pahuja, M. Ramulu, Mohamed Hashish,” Surface quality and kerf width prediction in abrasive water jet machining of metal-composite stacks” Composites Part B 175(2019).
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VIII P. Shanmughasundaram,” Influence of abrasive water jet machining parameters on the surface roughness of eutectic Al-Si alloy- graphite composites” Journal of materials physics and mechanics19 (2014) 1-8.
IX DerzijaBegicHajdarevic, Ahmet Cekic, MuhamedMehmedovic, Almina Djelmic,”Experimental study on surface roughness in abrasive water jet cutting” Proceding Engineering (2015) 394-399.
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XII K Balamurugan, M.UthayaKumar,S.Sankar,U.S.Hareesh& G.K.Warrier,”Modeling and Surface Texturing on surface roughness in machining LaPO4-Y2O3 Composite” Materials and Manufacturing Processes, (2017).
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XV K.Balamurugan,M.Uthayakumar,S.Sankar,U.S.Hareesh,K.G.K.Warrier,” Predicting correlations in abrasive water jet cutting parameters of Lanthanum Phosphate/ Yttria composite by response surface methodology”, Measurement (2019), 309-318.
XVI SenerKarabulut, “Optimization of surface roughness and cutting force during AA7039/Al2O3 metal matrix composites milling using neural networks and Taguchi method”, Measurement (2015), 139-149.
XVII Pandu R.Vundavilli, M.B.Parappagoudar,S.P.Kodali,Surekha Benguluri,”Fuzzy logic-based expert system for prediction of depth of cut in abrasive water jet machining process”, Knowledge-Based Systems (2012), 456-464.
XVIII KSK Sasikumar,KP Arulshri, K Ponappa,“ A study on kerf characteristics of hybrid aluminum 7075 metal matrix composites machined using abrasive water jet machining technology”, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, (2016).
XIX S.Vigneshwaran, M.UthayaKumar, V Arumugaprabu, “Abrasive water jet machining of fiber-reinforced composite materials”, Journal of Reinforced plastics and composites, (2017).
XX John Kechagias, George Petropoulos, Nikolaos Vaxevanidis, ”Application of Taguchi design for quality characterization of abrasive water jet machining of TRIP sheet steels.” The international Journal of advanced manufacturing technology, (2012).
XXI K Balamurugan , A.chinnamahammad bhasha, Fabrication and property evaluation of Al 6061 + x% (RHA + TiC) hybrid metal matrix composite”, Sn applied science,(2019),1:997.

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V. Uma Sai Vara Prasad , K. Venkata Rao, Ch. Nagraju , M. Venu, M. Venkataiah



Surface quality is a vital aspect  to assess the eminence of products that chooses wear and also stimuli quality of assemblies. The research journal article is focused to estimate the surface quality during helical milling with ultrasonic vibration assistance to workpiece. This study presents an investigation of surface eminence on ultrasonic machining (UM) of difficult to cut material of D2 steel, an effort was  made for modeling response i.e. surface roughness(Ra) in UM technique by means of DESIGN EXPERT software. Three operational factors i.e. spindle speed(N), axial depth(ap)  each at two levels and orbital speed(nc) of four levels were  varied to investigate surface quality variations with respect to levels of operational factors. The ANOVA was performed to ascertain importance of model established. The testings outcomes confirms validity and competence of model developed.


Surface quality ,ultrasonic vibration,ANOVA,Helical milling,


Bhuvnesh Bhardwaj, Rajesh Kumar, Pradeep K. Singh, et al., “Surface roughness prediction model for turning of AISI 1019 steel using response surface methodology and Box-Cox transformation”, Proc. Inst. Mech. E Part B: J. Eng. Manuf. 228 (2) (2014) 223–232.
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V. Nitesh Dhar Badgayan, Ankan Mishra, Sameer Panda, “Prediction of Surface Roughness on Ultrasonic Machining Of Titanium Using Response Surface Methodology”, Proceedings of the ICIET’14, Volume 3, Special Issue 3, March 2014, Tamilnadu, India, pp. 1234-1236.
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IX. Sanjay, Prithvi, “Hybrid intelligence systems and artificial neural network (ANN) approach for modeling of surface roughness in drilling”, Cogent Engineering, vol.1 (1), 2014.
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Lam Suvarna Raju, Venu Borigorla



AA2014 has been extensively used in manufacture of light weight fabricated components similar to commercial automobile components, which requires high strength with minimal weight and along with decent corrosion effect. The traditional welding of thisAluminium alloyed materials generally encounter solidification problems like hot cracking. Friction Stir Welding (FSW) is an ecofriendly joining process where in the actual melting of material and recasting will not happen. Many of the researchers carried out sufficient experiments for optimizing process parameters and to establish empirical relationships in order to predict better mechanical properties. In the present investigation, a comparative study of FSW between experimentation and optimization of process parameters such as tool rotation speed and weld speed, to attain maximum mechanical properties using Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Teaching Learning Based Optimization (TLBO) algorithm. From the results it shows that the TLBO gives the better combinations of process parameters which give superior mechanical properties compared to experimental results as well as other optimization techniques.


FSW,Process Parameters, Mechanical Properties,Genetic Algorithm,TLBO,


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XIV. Venkata Rao,K, Murthy PBGSN and Vidhu KP, “Assignment of weightage to machining characteristics to improve overall performance of machining using GTMA and utility concept”. CIRP, journal Manufacturing Science and Technology, vol. 18, pp.152–158,2017.
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Divya Ch., Suvarna Raju.L, Singaravel. B



Metal cutting or machining is a backbone of manufacturing industries. In machining process, heat is generated and it must be removed with the help of cutting fluid. Generally, hydrocarbon oil based cutting fluid is used, but it leads to environmental pollution and as well as operator’s ill health. Solid lubrication is a good alternative to hydro carbon oil based cutting fluid.In this work, turning process is carried out on Inconel 718 with perpendicular direction textured cutting insert filled with different solid lubricants.Solid lubricants as lubricant materials, which are basically solid but becomesoft due to frictional heat at the point of contact. In this work, Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) and Graphite solid lubricants are used.Experiments are performed as per L9 orthogonal array and theeffect of each process parameter is determined through the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The result revealed that solid lubricant with textured tool produces a continuous lubricating layer on the surface of the tool due to the thermal expansion of heat produced during machining. This thin layer may reduce friction in the machining zone. Perpendicular direction textured cutting inserts are used to reduce friction and good surface finish is obtained.Compared with MoS2, graphite has shown better results in terms of surface finishdue to its low shear strength properties.


Turning,Solid Lubrication, Surface finish,Taguchi,


I. Debnath, S., Reddy, M.M. and Yi, Q.S., 2014. Environmental friendly cutting fluids and cooling techniques in machining: a review. Journal of cleaner production, 83, pp.33-47.

II. Lawal, S.A., Choudhury, I.A. and Nukman, Y., 2012. Application of vegetable oil-based metalworking fluids in machining ferrous metals—a review. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 52(1), pp.1-12.

III. Ghosh, S. and Rao, P.V., 2015. Application of sustainable techniques in metal cutting for enhanced machinability: a review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 100, pp.17-34.

IV. Sharma, V. and Pandey, P.M., 2016c. Recent advances in turning with textured cutting tools: A review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 137, pp.701-715.

V. Krishna, P.V. and Rao, D.N., 2008. Performance evaluation of solid lubricants in terms of machining parameters in turning. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 48(10), pp.1131-1137.

VI. Song, W., Wang, Z., Wang, S., Zhou, K. and Guo, Z., 2017. Experimental study on the cutting temperature of textured carbide tool embedded with graphite. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 93(9-12), pp.3419-3427.

VII. Song, W., Wang, S., Lu, Y. and Xia, Z., 2018. Tribological performance of microhole-textured carbide tool filled with CaF2. Materials, 11(9), p.1643.

VIII. Lei, S., Devarajan, S. and Chang, Z., 2009. A comparative study on the machining performance of textured cutting tools with lubrication. International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems, 2(4), pp.401-413.

IX. Arulkirubakaran, D., Senthilkumar, V. and Kumawat, V., 2016. Effect of micro-textured tools on machining of Ti–6Al–4V alloy: an experimental and numerical approach. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 54, pp.165-177.

X. Sharma, V. and Pandey, P.M., 2016. Comparative study of turning of 4340 hardened steel with hybrid textured self-lubricating cutting inserts. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 31(14), pp.1904-1916.

XI. Padmini, R., Krishna, P.V. and Mohana Rao, G.K., 2015. Performance assessment of micro and nano solid lubricant suspensions in vegetable oils during machining. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 229(12), pp.2196-2204.

XII. Yılmaz, B., Karabulut, Ş. and Güllü, A., 2018. Performance analysis of new external chip breaker for efficient machining of Inconel 718 and optimization of the cutting parameters. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 32, pp.553-563.

XIII. Singaravel, B. and Selvaraj, T., 2016. Application of desirability function analysis and utility concept for selection of optimum cutting parameters in turning operation. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, 15(01), pp.1-11.

XIV. Wenlong, S., Jianxin, D., Hui, Z. and Pei, Y., 2010. Study on cutting forces and experiment of MoS 2/Zr-coated cemented carbide tool. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 49(9-12), pp.903-909.

XV. Singaravel, B. and Selvaraj, T., 2016. Application of Taguchi method for optimization of parameters in turning operation. Journal for Manufacturing Science and Production, 16(3), pp.183-187.

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L. Suvarna Raju, , N. Ramakrishna, G. Mallaiah



Pure copper is reinforced with 20µm ceramic particles like SiCp and TiB2 using FSP to fabiricate surface composites at constant rotational speed of 1120 revaluations per minutes and speed of the weld at 40mm/min. Cylindrical tapper threaded profile pin made of high carbon high chromium was used to prepare the copper surface composites. Experiments were conducted on a vertical milling machine to prepare Surface composites by varying volume percentage of reinforcements (vol.%2, vol.%4,vol.%6). six combinations of surface composites Cu/2vol.%SiC, Cu/4vol.%Sic, Cu/6vol.%Sic; Cu/2vol.%TiB2, Cu/4vol.%TiB2 and Cu/6vol.%TiB2 were fabricated. The processed composites were examined by using and optical microscope to reveal the microstructure. At 4 vol. % sic particles and 4vol.% of TiB2 particles the microstructure reveals fine grains (equiaxed) at the processed region as compared with 2&6 vol.% of reinforcements. Mechanical tests were conducted to determine ultimate tensile strength, yield strength. Hardness survey was made on the processed sample and base metal. From the results, it is found that at 4 vol. % of SiC and 4 vol.% of TiB2  superior properties were obtained as that of vol.% 2 and vol.% 6 of reinforcements. This is attributed to the fine grains formed in the copper surface composites. Cu surface composite reinforced with 6 vol. % of TiB2 resulted in higher hardness. As the vol. % of SiC and TiB2 increased the resistance to wear is also increased.


Volume percentage (vol.%),SiCp (Silicon Carbide particles),TiB2p (Titanium diboride particles), Cu/SiC (Copper surface composite),


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P. Satish Kumar, L. Suvarna Raju, M. Ravi Kumar, L. Siva Rama Krishna



Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing an arc based metal additive manufacturing creates 3D components with layer by layer weld depositions has a lot of advantages over powder based techniques and has the capability of fabricating medium to large components . The present work focussed on the study of the microstructure and hardness for wall structure fabricated by weld depositions based on Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing technique with different wire feed rates utilized from bottom to top in the build direction. Component fabricated is with 3 slabs with different wire feed rate in each slab and these slabs are deposited with multiple beads and multiple layers by using ABB 6 – AXIS Industrial Robot 1520ID. It is observed that internal matrix irrespective of slabs has insignificant variations in the hardness of the material in the build direction. The microstructure characterization exposes typically a homogenous polygonal ferrite with perlite. In general the overall process looks to be stable with negligible hardness variation. The core idea of this paper is to understand the microstructure and hardness of as-built WAAM components with varying feed rates.


Hardness, Microstructure,Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing,


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