Journal Vol – 15 No -6, June 2020



Sampath Kumar Tallapally, B. Manjula



Cloud space to yourself is a one of the most considerable tentative issue in cloud computing as some of the clients are satisfied with existing policies or protocols where as rest of them are quite concerned with the aspects of corresponding security [IV].In order to enhance the security levels in this paper we have proposed a multilevel security scheme that provides more security than that of any type of the existing single level encryption based process. In particular the proposed technique ensures that only pre authorized users can only access the cloud data and the other advantage of our algorithm is faster and safer in multiple directions such as while performing uploading and downloading a specific file [X].


Cloud security,single level encryption,multilevel security scheme,cloud data,






V. R Ravi Kumar M Babu Reddy P Praveen, “An Evaluation Of Feature Selection Algorithms In Machine Learning” International Journal Of Scientific & Technology Research Volume 8, Issue 12, December 2019 ISSN 2277-8616,PP. 2071-2074.

VI. T. Sampath Kumar, B. Manjula “Perusing on Cloud Computing and its Security Issues”. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-2, December, 2019

VII. T. Sampath Kumar, B. Manjula “Security Issue Analysis on Cloud Computing Based System” International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking Vol. 12, No. 5, (2019), pp. 143 – 150

VIII. T. Sampath Kumar, B. Manjula, “Asymmetric AES Algorithm for Cloud Security”, International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking Vol. 12, No. 5, (2019), pp. 301- 305

IX. R. Ravi Kumar, M. Babu Reddy and P. Praveen, “A review of feature subset selection on unsupervised learning,” 2017 Third International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics, Information, Communication and Bio-Informatics (AEEICB), Chennai, 2017, pp. 163-167.doi: 10.1109/AEEICB.2017.7972404.

X. Sanjoli Singla and Jasmeet Singh ,“Cloud Data Security using Authentication and Encryption Technique” by in IJARCET Vol 2, Issue 7, July 2013.

XI. Survey on triple system security in cloud computing by ParulMukhi and Bhawna Chauhan in IJCSMC, Vol. 3, Issue. 4, April 2014.

XII. T. Sampath Kumar,B. Manjula, D. Srinivas,”A New Technique to Secure Data Over Cloud”, Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, 11-Special Issue, July 2017.

XIII. T. Sampath Kumar, B. Manjula, Mohammed Ali Shaik, Dr. P. Praveen, “A Comprehensive Study on Single Sign on Technique”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST), ISSN:2005-4238E-ISSN:2207-6360, Vol-127-June-2019.

XIV. Praveen P., Rama B(2020). “An Optimized Clustering Method To Create Clusters Efficiently” Journal Of Mechanics Of Continua And Mathematical Sciences, ISSN (Online): 2454 -7190 Vol.-15, No.-1, January (2020) pp 339-348 ISSN (Print) 0973-8975

XV. Praveen., P and Ch. Jayanth Babu. “Big Data Clustering: Applying Conventional Data Mining Techniques in Big Data Environment.” (2019).Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 74, ISSN 2367-3370, Springer Singapore.

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Yerrolla Chanti, Bandi Bhaskar, Nagendar Yamsani



Li-Fi-light constancy is like Wi-Fi innovation and it is one of things to come remote correspondence advancements part. The principle capacity of this innovation is to transmit the information by means of light [IX]. This innovation is unspoiled for fast remote correspondence in a limited district, and it offers numerous advantages over Wi-Fi innovation, for example, high transfer speed, convenience, productivity, and wellbeing. As the light speed is prevalent thus the information correspondence speed is additionally quicker in the current framework [X]. Moreover, this innovation can be executed for quick information access for the PCs, and contraptions that will be transmitted during the pillar in a room [IX]. This paper propose Li-Fi innovation utilizing in flying to theater setup through remote correspondence by basically utilizing the divider/perusing sheep it's protected to state that this innovation region of use are wearisome


Aviation,Wall,Reading Lamps,VLC,Interminable,


Angayarkanni S 1 , Arthi R 2 , Nancy S 3 , Sandhiya A 4 Assistant Professor1 , Student2, 3, 4, 5 Department Of Electrical And Electronics Engineering TejaaShakthi Institute Of Technology For Women” Underwater Communication Using Li-Fi Technology” Research Article Volume 8 Issue No.3 © 2018 IJESC.
II. Anurag Sarkar1, Prof. Shalabh Agarwal2 , Dr. Asoke Nath3, Department Of Computer Science St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous) Kolkata – India” Li-Fi Technology: Data Transmission Through Visible Light” International Journal Of Advance Research In Computer Science And Management Studies Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2015 Pg. 1-12.
III. Bura Vijay Kumar, YerrollaChanti, NagenderYamsani, SrinivasAluvala, BandiBhaskar “Design A Cost Optimum For 5g Mobile Cellular Network Footing On NFV And SDN”, International Journal Of Recent Technology And Engineering (IJRTE), ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-2S3, July 2019
IV. Department Of Information Technology, Al Baha University, Al Baha, Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia (KSA) *Corresponding Author: Yusufperwej@Gmail.Com” The Next Generation Of Wireless Communication Using Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) Technology” Journal Of Computer Networks, 2017, Vol. 4, No. 1, 20-29 Available Online At Http://Pubs.Sciepub.Com/Jcn/4/1/3 ©Science And Education Publishing DOI:10.12691/Jcn-4-1-3.
V. Gowtham S U, Gokulamanikandan M, Pavithran P, Gopinath K Department Of CSE, Panimalar Institute Of Technology, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India” Interactive Voice & IOT Based Route Navigation System For Visually Impaired People Using Lifi” International Journal Of Scientific Research In Computer Science, Engineering And Information Technology © 2017 IJSRCSEIT | Volume 2 | Issue 2 | ISSN : 2456-3307.
VI. Hemachandran K1, Justus Rabi B2, SS Darly3 1Associate Professor, ECE, Visvesvaraya College Of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad, Telungana, India” Elegant Billing System Using Light Fidelity Module” International Journal Of Electrical Electronics & Computer Science Engineering Volume 4, Issue 4 (August, 2017) | E-ISSN : 2348-2273 | P-ISSN : 2454-1222 Available Online At Www.Ijeecse.Com
VII. Khandal1, Sakshi Jain21,2Poornima College Of Engineering, Jaipur (Rajasthan)” Li-Fi (Light Fidelity): The Future Technology In Wireless communication” International Journal Of Information & Computation Technology. ISSN 0974-2239 Volume 4, Number 16 (2014), Pp.© International Research Publications Househttp://Www. Irphouse.Com
VIII. Praveen P., Rama B(2020). “An Optimized Clustering Method To Create Clusters Efficiently” Journal Of Mechanics Of Continua And Mathematical Sciences,ISSN (Online) : 2454 -7190 Vol.-15, No.-1, January (2020) pp 339-348 ISSN (Print) 0973-8975 ,
IX. NagendarYamsani, Bura Vijay Kumar, SrinivasAluvala, Mahesh Dandugudum, G. Sunil Reddy, “An Improved Load Balancing In MANET Using On-Demand Multipath Routing Protocol” , International Journal Of Engineering &Technology, 7 (1.8) (2018) Pp.222-225.
X. P.Kumara Swamy, Dr. C. V. Guru Rao, Dr. V. Janaki, “Functioning Of Secure Key Authentication Scheme In” In International Journal Of Pure And Applied Mathemat, Volume 118, Issue 14, Page No(S) 27 – 32, MAR. 2018, [ISSN(Print):1314-3395]
XI. P. Koteswara Rao1, M.Prathibha 2, K. Sai Prasanna3 , I.Sowjanya4 1assistant Professor, Dept Of Ece,Andhra Loyola Institute Of Engineering And Technology “Intra Vehicular Communication Byusing Lifi For Pre-Empitive collision Avoidance” International Journal Of Emerging Trends & Technology In Computer Science (Ijettcs) Web Site: Www.Ijettcs.Org Email: Editor@Ijettcs.Org Volume 6, Issue 2, March – April 2017 Issn 2278-6856.
XII. Srinivas Aluvala, K. Raja Sekar,, Deepika Vodnala, “A Novel Technique For Node Authentication In Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks” In Elsevier – Perspectives In Science, Volume 8, Issue 1, Page No(S) 680 -682, SEP. 2016, [ISSN(Print):2213-0209],
XIII. Yerrolla Chanti, Dr. K. Seena Naik2, Rajesh Mothe3, Nagendar Yamsani4, Swathi Balija5” A Modified Elliptic Curve Cryptography Technique For Securing Wireless Sensor Networks” International Journal Of Engineering &Technology 2018.
XIV. Yerrolla Chanti, Kothanda Raman, K. Seenanaik, Dandugudum Mahesh, B.Bhaskar” An Enhanced On Bidirectional LI-FI Attocell Access Point Slicing And Virtualization Using Das2 Conspire” International Journal Of Recent Technology And Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-2S3, July 2019

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B. M. IkramulHaque, Md. Zaidur Rahman, Md. Iqbal Hossain



Haque’s iteration approach has been applied to obtain analytical solution of the nonlinear jerk equation containing velocity times acceleration-squared. We have used truncated Fourier series by taking different numbers of harmonics for different iteration step. The obtained solutions give more accurate result than others and very nearer to the exact solution.


Jerk equation, nonlinear oscillator,Iteration Method,Truncated Fourier series,


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Tarun Kumar, Pawan Kukreja, Dharmender Singh Kushwaha, Sanjeev Pippal



Internet of Things (IoT) is newfangled area of development that can lead to tremendous efficiency improvement in terms of expensive manpower saving, cost cutting, round the clock  availability and  modular structure to continuously improve processes and things. This paper proposes an application of the IoT in security and management of the army cantonment area. In the context of security, this paper proposes three kind of integrated applications. The Access control system ensures entry of the authorized vehicles using RFID and Automatic Number Plate Recognition techniques. Intrusion detection based on passive infrared, camera and thermal imaging is proposed at the next level. Gun fire detection in residential blocks of the army campus by using sound sensors ensures any intrusion, attack or any other undue situation. Apart from security, this paper also proposes intelligent use of water flow sensors for smart monitoring of underground drainage and water level sensors to reduce the wastage of water in tank overflow conditions. The proposed system is reliable, efficient in terms of accuracy, response time of the various modules, round the clock capability and economical in terms of operational and maintenance cost.


Vehicle detection,Automatic number plate detection,Radio frequency identification, Sensors,


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Ilyas Khan, Majid Ashraf, Asif Nawaz, Rehan Ali Khan, M.Habib Ullah, Wisal Khan, Sheeraz Ahmed



The architecture of WBANs consists of small nodes which are fitted on the body of human or it may be implanted inside body to investigate and analyze and sense data like monitoring body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate and glucose level checking etc. For efficient design and development of WBANs, which ensure reliability and efficiency the knowledge of system and its components are necessary. WBANs must be capable to support lower energy, high data rate, reliability, Quality of Service (QoS) and minimum interference for the consideration of vast applications of WBANs. In WBANs there is a need of proactive management because it is related to more reliable communication. In this research work we are trying to provide a comprehensive review of state of the art routing protocols for WBANs. After the thorough analysis and investigation of different routing protocols, we conclude that there are many good schemes to overcome and resolve the issues of routing in WBANs. But still some of the issues need to be resolved. A new routing protocol for WBANs is developed called DSBAN. In this scheme we considered the performance metrics in terms of the already available schemes SIMPLE, and LAEEBA and see the effects in terms of energy efficiency, Networks lifetime and path-loss. The results show that the scheme DSBAN is significantly showing improved performance than the other two schemes under consideration. The reason is that the scheme considers those positive features of SIMPLE and LAEEBA which help us in the design of the new scheme.


WBAN,LoS communication,Routing protocol, Quality of Service,


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