Journal Vol – 15 No -6, June 2020



Faraz Mehmood, Asif R. Khan, M. Azeem Ullah Siddique



In the current article, we would give some results related to concave function and introduce the definition of concaviable function and new notion of concaviable functions and obtain the new results in which involved concaviable function and we would obtain new major ization type results for weighted concaviable function. This article also recaptures the similar results for concave function as well as for convex function.


Concave Function,Convex Function,Concavifiable Function,Majorization,


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K Ruben Raju, Yogesh Kumar Sharma, Birru Devender



Aimed at the problems of Intensity, Contour and orientation information, a Human Action Recognition (HAR) method based on Fused Feature Vector (FFV) is proposed in this paper. The FFV is constructed based on three different features such as Intensity features, Gradient features, and Orientation features. These three set of features are obtained through three different feature extraction methods based on Gaussian Filter, Gradient Filter and Gabor filter. Further to ensure optimal discriminant subspace, Kernel Discriminant Analysis is employed as a dimensionality reduction technique. Given the FFV of each action image, Support Vector Machine (SVM) is employed for classification. The proposed recognition model is evaluated systematically on the three public datasets such as KTH dataset, Weizmann dataset and the challenging UCF YouTube action dataset. Experimental results prove that our method outperforms the conventional approaches in terms of recognition accuracy.


Human action recognition,Gaussian,Gradient,Gabor,Kernel ,Discriminant Analysis,Support vector Machine,Recognition Accuracy,


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P. Ramchandar Rao, V. Ravi, S. Sanjay Kumar, Ch. Rajendra Prasad, Shyamsunder Merugu



The objective of this paper is to monitor and control the environmental conditions for proper food grain repository. We have implemented a monitoring and controlling system that monitors and controls the weather parameters like Temperature, Humidity, Gas and Light intensity. The users can control and monitor the above said parameters of the repository using IOT. These sensor values are sent to the cloud. When these values get exceeded by the threshold values then the user can take an action against the conditions. By using of Thingspeak to retrieve the cloud sensor data is monitored and controlled.


ESP32,Temperature and Humidity Sensor (DHT11),Gas Sensor,Buzzer,Light Dependent Resistor (LDR),Thing Speak,


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P. Aruna Saraswathy, M. Thangaraj



Recommender systems are implemented as information filtering agents. In most of the conventional recommender systems, the data about domain is available in limited volumes and suggestions are made to users based on their profile information. This lead to two major problems, insufficient representation of domain knowledge, called 'data sparsity' and lack of user-item interaction, called cold start. These two issues can be addressed with ontology based recommender systems, as they cam map domain information with user preferences without losing the semantic richness of the content. This work uses knowledge based method in knowledge aware recommendations to recommend most relevant research papers in digital literature collections. It uses simple methods to construct ontology knowledge graph and uses it for training incremental k-means clustering model. Finally, learning to rank, Adarank algorithm is used to list the top most recommendations for the given user query. The experiments were conducted based on real world unstructured datasets, and results have shown that the proposed model performs well over some of the state-of-the-art baselines.


Ontology,NLP,Recommender System,Knowledge Graph,Incremental Learning,Hybrid model,Semantic data model,


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Riyadh Jameel Toama, Nada Hussein M. Ali



The rapid development in the technology of information and the necessity of transferring the information lead to the importance of the valuable and sensitive information protection is the major demand of users. Current research papers presenting a method for protection of a secret gray scale image and it is composed of four phases. First phase calculates the hash value using the SHA-256 type of hash function to make sure that there is no manipulating, altering or changing on the content of the secret image. The second phase is the encryption process for the secret image using the AES encryption algorithm. Third phase applied Shamir secret sharing scheme by splitting the encryption key of the encryption algorithm used in the previous phase into a number of shares. The final phase is for embedding secret image into an appropriate cover image using Discrete Wavelet Haar (DWH), the cover image is divided into four or more parts according to the iteration numbers that chooses manually. The Least Significant Bit (LSB) technique used for hiding the secret image in a cover image. The results obtained from the proposed method approved that the secret image completely restored without any change, moreover the correlation coefficient between the secret and the retrieved image is high. After the process of reconstruction of the stego image by the proposed method, the test results of quality of image were good with MSE 1.63 and PSNR 46.008 in Lena image.




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D. Mary Florence, R. Murugesan, P. Namasivayam



Let be an additive mapping of a 2-torsion free semiprime inverse semiring in to itself, satisfying holds for all , then is a centralizer.


Semiprime Semiring,Inverse Semiring,Commutator,Centralizer,Left (right) Centralizer,


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Ali Khalid Hasan



The concept of intuitionistic fuzzy d-filter of d-algebra introducing in this paper and also several properties are discussing, with studding some relations on this notation with the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy d-algebra.


d-algebra,filter,d-filter,intuitionistic fuzzy set,fuzzy set,


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P. Praveen, Ch. Sai Krishna, M. Hrushikesh, G. Sai Kumar, B. Pranay Kumar



The aim of this project is to develop an android application software package “EASY CHITS” for small scale chit organizers who could not afford chit fund software. This is an end-to-end application  which covers almost all the activities involved in managing a chit, everything in this application is systematically organized and arranged for both the chit organizers and users, unlike other applications each and every activity is arranged in three modules namely total balance, chit details, history , which makes it simple to use and navigate through the entire application for chit organizers, In addition to that all the necessary information is included for users at the user end.Chit Funds are indigenous monetary establishments in India that consolidates credit and investment funds in a solitary plan. In a chit support plot, a gathering of people meet up for a foreordained timespan and add to a typical pool at customary interims. The quantity of chit plans enlisted has been diminishing throughout the years. The chit support individuals show that as much as 72 percent of the individuals take an interest in chit assets for sparing. Moreover, 96 percent of the current and non-current chit finance individuals feel that chit reserves are sheltered. Larger part of the current and non-current chit support individuals have a place with low-salary family units. Our discoveries point to the way that however chit reserves are a significant wellspring of money for independent companies and low-pay family units in India; there has been a general mass migration of low worth chit plans from the enrolled chit support showcase. This is for the most part in light of the fact that enlisted chit subsidizes think that its less worthwhile to serve the poor because of the expanded expense of working such plans forced by the controllers. We find that the chit finance industry tends to the reserve funds needs of individuals, is viewed as sheltered and furthermore offers credits at lower loan costs than moneylenders.               


Classification,Cluster,Easy chits,Android,UPI,







VI. Mohammed Ali Shaik, P. Praveen, Dr. R. Vijaya Prakash, “Novel Classification Scheme for Multi Agents”, Asian Journal of Computer Science and Technology, ISSN: 2249-0701 Vol.8 No.S3, 2019, pp. 54-58.

VII. P. Praveen, B. Rama and T. Sampath Kumar, “An efficient clustering algorithm of minimum Spanning Tree,” 2017 Third International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics, Information, Communication and Bio-Informatics (AEEICB), Chennai, 2017, pp. 131-135.doi: 10.1109/AEEICB.2017.7972398

VIII. P. Praveen, B. Rama, “An Efficient Smart Search Using R Tree on Spatial Data”,Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, Issue 4,ISSN:1943-023x.

IX. Praveen P., Rama B. (2018) A Novel Approach to Improve the Performance of Divisive Clustering-BST. In: Satapathy S., Bhateja V., Raju K., Janakiramaiah B. (eds) Data Engineering and Intelligent Computing. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 542. Springer, Singapore.

X. Praveen P., Rama B(2020). “An Optimized Clustering Method To Create Clusters Efficiently” Journal Of Mechanics Of Continua And Mathematical Sciences , ISSN (Online) : 2454 -7190 Vol.-15, No.-1, January (2020) pp 339-348 ISSN (Print) 0973-8975,

XI. Sallauddin Mohmmad, Dr. M. Sheshikala, Shabana,” Software Defined Security (SDSec):Reliable centralized security system to decentralized applications in SDN and their challenges”, Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 10-Special Issue, 2018, pp. (147-152).

XII. M. Sheshikala, D. Rajeswara Rao and R. Vijaya Prakash, Computation Analysis for Finding Co– Location Patterns using Map–Reduce Framework, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 10(8), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2017/v10i8/106709, February 2017.





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M. Sheshikala, D. Ramesh, P. Kumara Swamy, R. Vijaya Prakash



One of the significant areas of Indian Economy is Agriculture. Work to practically half of the nation’s workforce is given by Indian horticulture segment. As a part of Agriculture, Cotton plays a major role in economic resource of Telangana. Huge number of farmers grows cotton in their fields as the lands fit to that crop. Beside the advantage the major problem affecting the crop are the diseases that are unknown to the farmers at early stages and losing the entire crop when he gets aware on that.  As a solution, we can identify the disease in the early stage and rectify before it affects the entire crop. This can be done by looking into images collected from the crop and given it as a test sample to the convolution neural network, where we test the sample with the existing training data and identify the major areas that are affected with the disease.  As an improvement we can also identify the disease that is also affected and apply the required pesticides. As a result, 91% of the diseases were correctly identified.


Neural Networks,Layers,Filter,Pooling,Padding,softmax,


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II. A. Harshavardhan, S. Babu and T. Venugopal, “An Improved Brain Tumor Segmentation Method from MRI Brain Images,” 2017 2nd International Conference On Emerging Computation and Information Technologies (ICECIT), Tumakuru, 2017, pp. 1-7.
III. Barbedo, J.G., 2018. Factors influencing the use of deep learning for plant disease recognition. Biosystems engineering, 172, pp.84-91.
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VIII. Prakash, RajanalaVijaya, and SrinathTaduri. “Safe Navigation for Elderly and Visually Impaired People Using Adhesive Tactile Walking Surface Indicators in Home Environment.” In Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development, pp. 771-778. Springer, Singapore, 2020.
IX. Roopa, Goje, and M. Sampath Reddy. “A study on pattern matching intrusion detection system for providing network security to improve the overall performance of security system.” Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 9, no. 11 (2018): 683-687.
X. Sallauddin, M. Ramesh, D. Harshavardhan, A. Pasha, S.N. Shabana, “A comprehensive study on traditional AI and ANN architecture”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 28 (17) ,pp.479, 2019
XI. Shaik, Mohammed Ali, P. Praveen, and R. VijayaPrakash. “Novel Classification Scheme for Multi Agents.”, Asian Journal of Computer Science and Technology 8, no. S3 (2019): 54-58.
XII. Traore, B.B. Kamsu-Foguem, B. and Tangara, F., 2018. Deep convolution neural network for image recognition. Ecological informatics, 48, pp.257-268.
XIII. Praveen P., Rama B(2020). “An Optimized Clustering Method To Create Clusters Efficiently” Journal Of Mechanics Of Continua And Mathematical Sciences , ISSN (Online) : 2454 -7190 Vol.-15, No.-1, January (2020) pp 339-348 ISSN (Print) 0973-8975,

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Mohanad Aldhaidhawi, Muneer Naji, Abdel Nasser Ahmed



The engine performance, combustion characteristics and exhaust gas emissions of a four-cylinder, four-stroke indirect injection spark ignition engine has been numerically investigated at constant engine speed and different ignition timings when using gasoline, ethanol and LPG fuels. For this purpose, a model has been suggested by using a two-zone burnt and unburnt gas for in-cylinder combustion. The experimental data related to the cylinder pressures have been carried out to validate the engine model. The optimal effective power and effective torque were shown at advanced crank angle degrees before the top dead center. It is observed that the brake specific fuel consumption decreases if the ignition timings increase. The ethanol fuel exhausted a minimum level of carbon monoxide, unburnt hydrocarbon and oxide nitrogen emissions when compared with the gasoline fuel at all operating conditions. LPG fuel produced promising good emission results than that obtains from gasoline fuel.


LPG and Ethanol fuels,SI engine,Engine performance,Emissions,


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