


K. Venkateswara Rao, T. Uma Devi



Malicious insiders are executing the severe attacks on cloud by misusing their privileges, which leads to the irreversible damages and loss of reputation. As the malicious insiders are authorized and integral part of the cloud, detecting and obstructing them to prevent the cloud from malicious attacks, became the complex and instantly focusable research aspect. An efficient “Insider Threat Detection Model” was proposed using the behavior reliance anomaly detection process. This paper elucidates Behavior Reliance Insider Threat Detection Model (BRITDM) implementation process and an empirical study was also conducted on the proposed model. Amazon AWS modeled log file input records were used as input to detect the insider activities, using the proposed Behavior Reliance Anomaly Detection (BRAD) four layer architecture. Detailed user and admin activities were collected from the cloud log files that are represented in JSON format. JSQL Parser used for the query knowledge extraction and to create XML Tree. SVM classifier is trained with Compact Prediction Tree (CPT) structures knowledge starts with the comparison of admin executed activity query knowledge against the respective CPT structures of design level activity base, to determine whether the executed admin activity is malicious or not according to the BRAD four layered architecture. Cloud BRITDM processed 30 input records and resulted 5 as unique activities, 5 as abnormal, 2 as unintended suspicious activities and one as intended insider thereat and reaming are normal activities. Experimental results shown the proposed BRITDM performed well in identifying the unique, abnormal, and suspicious and threats from insider activities.


ITDM,BRAD Process flow,Anomaly Detection,Malicious Insider Threat Detection,


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R. Sugin Elankavi, D. Dinakaran, Jaise Jose



Pipeline inspection robots are gaining importance and have seen several developments throughout the past decade. Developing a pipeline inspection robot can specifically overcome the issues of humans in labor and their intervention in an inconvenient condition during repair and maintenance inside the pipeline. This survey shows the advancements made in the field of pipeline inspection robots by classifying them according to their type of locomotion. The locomotion’s are divided into seven basic types and prototypes are developed based on these motions. Each prototype has its benefits and drawbacks based on their purpose of inspection. Different models are designed and validated for ensuring their functionality and performance. This review attempts to present the capabilities of various inspection robot models and compares their performance. This will provide insights into selection, developments and research gaps in this domain.


In-pipe robot,Pipelines,Mobile robots,Inspection,Shape adaptability,IPIR,


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Nithin Srinivasan, RM. Kuppan Chetty, Oh Joo Ztat, Manju Mohan, A. Joshuva



Railroad track inspection is essential to guarantee safe operation condition for the rails to travel on. Even though railway sector invests hefty costs, time and strong human workforce to ensure the performance and safety of the railroads, frequent accident occurs throughout the year due to poor visual inspection carried out by the human inspectors. The quality of inspection remains a question mark and deteriorates progressively when the experienced human inspectors are made to carry out the inspection all along the railroads exposing them to mental fatigue and other potential health hazards. Therefore, in this study, a simple method using visual perception and image processing techniques for the inspection of railroad track for anomalies is presented as an alternate solution to the traditional inspection system. An automated wheeled mobile robot is also prototyped to carry out the inspection on the railroads. This prototyped system uses a visual perception algorithm based on edge detection and feature extraction is developed in LabVIEW, which continuously records the images of the track; assesses and detects the railroad components such as loose bolts, bent boltsand surface cracks, which are very critical for rail safety. The performance of the proposed system is investigated in the laboratory conditions and results show high performance in the detection of railroad track anomalies.


Railroad Track Inspection,Visual Perception,Mobile Robot,Image Processing,Image Analysis,


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Suhaib J. Shbailat, Mohammed A. Nima



In this paper, Numerical investigation of the influence of inserting the metal foam to the solar chimney to induce natural ventilation in the test room is analyzed in this work. Two types of solar chimneys which without insertion of metal foam absorber and with insertion of metal foam absorber are designed with dimensions of length× width× air gap (2 m× 1 m×0.3 m) and size of the test room (1.5 m× 1.5 m×1 m). Four incline angles are tested (30o,45o,60o,90o) for each chimney and two length of tower inlet (30 cm, 40 cm). ANSYS FLUENT program (version 14.5) used to simulate this model and solve the governing equations by finite volume technique. The results showed that the air flow velocity at the outlet of ventilation solar chimney increases of the model with copper foam absorber about 33% from the model without copper foam absorber at constant inclination angle, therefore this gives indication of the important of insertion the copper foam as an absorber media in the ventilation solar chimney.


Solar Chimney,Low-Energy House,Ventilation,Metal Foam,Porous Media,ANSYS FLUENT,


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Fathi A. Alshamma, Munaf Hadi Salman



In this research, for studying dynamic crack propagation behavior in thin plate, a modified method has adopted, when solidification with laser shot peening with cycling thermal effect have done. Since anew a technique is based on an accumulating two types of energies and employments, these together or alone by [Griffith] approach are used to emulate what happen in fuselage with specific conditions in order to study crack velocity and stress intensity factor. The two energies are coming from laser ray and cycling thermal. Analytical model has built with two scenarios for comparing between them. The first one (oven state) when cycling temperatures range for one cycle is from 30 to 150°C and the second (plane path state) when temperature range decreases from 30 to -30 °C  . In addition, the functions (cycling thermal) are functions of duration. Therefore, Fourier series method for periodic functions has built for cycling during path of flight. Oven state for a specific function has assumed with specific shape. Accordingly, simply support condition is adopted for all plates' edges. Laser ray influence has applied according to (P. Peyer & R. Fabbro) equations. For plane path state (cooling), it has been observed that the dynamic crack propagation clearly decreases when the energy of laser was influenced and cycling thermal has increased retardation of crack extension. While for oven state (heating), cycling thermal leads to reducing retardation of crack extension. Also, when comparing between two energies, a high benefit energy is produced from laser (positive effect), and thermal effect depends on state of system if heating or cooling and type of boundary conditions. The values are as well depended on thickness, crack ratio and properties of material


dynamic crack propagation,stress intensity factor,laser energy,thermal energy,


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