


Liaqat Ali, Muhammad Aslam, Yaqoub Ahmed Khan, Ghulam Farid



In this paper we investigate some fundamental results on Jordan ideals, ∗-Jordan ideals, derivations and generalized derivations and hence establish some commutativity results for a certain class of semirings with involution


Inverse semirings,MA-semirings,Generalized derivations,*Jordanideals,


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Rajesh V. Dahibhate, Santosh B. Jaju



Drilling in bone is an inevitable operation performed to join damaged bone during accidents. Drilling facilitates use of screws and plates and in this immobilisation of bone is achieved which is a primary requirement for natural bone growth and re-joining. To study bone drilling, threshold temperature [VI] has to be the prime concern and accordingly drilling parameters and specifications are to be selected otherwise irreversible[III] bone damage can occur. In this study, drilling process is conducted on a sheep bone and optimization of drilling parameters is suggested using Taguchi and ANOVA method, so that the cell damage can be on lower side. To control thermal necrosis an intelligent drilling machine is also proposed.


Bone drilling,threshold temperature,optimization,


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Meenu D. Nair, Karthika D, Vishnu T



Nowadays water scarcity is a major threat to our society, in the name of development, depletion of water increases. The developing technologies had decreased the wealth of the soil. Advancement in agriculture brought artificial fertilizers to eradicate diseases, it turns the soil infertile. This could be overcome by an efficient method called “HYDROPONICS”. This plantation had brought smartness in agriculture. By this, we could achieve lesser space, less man power and 10% of water consumption compared to conventional method. The monitoring and control techniques could be  implemented using Internet of Things (IoT) for proper and advance maintenance.   The major parameters to be handled in Hydroponics are monitoring temperature, humidity, PH of water, water flow, nutrition level, pump motor speed and efficiency. The collected data are uploaded into cloud using IoT module. The data  can be processed in cloud or local server. Remote user can also control the system through Android/Web Application. The present work focused on the energy meter automation using Arduino. When the load is given to the energy meter the CAL led blinks and the blinking pulse is triggered using Opto coupler (4N35). The 5v impulse is given as digital HIGH input to any one of the Arduino digital pin. The pulse is counted in the Arduino and the power calculation  is processed in the program.


Cloud,Hydroponics,Internet of Things,PH,Web Application ,


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IV. Mamta D. Sardare, Shraddha V. Admane, A review on plant without soil hydroponics‘, IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology ISSN: 2319-1163, Volume: 02 Issue: 03, Mar-2013
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Laeeq Aslam, Fawad Ahmad, Sohail Akhtar, Ebrahim Shahzad Awan, Fatima Yaqoob



This paper proposes an approach to study the effect of faulty array element on the accuracy of the parameter estimation of direction of arrival of the plain waves and their amplitudes from sources that are considered to be far field sources. In this approach we require only one snapshot. The cost function is developed for heuristic computation using genetic algorithm (GA). Cost function is based on  norm of the difference between actual observation vector and the constructed vector plus the correlation between the two normalized vectors. The results have been given for different length of array i.e. 10, 15 and 20.Longer array is able to minimize the effect of faulty array element.


Direction of Arrival,Uniform Linear Array,Parameter Estimation,Faulty Array,


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S. M. Revathi, C. R. Balamurugan



This work aims on improving the dynamic time response of closed-loop Bootstrap controlled SVM inverter (BSVMI) with PI, FOPID and FLC. In this work the simulink model of FLC based ZVS bootstrap SVM inverter system is discussed. Bootstrap converter is a popular device within the family of power Electronics device. The SVM inverter is used with voltage source inverter (VSI) and the switching pulses are given using FLC controller. The ZVS bootstrap converter is used for reduction of switching losses. The simulation results are presented to find the effect of BSVMI using FLC. The simulation results with PI, FOPID and FLC Controller based BSVMI are compared and the consequent time-domain parameters are presented. The results specify that FLC Controller system has enhanced response than PI and FOPID controlled system


FLC,Bootstrap,SVM,Cloased Loop,Dynamic reponse,


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Hiba Mudhafar Hashim , Ihsan Y. Hussain



The present investigation adoptsComputationalFluid Dynamics CFD to analyze the problem of forced convection cooling of electronic equipment equipped with a heat sink, including inclination and vibration effects. Two fans were usedto circulate the air inside the computer chassis. Three main components on the motherboard were used;CentralProcessorUnit (CPU), North Bridge, and South Bridge.These components generate heat at the rate of 3750, 2500, and 2222.22kW/ respectively. Three different types of heat sink were used for CPU, these are: plate heat sink, radial heat sink without core,and radial heat sink with core.Theother two main components on the motherboardused the same standard heat sink. The two fans are operated with different cases to specify the suitable operation. Inclination for the computer chassis and motherboard with vibration influence was also investigated. The power dissipation, fan flow rate, and ambient temperature are fixed. The results show that the radial heat sink with core enhances the heat transfer by reducing the temperature of the CPU. Also the influence of vibration has more effect in case of without heat sink, for other cases the influence of vibration is not affected in the investigated range. The effect of inclination angle for computer chassis also is not affected, just when the mother board inclination by  from top edge with vertical plane, the temperature reduction approximately 18  in case without heat sink,  4.8 with plate heat sink on CPU, 1  in case with radial heat sink. The CFD analysis was validated with a thermal profile for real operation CPU, the results show good agreement with a mean deviation of (0.023). A radial heat sink with core reduce the temperature more than 114.5 compared without heat sink on CPU case.


CFD,Forced Convection,Inclination and Vibration,Electronic Equipment Cooling,Heat Sink,


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Gandhi Sivakumar, G. Arumugam



Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has been adopted rapidly in the industry. Various research initiatives have been carried out to innate the AI system characteristics as humans. In our concept paper [VI] we disclosed the “Reflex layer” to mimic human systems. A reflex layer would have the ability to differentiate the repetitive stimuli, its related responses and ability to process this through a separate layer. We discussed the key characteristics of reflex features of the following AI capabilities:
  • The vision interface
  • The audio interface
  • The kinematic interface
  • The sheath interface
  • The core layer
   In this paper we baseline the scope to core and kinematic interface; elaborate key characteristics, provide solutions and results.  


Artificial Intelligence,Distributed Artificial Intelligence,Reflex AI,


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X. Z. A. Shah1, T. AbdulQayyum2, Dr. S. I. A. Shah “A Distributed Approach for Solving the Position Inverse Kinematics of Mobile Parallel Manipulators”, 2014 International Conference on Robotics and Emerging Allied Technologies in Engineering (iCREATE) Islamabad, Pakistan, April 22-24, 2014

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Zunash Zaki, Muhammad Arif Shah, Karzan Wakil, Falak Sher



Human activity recognition through smartphones is now beneficial for humans to recognize their daily activities. Many of the researches are introduced for recognition of activities but somehow the performance of the classifiers is low because of different problems with the data or the classifiers. This research study offers a method to achieve the best performing classifiers. The comparative analysis held between the supervised and ensemble learning classifiers. Based on the best performing classifier, a system is also introduced in this study. We evaluate the method by using two publicly available datasets of human activities recognition acquired from UCI Machine Learning repository. One is UCI-Human Activity Recognition and the second is Smartphone-Based Recognition of Human Activities and Postural Transitions. The activities selected for this research study are Walking, Standing, Sitting, Laying, Downstairs and Upstairs. These input signals are a 3-dimensional raw form of data that was difficult to handle. The Principle Component Analysis (PCA) technique is used to reduce the dimensionalities of the data features and extract the most substantial data features for the classification of human activities. A comparison is performed between the different supervised and ensemble machine learning classifiers on the selected datasets. The supervised learning classifiers that we used are Gaussian Naïve Bayes, K-Nearest Neighbor, and Logistic Regression while the ensemble learning classifiers are Random Forest and Gradient Boosting. The achieved result shows that the Logistic Regression is more accurate as compared to other selected classifiers in this study for human activity recognition. The higher accuracy rate of Logistic Regression is 96.1% for UCI-HAR and 94.5% for HAPT dataset among all the compared classifiers.


UCI-HAR dataset,HAPT dataset,Smartphones,Accelerometer and gyroscope Sensors,Classifiers,HAR,


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Damodara Krishna Kishore Galla, BabuReddyMukkamalla



Face analysis is a requisite notion for dissimilar appeal allied to artificial intelligence has made possible for Classification of Gender. Facial Data images are still an arduous task for biometric systems due to diverse expressions, dimensions, pose, illustrations and age in facial and other affiliated images includes dissimilar object label classifications. In this paper, SIFT Probabilistic Fuzzy C-means Clustering Approach (SPFCA) proposed to intensify the stratification methodology in object classification for dissimilar images using GSVM. This approach extremely used for recognition and classification of an object due to its fundamental properties which make decorous contrasting object classification in divergent types of robust in facial and other related images. SPFCA is robust clustering approach to diminish uproar insensitivity and assists to group the vicinity ages, male, female and objects. It also assists to find a solution for coinciding cluster complications which may face preceding clustering approaches. Consequently the proficiency can also be used to increase the comprehensive robustness of face recognition and multi-label object classification system and the result increases its invariance and make it a reliably passable biometric.


Object classification,fuzzy c-means clustering,Eigenvalues,shape,corner,wavelet transform,face recognition ,principal component analysis,


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Radhika chada, N. Shyam Kumar



Joining of heat-treated alloys(AA6061-T6) by Welding process often results a deterioration of mechanical properties because of the coarsening and dissolution of the strengthening precipitates(Mg2Si,Al3FeSi,Al12FeSi) at the weld nugget. However, its scares the applications of AA6061-T6 alloy. In order to enhance mechanical properties of Friction stir welded(FSW) AA6061-T6 alloy and to minimize the loss of T6 condition , four butt joints (FSW-SiC, FSW- B4C, FSW- Zn and FSW- Al2O3)were fabricate with the addition of harder reinforcement materials such as SiC, B4C,Zn and Al2O3 particles. In this study, the microstructure, tensile strength and  hardness of reinforced friction stir welded AA6061-T6 alloy joints were investigated, while the base metal and the welded joint prepared without reinforcement material were utilized as reference to control the process. The grains refinement ,which had been the reason for improved mechanical properties was increased with the addition of reinforced particles in the weld region. Due to the high density of homogeneous dispersion of harder reinforcement particles and  considerably increased grain refinement in the entire welded joints, all the reinforced welded joints resulted improvements over the unreinforced joint in terms of strength and hardness. The addition of SiC, B4C,Zn and Al2O3 reinforcements  particles increases the tensile strength by 24.2% ,1.79%,32.46 and 10.83% respectively, whereas the elongation decreased as compared to unreinforced welded. Due to extremely high hardness value and homogeneous dispersion of B4C particles in the FSW- B4C joint .It showed the highest percentage of hardness enhancement that was about 54.9% followed by Al2O3, SiC and Zn with improved hardness percentage as 50.37% 40.9%, and 23.2% respectively.


Friction Stir welding (FSW) AA 6061-T6 Hardness Reinforcement particles Microstructure,


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