Journal Vol – 15 No -3, March 2020



Khalifa Mohammad Helal



This study looks the steady problem which models the behavior of incompressible non-Newtonian viscoelastic Oldroyd-B fluid through a four-to-one abrupt contraction in a bidimensional domain The constitutive equations for the Oldroyd-B fluids consist of highly non-linear system of partial differential equations (PDE) of combined elliptic-hyperbolic type. The numerical results are obtained by a technique of decoupling the system into the Navier-Stokes like problems for the velocity and pressure (elliptic part of the system) and the steady tensorial transport equation for the extra stress tensor (hyperbolic part of the system). To approximate the velocity and pressure,  (Hood-Taylor) finite elements method is used whilethe discontinuous Galerkin finite element method is used to solve the tensorial transport part to approximate the extra stress tensor. Through the flow over four-to-one abrupt contraction domain, the effects of varying the parameters, i.e., i.e., Reynolds number, Weissenberg number, relaxation and retardation time parameter, on the contours of the velocity profile, stream line, pressure and extra stress tensor are presented, analyzed and discussed graphically.   


Viscoelastic fluid,Oldroyd-B fluid,Navier-Stokes equations,tensorial transport equations,finite element method,abrupt contraction,


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V. Jalaja, G.S.G.N. Anjaneyulu



In this article, initially we propose a new cryptosystem based on conjugacy using automorphism over non-commutative groups. We applied the proposed cryptosystem to design expert smart meters based on homomorphic encryption with double conjugacy. Smart meters will communicate mostly errorless client electricity consumption readings to suppliers. Although this provides benefits for both entities, it results in a severe loss of privacy for customers. We integrate a monitoring purpose system that preserves customer’s privacy by homomorphically accumulating the consumptions of all n members of a domain. This expert smart system has an proficient linear O(n) communication cost and is proven to protect customer’s privacy even in the presence of a corrupted substation and some malicious smart meters. It need not have any secure communication channels or a trusted third party(except for allotting public key certificates). The security of cryptosystem and smart metering depends on conjugacy and homomorphism. We also demonstrated that the comparison of smart meters with electronic meters by real time data.


Cryptosystem,Homomorphic Encryption,Conjugacy Problem ,Smart Metering,


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Nagaraju, Seetha Chaithanya, Hareesh Sita, D.V. Kiran



A variable speed motor is a switched reluctance motor (SRM) most widely used in many number of applications in industries. The major challenge in switched reluctance motor is production of high noise and vibrations due to its double salient design. For this bearingless switched reluctance motor (BSRM) is a feasible solution. It is an electromagnetic device combining conventional motor with active magnetic bearing. Currently, in caseofBSRMthe research have been fastened due to its simple and rugged construction, cost and fault tolerance as compared to conventional motors.This paper gives a comparative analysisonBSRMcomponents, its design considerations and different types of intelligent controllersareexplained in detail.


SRM,BSRM,AMB,Radial force,


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D. Madhusudana Reddy, E. Keshava Reddy



Suppose  assume that complex numbers  such thatas  well as well as  Where The conditions are satisfactory for analytic function Cauchy’s Riemann equations are satisfied for the functions Here observe that the most excellent  subordinate and best leading. The applications are applied of those results are equivalent;ask as well as results to generalize and number of known results. By using a method based upon the Briot-Bouquet differential subordination, we prove several subordination results involving starlike and convex functions of complex order. Some special cases and consequences of the main subordination results are also indicated [I]. The main object of the present sequel to the aforementioned works is to apply a method based upon the Briot-Bouquet differential subordination in order to derive several subordination results involving starlike and convex functions of complex order[II],[III]. We also indicate some interesting special cases and consequences of our main subordination results.


convex function,Star like function function,Differential subordination,Differential super ordination,


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Mahmood Hamid Yasen, Nabil Hassan Hadi



The significance of prosthesis and amputation have been presented, then the concept of under-actuation mechanism has been demonstrated, followed by an optimization procedure to get equal force distribution on a Coupling and Self-Adaptive three phalanxes prosthetic finger (iso-forced finger)Developing kinematic-mathematical model to get the required relations, to derive the objective function, then using multi-variable optimization with constraints, to determine the state of iso-forced finger. Discussing the results of the optimization and finding the average of the lengths of each link, finally explaining the stability of the new configuration, and the advantages of the new methodology.



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Tariq M. Hammza, EhabN.Abas, Nassear R. Hmoad



The effect of using lubricant oil additives on the dynamic behaviour of rotor bearing system has been studied in this paper; the modified lubricant oil viscosity relation due to adding additives to oil has been used in the Reynolds equation to calculate the lubricant oil pressure and reaction forces and the calculate dynamic coefficients of journal bearings. The response of rotor was determined analytical and verified the results with ANSYS software. The results show that the viscosity ratio is increasing with increase of aggregate and volume fraction. The lubricant oil pressure is increasing with increase of nanoparticles aggregate and volume fraction up to 130o bearing angular position then decreasing with increase of aggregate and volume fraction. The dynamic response is generally decreasing with increase of aggregate and volume fraction


Rotor,Dynamic Response,Nanoparticles Additives,Dynamic Coefficients,ANSYS,


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In the present world scenario, the Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) were getting importance because of their vital importance to plan out a well-defined scheme of Transmission Cost Allocation to the power system. This study focuses on the allocation of optimal and reliable costs for each generating unit for IEEE 30-bus system. This results in economic power generation in all the units of the distributed Energy Resources (DER). To obtain optimal and reliable cost, a cascaded algorithm combining Lightning Search Algorithm (LSA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is employed. The LSA obtains the optimal generation unit whereas the PSO determines the optimal cost of generation. Analysis of the power flow was done using the method of Newton Raphson’s method. Line Outage Distribution Factor, Transmission Reliability Margin, Generation cost and load cost are calculated before and after the line outage. The costvalues obtained for the proposed approach of Transmission Cost Allocation are validated with the existing work of Transmission Cost Allocation. The proposed system results in optimal and reliable cost, with economic power generation when compared to the existing method.


Transmission Cost Allocation,Lightning Search Algorithm,Particle Swarm Optimization,Distributed Energy Resources,Economic Power Generation,


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Praneet Raj Jeripotula, C. Anil Kumar, Mudavath Raju, B. Rajendra Naik



Adaptive antenna systems use advanced adaptive signal processing algorithms to generate main beams in the direction of interest and steer the nulls in the desired direction to reduce interferences from incoming signals. These algorithms are implemented in various applications such as channel equalization, object tracking, system identification and also in Radar systems which uses phased array antenna setup. In phased array radar systems, the noise and interference mitigation is a challenging task. The optimization of these algorithms to generate signals at a faster rate, steering nulls in the unwanted directions thereby improving the signal qualityis  very crucial. Few major factors which effect the Adaptive beam forming are complexity, rate of convergence, placing deeper nulls. A novel algorithm is proposed namely Normalized Leaky Variable Step Size-LMS algorithm. The proposed algorithm is applied to a uniform linear array of 8, 12, 16 and 32 elements configurations for different test cases. To demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm comparison is made with the traditional Least Mean Square, Variable Step Size LMS, and Leaky LMS algorithms. The results show the rate of convergence performance is substantially improved by more than 50% for the proposed algorithm than the existing ones along with providing deeper nulls for interference suppression.


Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithm,Variable Step Size LMS algorithm,Leaky LMS algorithm,Null depth,Rate of Convergence,


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Abbas Karimi, Iraj Rezaei, Faraneh Zar Afshan



The vehicular ad hoc network (VANET), as a subset of the Mobile Case Network (MANET), provides the necessary platform for communication between vehicles and roadside equipment. One of the most important applications of the VANET network is to provide the necessary security for the passengers of vehicles and to improve the efficiency of resources in order to optimize the traffic flow. Therefore, providing quality of service (QoS) in this network will play an important role in the accuracy of intelligent transport system operation. In this paper, a new solution to improve the quality of service in VANET networks is presented. In the proposed method, the Cuckoo's search multi-objective optimization algorithm (MOCS) is used to optimize MAC layer parameters. In this method, the criteria of throughput, latency, and packet loss are considered as optimization objectives. The evaluation results of the proposed method show a 68% reduction in the time required to discover the optimal system parameters compared to the exhaustive search algorithm.


Ehicular Ad Hoc Network,Service Quality,Multi-Objective Optimization,Cuckoo Search,


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Maheswari Muthusamy, A.K. Parvathy



Wind energy is increasingly used as renewable energy worldwide. According to grid codes, wind turbines (WT) should essentially be coupled to grid throughout as well as following fault and source reactive power toward the grid with an objective of maintaining grid voltage. Doubly fed induction generator (DFIG), a wind turbine type enabling speed adjustment, is getting established currently in wind industry. Many DFIGs employ crowbar-based system to shelter the converter at the rotor side during disturbed and/or distorted grid voltage circumstances. Although it helps in protecting the generator, it does not warrant an appropriate grid support. This shortcoming led to designing anew coordinated controller that excludes or even cancels the need of a crowbar. This paper proposes fault confrontation controller (FCC) design to augment the feature -of low voltage ride through (LVRT) in this turbine. Considering the system’s nonlinear nature, an attractive FCC was constructed using computational intelligence (CI) techniques, namely fuzzy logic, back propagation network (BPN) and adaptive neuron fuzzy inference system (ANFIS).The simulation study demonstrates that the ANFIS system gives the best results for the proposed system.


Doubly Fed Induction Generator,LVRT,ANFIS,Computational Intelligence,


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