


MD. Hannan Miah, Ruhul Amin



Four concepts of supra fuzzy pairwise 𝑇𝟎 bitopological spaces are introduced and studied in this paper. We also establish some relationships among them and study some other properties of these spaces.


Fuzzy set,Supra topology,Supra fuzzy bitopological space,,Good extension,


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J. Mech. Cont.& Math. Sci., Vol.-15, No.-11, November (2020) pp 1-11
MD. Hannan Miah et al
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Khalid H. Malik, Sanaullah Dehraj, Sindhu Jamali, Sajad H. Sandilo, Asif Mehmood Awan



In this paper, a transversal vibration of an axially moving beam under the influence of viscous damping has been studied. The axial velocity of the beam is assumed to be positive, constant and small compared to wave-velocity. The beam is moving in a positive horizontal direction between the pair of pulleys and the length between the two pulleys is fixed. From a physical viewpoint, this model describes externally damped transversal motion for a conveyor belt system. The beam is assumed to be externally damped, where there is no restriction on the damping parameter which can be sufficiently large in contrast to much research material. The straightforward expansion method is applied to obtain approximated analytic solutions. It has been shown that the obtained solutions have not been broken out for any parametric values of the small parameter 𝜀. The constructed solutions are uniform and have been damped out. Even though there are several secular terms in the solutions, but they are small compared to damping.


Moving beam,Viscous Damping,Secular terms,Eigen functions,Straight-forward expansion method,


I. A. Maitlo, S. Sandilo, A. H. Sheikh, R. Malookani, and S. Qureshi, “On aspects of viscous damping for an axially transporting string,” Sci. int. (Lahore)., Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 3721–3727, (2016).
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J. Mech. Cont.& Math. Sci., Vol.-15, No.-11, November (2020) pp 12-22
Khalid H. Malik et al
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VI S. Dehraj, R. A. Malookani, and S. H. Sandilo, “On Laplace transforms and (in) stability of externally damped axially moving string”. Journal of Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical Sciences., Vol. 15, No. 8, pp. 282–298, (2020).
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IX. Sunny Kumar Aasoori, Rajab A. Malookani, Sajad H. Sandilo, Sanaullah Dehraj, A.H. Sheikh, : ON TRANSVERSAL VIBRATIONS OF AN AXIALLY MOVING STRING UNDER STRUCTURAL DAMPING, J. Mech. Cont. & Math. Sci., Vol.-15, No.-8, August (2020) pp 93-108.
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Rashid Ali, Muhammad Arshad



This research analyzes the design and simulation of a mobile robot using Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) and Unscented Kalman filter (UKF). The mobile platform has a differential configuration, where each track of a wheel is associated with an encoder. The EKF and UKF methods are used to integrate the measurements of a novel odometric system based on the optical mice and the measurements of a localization system based on a map of geometric beacons. Two different types of simulations have been performed for validating the results, either using the mouse-based odometric system or using the conventional wheel encoder-based odometric system, to compare and evaluate the errors made by each system.


Extended Kalman Filter,Unscented Kalman Filter,localization, odometry,encoder,optical mouse sensor,


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Saib Thiab Alwan



In this paper, carrier's generation-based graphene with applicability for wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) systems have been produced via an illumination of graphene by 980 nm. This technique allowed for servicing of a greater number of channels in a WDM system, and the carriers were able to travel in an optical channel with high data rate. Eight carriers, having a frequency spacing (FS) of 25 GHz and full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of 500 MHz, were created. These generated carriers were separately modulated with eight optical quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) signals and subsequently optically multiplexed and transmitted to an optical fiber channel. At the receiver side, the received signal was demultiplexed, and the performance of the system was analyzed via calculating the error vector magnitude and constellation diagram of the entire system. Opti System version 17.1 and Matlab software are used for demonstration of WDM system and carrier generation.


WDM system,Graphene-based carrier,Frequency spacing (FS),Quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK),Error vector magnitude (EVM),Eye diagram,


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Yaqoob Shah, Fawad Ahmad, Dr. Muhammad Zeeshan Ahad, Muhammad Saleem



Pervious concrete technology is a special and reliable way of fulfilling increasing specifications for the climate. Pervious concrete is important in restoring groundwater, minimize erosion and converging flood water by absorbing rainwater and allowing it to seep through the land. Pervious concrete is comprised of coarse aggregate, Portland cement and chemical admixtures and is a building substance. It is somewhat different from standard concrete since there are little to no fine aggregates. The main objective of this project work is to study the densification and splitting tensile strength with the infiltration rate of pervious concrete. Also to do water quality test of rainwater after passing from 3 inches of the charcoal layer. The results concluded Compressive and splitting stability of Pervious concrete shows an extensive increment in strength when 2% of Ta titanium Dioxide is replaced by cement at the curing age of 7, 14 and 28 days.  At 28 Days mean compressive and splitting tensile strength (Having Strength Enhancement Admixture) comes up to be 2104.5psi and 531.4 psi respectively which is considerable for Pervious concrete.  From the infiltration rate test it can be concluded that as the percentage of gravel increases in the concrete mix, the permeability or infiltration rate increases. Infiltration rate ranges from 838.5 in/hr to 927.8 in/hr for the two concrete mixes M1 (1:0:2.5) and M2 (1:0:3) respectively. From the water quality test it can be concluded that when rainwater is passed from a 3inches layer of charcoal the PH value increase from 4.47 to 5.77 which can be used for cleaning and bathing in our houses. Hence it is recommended that 100% reduction of sand from concrete give significant mechanical strength and an increase of infiltration rate can be proposed for the roadway of parking and walking track. Also after passing rainwater from 3 inches layer it can be recommended for cleaning and Bathing Purposes.


Pervious concrete,strength enhancement admixture,Full sand Reduction,Mechanical Properties,Infiltration Rate test,Rainwater,water quality test using charcoal,


I. A. Nagaraju, S.Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy, : EFFECT OF BINDER CONTENT ON SUPER PLASTICIZER DOSAGE FOR SELF-COMPACTING CONCRETE, J. Mech. Cont.& Math. Sci., Vol.-15, No.-4, April (2020) pp 36-46
II. Adil Afridi, Atif Afridi, Farhan Zafar, : A REVIEW OF PERVIOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT & TEST ON GEO TEXTILE, J. Mech. Cont.& Math. Sci.,Vol.-13, No.-5, November-December (2018) pp 114-126 .
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XXI. Singer, D.F. (2012). “An Examination of the Influence of Cement Paste on Pervious Concrete Mixtures.” Final Report, Civil Engineering, Clemson University.
XXII. Sriravindrarajah, R., Wang, N.D.H. and Ervi, L.J.W. (2012). “Mix Design for Pervious Recycled Aggregate Concrete.” International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, 6(4), 239-246.
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Mohammad Adil, Mirza Muhammad, Raheel Zafar, Salma Noor, Neelam Gohar, Tanveer Ahmed Khan, Hamza Jamal



The permeability of the soil is one of the most important properties of an unlined earthen canal or river bed. Using fine plastic particles has experimentally proven to reduce soil permeability, but the experimental study of the effect of a variety of types of plastic fines and their percentages in riverbed soil is tedious work to do. Estimation of permeability of riverbed soil by altering it with plastic fines using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) may reduce this effort. Particle size distributions (PSDs) have a significant influence on the permeability of bed soils. Being able to predict the permeability of bed soil by knowing the PSDs may provide an easy approach to know the loss of water by percolation. This study has investigated the quantitative relationships between permeability and PSD indices using ANNs. The aim was to build a mathematical model capable of predicting the permeability of bed soil by PSD indices of choice. A model was built using ANNs including PSD indices as input and permeability as output. The model stated that the coefficients of curvature and uniformity (Cc) and (Cu) and effective particle size (D50) may be used to predict the bed permeability. The computational model was able to predict the effect of variation of PSD indices on bed permeability, thus allowing increasing the efficiency of the river bed, to ensure maximum downstream water supply, lesser seepage and percolation and better productivity. The test result has confirmed the efficiency of the developed ANN tool in predicting the bed permeability for different PSD combinations.


River,permeability,plastic fines,neural network,


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Macro-Scale Numerical Modeling of Unreinforced Brick Masonry Squat Pier Under In-Plane Shear


Adil Rafiq, Muhammad Fahad, Mohammad Adil



Numerical modeling of brick masonry behaviour under different performance conditions has always remained a challenging task. Several modeling strategies have been developed for masonry, in general, through the course of time that have been simplified to speed up modeling and analysis duration. This ranges from a simplified strut model to a highly discontinuous micro-scale nonlinear model. With the current advent of high-speed computing and modeling tools, more realistic numerical modeling of masonry is now possible. In this paper, the strategy adopted is based on macro-scale modeling, where isotropic material properties are considered for the homogenous continuum. ABAQUS is used as a state-of-the-art finite element-based analysis and modeling tool. The Concrete Damage Plasticity (CDP) model is used for simulating inelastic material behaviour of brick and mortar, which is available in the ABAQUS library. This material model can be used in both implicit and explicit schemes of integration but the explicit procedure is highly preferred as it overcomes the convergence issues. Various parameters required for CDP modeling of brick and mortar are adapted from literature. The model is assembled in two parts, first part is modeled for masonry with both elastic and plastic properties, while the other part simulates a rigid beam at the top of the masonry part to create a uniform in-plane shear loading effect. The masonry part has been fixed at the bottom with free vertical ends, while horizontal in-plane displacement was applied to the top rigid beam. The load-displacement curves were generated from these models for monotonic push, to compare them with the envelopes of experimental results, loaded similarly. Since brick masonry is a highly disjointed material, it is a complicated procedure to develop an exact model and predict its exact behaviour. However, the overall representative load-displacement curve developed numerically was in good agreement with the ones produced experimentally.


Macro-Scale,Masonry,Numerical Model,Squat Pier,Tension Stiffening,


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Muhammad Arsalan Wahid, Muhammad Noman



Smart and cost-effective solutions for water quality monitoring are gaining attention with the recent advancement in information and communication system technology.  This paper aims at the design and development of the internet of things (IoT) based low-cost and portable water quality and quantity monitoring (WQQM) system. The proposed system not only monitors the water quality but also monitors the amount of water being utilized by the consumer. The main objective of designing WQQM is to ensure both purity and conservation of water. The water quality meter measures six qualitative parameters of water viz. potential hydrogen (pH), water temperature, atmospheric temperature, turbidity, and total dissolved solids (TDS). Whereas, the water quantity meter measures the water level and water flow to calculate the amount of water being used.  A custom printed circuit board (PCB) is designed to integrate all the sensors for quality and quantity measurement. The results generated by the WQQM system are wirelessly transferred, using Wi-Fi, to the online monitoring system.


IoT,water quality,water quantity,TDS,pH,turbidity,


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Kamran Malik , Muhammad Mujtaba Shaikh, Muhammad Saleem Chandio, Abdul Wasim Shaikh



Numerical integration is one of the fundamental tools of numerical analysis to cope with the complex integrals which cannot be evaluated analytically, and for the cases where the integrand is not mathematically known in closed form. The quadrature rules are used for approximating single integrals, whereas cubature rules are used to evaluate integrals in higher dimensions. In this work, we consider the closed Newton-Cotes cubature schemes for double integrals and discuss consequent error analysis of these schemes in terms of the degree of precision, local error terms for the basic form approximations, composite forms and the global error terms. Besides, the computational cost of the implementation of these schemes is also presented. The theorems proved in this work area pioneering investigation on error analysis of such schemes in the literature.      


Cubature,Double integrals,closed Newton-Cotes,Precision,Order of accuracy,Local error,Computational cost,


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Umair Aftab , Muhammad Mujtaba Shaikh, Muhammad Ziauddin Umer



Light metals and alloys are highly fascinated by aircraft industries due to their good strength-to-weight ratio, which is the prime requirement for aviation’s designers. Assembling of aircrafts components is often carried out using tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding, which is more acceptable for heat treatable aluminum alloys. We focus on the viable use of TIG welded assemblies of 6061 aluminum alloys to homogenize its hardness properties by heat treatment. Investigation proceeds by perceiving the effect of different precipitation hardening conditions on Aluminum alloy through their micro and macro-structural behavior and microhardness analysis. The statistical examination was conducted to evaluate the integrity of heat treated samples.  A new and efficient measure – the coefficient of reliability – is introduced to outline the best hardness preserving samples. The statistical analysis shows the effectiveness of the coefficient of reliability to outline the best samples. The experimental results show that the samples aged at 175oC for 12 hours preserve the hardness profile of the welded alloy. The result is also verified from the mean hardness, coefficient of reliability and standard deviation values and in agreement with literature.


6061-Al-alloy,Tungsten inert gas welding (TIG),Precipitation hardening,Micro and macro structures,Microhardness,Statistical analysis,


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